

QtAwesome - Font Awesome for Qt Applications

QtAwesome is a library to add Font Awesome icons to your Qt application.

Table of Contents

Latest Release 6.5.1

Pro Sharp Thin font support.

View changelog

Font Awesome 6 Release

This is the Font Awesome 6 release. It replaces the main branch, which still was a Font Awesome 4 version. (There's also a Font Awesome 5 branch, but was never merged to the main/master branch.)

This release is not completely backwards compatible with the 4 and 5 releases. The decision was made for a new clean version which better suited for the future. (A compatibility layer is in development).

Previous versions used a hand-crafted icon list, this version has a generated list.

Having troubles with this new release?

Installation Free Version

The easiest way to include QtAweome in your project is to copy the QtAwesome directory to your project tree and add the following include() to your Qt project file:


Now you are good to go! The free fonts are included in this project.

Installation Pro version

To activate the pro version, fontAwesomePro config should be defined.


And the pro font files need to be copied to the QtAwesome/fonts/pro folder. (ex, Font Awesome 6 Brands-Regular-400.otf, etc... )

Basic Usage

You probably want to create a single QtAwesome object for your whole application.

fa::QtAwesome* awesome = new fa::QtAwesome(qApp)
awesome->initFontAwesome();     // This line is important as it loads the font and initializes the named icon map


Next the icons can be accessed via the awesome->icon method.

// The most performant operation the get an icon
QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton(awesome->icon(fa::fa_solid, fa::fa_wine_glass), "Cheers!");

// You can also use 'string' names to access the icons.
QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton(awesome->icon("fa-solid fa-coffee" ), "Black please!");

// The string items passed to the icon method  can be used without the 'fa-' prefix
QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton(awesome->icon("solid coffee" ), "Black please!");

// The style is also optional and will fallback to the 'solid' style
QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton(awesome->icon("coffee" ), "Black please!");

For shorter syntax (more Font Aweseome like) is possible to bring the fa namespace into the curren scope:

using namespace fa;
QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton(awesome->icon(fa_solid, fa_wine_glass), "Cheers!");

It is possible to create some extra options for the icons. The available options can be found in the Default options list

QVariantMap options;
options.insert("color" , QColor(255, 0 ,0));
QPushButton* musicButton = new QPushButton(awesome->icon(fa::fa_solid, fa::music, options), "Music");

The defaults option can also be adjusted via the setDefaultOption method.
For example having green disabled icons, it is possible to call:

awesome->setDefaultOption("color-disabled", QColor(0, 255, 0));

It also possible to render a label directly with this font

QLabel* label = new QLabel(QChar(fa::fa_github));
label->setFont(awesome->font(fa::fa_brands, 16));

Example Custom Painter

This example registers a custom painter for supporting an custom icon named 'duplicate' It simply draws 2 "plus marks".

class DuplicateIconPainter : public QtAwesomeIconPainter
    virtual void paint(QtAwesome* awesome, QPainter* painter, const QRect& rectIn, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state, const QVariantMap& options)
        int drawSize = qRound(rectIn.height() * 0.5);
        int offset = rectIn.height() / 4;
        QChar chr = QChar(static_cast<int>(fa::plus));
        int st = fa::fa_solid;

        painter->setFont(st, awesome->font(drawSize));

        painter->drawText(QRect(QPoint(offset * 2, offset * 2),
                          QSize(drawSize, drawSize)), chr ,

        painter->drawText(QRect(QPoint(rectIn.width() - drawSize-offset, rectIn.height() - drawSize - offset),
                                QSize(drawSize, drawSize) ), chr ,
                                QTextOption(Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter));

awesome->give("duplicate", new DuplicateIconPainter());

After this, this icon can be used with the given string name:


Default options

The following options are the defaults in the QtAwesome class.

setDefaultOption("color", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::Text));
setDefaultOption("color-disabled", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text));
setDefaultOption("color-active", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text));
setDefaultOption("color-selected", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text));

setDefaultOption("text", QString()); // internal option
setDefaultOption("text-disabled", QString());
setDefaultOption("text-active", QString());
setDefaultOption("text-selected", QString());

setDefaultOption("scale-factor", 0.9);

Extra items for the pro version

setDefaultOption("duotone-color", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::BrightText));
setDefaultOption("duotone-color-disabled", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::BrightText));
setDefaultOption("duotone-color-active", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::BrightText));
setDefaultOption("duotone-color-selected", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::BrightText));

When creating an icon, it first populates the options-map with the default options from the QtAwesome object. After that the options are expanded/overwritten by the options supplied to the icon.

It is possible to use another glyph per icon-state. For example to make an icon-unlock symbol switch to locked when selected, you could supply the following option:

options.insert("text-selected", QString(fa::fa_lock));

Color and text options have the following structure: keyname-iconmode-iconstate

When iconmode normal is empty
And iconstate on is blank

So the list of items used is:

Known Issues And Workarounds

On Mac OS X, placing an qtAwesome icon in QMainWindow menu, doesn't work directly. See the following issue: [https://github.com/gamecreature/QtAwesome/issues/10]

A workaround for this problem is converting it to a Pixmap icon:

QAction* menuAction = new QAction("test");

Summary of Changes


Thanks go to the contributors of this project!

Many thanks go to Dave Gandy an the other Font Awesome contributors!! https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome And of course to the Qt team/contributors for supplying this great cross-platform c++ library.

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork and send a pull request through Github.

<a href="https://github.com/gamecreature/qtawesome/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=gamecreature/qtawesome" /> </a>

<small>Contribution list made with contrib.rocks.</small>



MIT License. Copyright 2013-2022 - Reliable Bits Software by Blommers IT. https://blommersit.nl/

The Font Awesome font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License - https://scripts.sil.org/OFL The Font Awesome pictograms are licensed under the CC BY 3.0 License - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ "Font Awesome by Dave Gandy - https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome"