

The 2013 GitHub Game Off is Over!

See the winners, runners up and honorable mentions.

GitHub Game Off Game Jam

The Challenge

You have the entire month of November to create a web-based game loosely based on the theme "change".

What do we mean by loosely based on "change"? We literally mean, loosely based. Some examples might be a FPS where you throw the loose change in your pockets at the enemy or perhaps a puzzle game where you have to change form to overcome obstacles.

Your game. Your rules. You can participate either as an individual or as a team. You're encouraged to use open source libraries, frameworks, graphics, and sounds in your game.

The Prizes

We're giving away shiny new iPad Airs (16GB models) to our 5 lucky winners. Runners-up will receive a $100 credit for the GitHub Shop, where they can grab some of our :octocat: shirts, hoodies, stickers, and more!

All winners and runners-up will be showcased on our blog.


We have a handful of judges who are eager to play your games!

The Rules



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