


This repository contains Hands on Test Driven Development Katas - implemented using JavaScript

How to run the tests

Download or Clone the the project, navigate to the project folder in your Node console, and run

npm install
npm test `

Compile typescript files

To get the advantage of .ts file to generate .js files, run the following command

npm run compile

The above command will generate two files of extensions .js and .js.map in out folder. If you're adding/creating new .ts file(s), make sure you've added an entry in tsconfig.json file before executing above command.

How to contribute:

Want to contribute? Make a pull request (PR) to develop branch. Do not make any PR to Master branch.

More flavors

Lookig for implementation in your technology? There are more flavors of the repository:

  1. TDD Katas in .NET Core
  2. TDD Katas in Java
  3. TDD Katas in JavaScript - Current repository
  4. TDD Katas in Python
  5. TDD Katas in PHP


MIT License, refer: License info for more information.