

Kedro Snowflake Pipelines plugin

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<p align="center"> <a href="https://getindata.com/solutions/ml-platform-machine-learning-reliable-explainable-feature-engineering"><img height="150" src="https://getindata.com/img/logo.svg"></a> <h3 align="center">We help companies turn their data into assets</h3> </p>


This plugin allows to run full Kedro pipelines in Snowflake. Right now it supports


For detailed documentation refer to https://kedro-snowflake.readthedocs.io/


With starter

  1. Install the plugin

    pip install "kedro-snowflake>=0.1.0" 
  2. Create new project with our Kedro starter ❄️ Snowflights 🚀:

    kedro new --starter=snowflights --checkout=master
    <details> <summary>And answer the interactive prompts ⬇️ (click to expand) </summary>
    Project Name
    Please enter a human readable name for your new project.
    Spaces, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.
    Snowflake Account
    Please enter the name of your Snowflake account.
    This is the part of the URL before .snowflakecomputing.com
     []: abc-123
    Snowflake User
    Please enter the name of your Snowflake user.
     []: user2137
    Snowflake Warehouse
    Please enter the name of your Snowflake warehouse.
     []: compute-wh
    Snowflake Database
    Please enter the name of your Snowflake database.
    Snowflake Schema
    Please enter the name of your Snowflake schema.
    Snowflake Password Environment Variable
    Please enter the name of the environment variable that contains your Snowflake password.
    Alternatively, you can re-configure the plugin later to use Kedros credentials.yml
    Pipeline Name Used As A Snowflake Task Prefix
    Enable Mlflow Integration (See Documentation For The Configuration Instructions)
    The project name 'Snowflights' has been applied to: 
    - The project title in /tmp/snowflights/README.md
    - The folder created for your project in /tmp/snowflights
    - The project's python package in /tmp/snowflights/src/snowflights
  3. Run the project

    cd snowflights
    kedro snowflake run --wait-for-completion

In existing Kedro project

  1. Install the plugin
    pip install "kedro-snowflake>=0.1.0" 
  2. Initialize the plugin
  3. Run the project
    kedro snowflake run --wait-for-completion

Kedro pipeline in Snowflake Tasks

<img src="./docs/images/kedro-snowflake-tasks-graph.png" alt="Kedro Snowflake Plugin" title="Kedro Snowflake Plugin" />


<img src="./docs/images/snowflake_running_pipeline.gif" alt="Kedro Snowflake Plugin CLI" title="Kedro Snowflake Plugin CLI" />