

iCloud3 v3

CurrentVersion Type HACS

ProjectStage Released

iCloud3 is a device tracker custom component that tracks your iPhones, iPads and Apple Watches. iDevices in the Family Sharing List and the HA Mobile App Integration are trackable. The iDevice requests location data from from Apple's iCloud Location Services and monitors various triggers sent from the Home Assistant Mobile App to Home Assistant. Sensors are updated with the device's location, distance from zones, travel time to zones, etc.

Although AirPods and AirTags are in the iCloud Family Sharing list, they can not be tracked. They do not have the internal components to provide location data using cell towers and gps location information to Apple.

iCloud3 v3 Highlights

Although Home Assistant has it's own official iCloud component, iCloud3 goes far beyond it's capabilities. The important highlights include:

Tracking Information Screen with Event Log

The screens below are an example of how the many tracking sensors can be displayed. The screen on the left shows the current tracking formation for Gary while the Event Log on the right shows a history of important tracking events.


iCloud3 Documentation

Installing or Upgrading to iCloud3 v3

Important Links

Gary Cobb, aka GeeksterGary