

BLE plugin for Apache Cordova with Nordic DFU

This plugin enables communication between a phone and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripherals. It is a fork of excellent don/cordova-plugin-ble-central plugin enriched with Nordic Semiconductors Android and iOS DFU libraries.

For the main documentation, please visit the base plugin GitHub page. This page covers only additional installation requirements and extended API.


For using this plugin on iOS, there are some additional requirements:


$ cordova plugin add https://github.com/flemmingdjensen/cordova-plugin-ble-central.git

Extended API

PhoneGap Build


After installation, the following additions should be made to the app's Info.plist


$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ble-central --variable BLUETOOTH_USAGE_DESCRIPTION="Your description here" --variable IOS_INIT_ON_LOAD=true|false --variable BLUETOOTH_RESTORE_STATE=true|false --variable ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION=true|false

It's recommended to always use the latest cordova and cordova platform packages in order to ensure correct function. This plugin generally best supports the following platforms and version ranges:

10+6.2.0+10.0+not tested

All variables can be modified after installation by updating the values in package.json.

Android permission conflicts

If you are having Android permissions conflicts with other plugins, try using the slim variant of the plugin instead with cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ble-central@slim. This variant excludes all Android permissions, leaving it to the developer to ensure the right entries are added manually to the AndroidManifest.xml (see below for an example).

To include the default set of permissions the plugin installs on Android SDK v31+, add the following snippet in your config.xml file, in the <platform name="android"> section:


Upgrade a peripheral firmware.

ble.upgradeFirmware(device_id, uri, progress, failure);


Function upgradeFirmware upgrades peripheral firmware using the Nordic Semiconductors' proprietary DFU protocol (hence only Nordic nRF5x series devices can be upgraded). It uses the official DFU libraries for each platform and wraps them for use with Apache Cordova. Currently only supported firmware format is a ZIP file prepared using Nordic CLI utilities.

The function presumes a connected BLE peripheral. A progress callback is called multiple times with upgrade status info, which is a JSON object of the following format:

    "status": "--machineFriendlyString--"

A complete list of possible status strings is:

The list is only approximately ordered. Not all statuses all presented on both platforms. If status is progressChanged, the object is extended by a progress key like so:

    "status": "progressChanged",
    "progress": {
        "percent": 12,
        "speed": 2505.912325285,
        "avgSpeed": 1801.8598291,
        "currentPart": 1,
        partsTotal: 1

In a case of error, the JSON object passed to failure callback has following structure:

    "errorMessage": "Hopefully human readable error message"

Please note, that the device will disconnect (possibly multiple times) during the upgrade, so the ble.connect error callback will trigger. This is intentional.


Quick Example

// presume connected device

var device_id = "BD922605-1B07-4D55-8D09-B66653E51BBA"
var uri = "file:///var/mobile/Applications/12312-1231-1231-123312-123123/Documents/firmware.zip";

ble.upgradeFirmware(device_id, uri, console.log, console.error);