

docsify plugin: Flexible Alerts

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This docsify plugin converts blockquotes into beautiful alerts. Look and feel can be configured on a global as well as on a alert specific level so output does fit your needs (some examples are shown below). In addition, you can provide own alert types.

Sample alerts created with plugin 'flexible-alerts'

Installation and Usage

Step #1 - Update index.html file

Assuming you have a working docsify app set up, it is easy to use this plugin.

  1. Add the following script tag to your index.html

    <!-- Latest -->
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/docsify-plugin-flexible-alerts"></script>
  2. In docsify setup configure the plugin so it does fit your needs. A custom setup is not mandatory. By default styles flat and callout (Default: callout) and types NOTE, TIP, WARNING and ATTENTION are supported.

    You can change it using plugin configuration via index.html or for a single alert in your markdown files. (please see section Customizations for further details)

    Sample index.html file using style flat instead of callout

      window.$docsify = {
        'flexible-alerts': {
          style: 'flat'

    Sample index.html using custom headings

      window.$docsify = {
        'flexible-alerts': {
          note: {
            label: "Hinweis"
          tip: {
            label: "Tipp"
          warning: {
            label: "Warnung"
          attention: {
            label: "Achtung"

    Sample index.html using multilingual headings

      window.$docsify = {
        'flexible-alerts': {
          note: {
            label: {
              '/de-DE/': 'Hinweis',
              '/': 'Note'
          tip: {
            label: {
              '/de-DE/': 'Tipp',
              '/': 'Tip'
          warning: {
            label: {
              '/de-DE/': 'Warnung',
              '/': 'Warning'
          attention: {
            label: {
              '/de-DE/': 'Achtung',
              '/': 'Attention'

Step #2 - Prepare documentation

Modify or add a new blockquote so it matches required syntax like shown in following examples:

Step #3 - docsify commands

Serve your documentation (docsify serve) as usual.


To use the plugin just modify an existing blockquote and prepend a line matching pattern [!type]. By default types NOTE, TIP, WARNING and ATTENTION are supported. You can extend the available types by providing a valid configuration (see below for an example).

> [!NOTE]
> An alert of type 'note' using global style 'callout'.
> [!NOTE|style:flat]
> An alert of type 'note' using alert specific style 'flat' which overrides global style 'callout'.

As you can see in the second snippet, output can be configured on alert level also. Supported options are listed in following table:

KeyAllowed value
styleOne of follwowing values: callout, flat
labelAny text
iconA valid Font Awesome icon, e.g. 'fas fa-comment'
classNameA name of a CSS class which specifies the look and feel
labelVisibilityOne of follwowing values: visible (default), hidden
iconVisibilityOne of follwowing values: visible (default), hidden

Multiple options can be used for single alerts as shown below:

> [!TIP|style:flat|label:My own heading|iconVisibility:hidden]
> An alert of type 'tip' using alert specific style 'flat' which overrides global style 'callout'.
> In addition, this alert uses an own heading and hides specific icon.

Custom alert

As mentioned above you can provide your own alert types. Therefore, you have to provide the type configuration via index.html. Following example shows an additional type COMMENT.

  window.$docsify = {
    'flexible-alerts': {
      comment: {
        label: 'Comment',

        // localization
        label: {
          '/en-GB/': 'Comment',
          '/': 'Kommentar'

        // Assuming that we use Font Awesome
        icon: 'fas fa-comment',
        className: 'note'

Since we are using FontAwesome in previous example we have to include the library via index.html, e.g. using a CDN.

In Markdown just use the alert according to the types provided by default.

> An alert of type 'comment' using style 'callout' with default settings.

Custom alert type 'comment'

Instead of configuring this plugin using key flexible-alerts you can use camel case notation flexibleAlerts as well.

  window.$docsify = {
    'flexibleAlerts': {
      style: 'flat'


If alerts do no look as expected, check if your index.html as well as alerts in Markdown are valid according to this documentation.








