

Unity + Python Google MediaPipe Avatar

NOTICE: this project has been replaced by Tracking4All which is actively supported and features much better quality and performance then this project.


This project is an attempt at binding the pose generated by MediaPipePose to arbitrary humanoid avatars inside of Unity. MediaPipe runs fully in Python and the results are piped to Unity for the avatar and visualization. The model, WebCam reading, and game all run on different threads.<br> image showing waving


  1. Install Python and Unity (2021.3.24f1 was used, but any version close to that should be fine).
  2. pip install mediapipe
  3. Clone/download this repository.
  4. Run main.py using Python.
  5. Run the Unity project while inside CalibrationScene.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions. You must copy the pose of the avatar using your webcam for calibration.
  7. Move around after the calibration to control the avatar. You may find this video helpful.

Tracking for Arbitrary Humanoid Avatars

By default, this project includes Unity-chan for testing. If you wanted to use other 3D models, see below:

  1. The humanoid avatar must be rigged for animation and configured as humanoid in the Unity Rig import settings. Also, the following bones are required: Upper Arm -> Hand, Upper Leg -> Foot, Hips -> Chest, Neck -> Head. Most humanoid avatars will have this by default.
  2. The resting pose of the avatar should be a T-pose.
  3. Add the Avatar script to the GameObject and correctly assign all the fields.

Contact me if you're having trouble with this.

Current Limitations


Unity-chan is licensed under the Unity-chan License Terms.<br> © Unity Technologies Japan/UCL

image showing waving