

Multithreaded Unity Python MediaPipe Body/Pose

NOTICE: this project has been replaced by Tracking4All which is actively supported and features much better quality, is cross-platform with embedded Unity support and more!


This is a project that tests Google MediaPipePose inside of Unity using Python bindings. Reading the WebCam and running the model occur on different threads. Basically, it's configurable full body tracking using a WebCam. What's more is that you can stay inside of a Python environment for all the mediapipe stuff (use all your usual libraries).<br> image showing waving


  1. Install Python and Unity (2021.3.17f1 was used, but any version close to that should be fine).
  2. pip install mediapipe
  3. Clone/download this repository.
  4. Run main.py using Python.
  5. Run the Unity project.
  6. Go back to the Unity view to see your body being tracked in real time.


image showing new version