


Episode 2: Revenge of the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

margerine is a root exploit and adb enabler for the DJI Air Unit (wm150), Caddx Vista (lt150), FPV Goggles V1 (gl150), and FPV Googles V2 (gl170/gp150) from the same people that brought you USB Video Out.

Currently only works reliably on Windows and Mac OS X, Linux has strange issues in the USB stack - YMMW.


Install nodejs v16 or above and the Javascript dependencies:

npm install

Remove your SD card for the duration of the exploit, power up the device, connect it via USB and run:

node margerine.js unlock

Have fun! consider donating and join us on our Discord.


Other notes

What can I do with this?

Additional Documentation

Check out our wonderful wiki.

Advanced usage

node margerine --help
margerine <command>

  margerine unlock [serialport]        unlock device and enable adb
  margerine lock [serialport]          disable adb and relock device
  margerine proxy [port]               start the built in http -> https proxy
  margerine.js shell <command> [port]  execute a command on rooted device,
                                       once per reboot
  --help     Show help                                               
  --version  Show version number                                       


See the wiki.

It's spelled margarine

No, it's not.


While this is an original exploit by Joonas Trussmann, it would not have been even remotely possible without work by @tmbinc and @bin4ry. Also a shout out to the rest of the OG's for all their work on dji-firmware-tools.

Special thanks go to: @jaanuke, @funnel and @fichek over on our Discord.

Support the effort

If you'd like, you can support the effort on Open Collective, send some ETH to 0xbAB1fec80922328F27De6E2F1CDBC2F322397637 or BTC to 3L7dE5EHtyd2b1tXBwdnWC2MADkV2VTbrq.