

2D Camera

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Simple camera built on top of gl-matrix for 2D scenes. Heavily inspired by Mikola's Orbit Camera.

Also see:


npm install camera-2d-simple gl-matrix

Note, gl-matrix is a required dependency but it's not prebundled!


import createCamera from 'camera-2d-simple';


<a name="createCamera" href="#createCamera">#</a> <b>createCamera</b>(<i>target = [0,0]</i>, <i>distance = 1</i>, <i>rotation = 0</i>, <i>viewCenter = [0,0]</i>, <i>scaleBounds = [[0, Infinity], [0, Infinity]]</i>, <i>translationBounds = [[-Infinity, Infinity], [-Infinity, Infinity]]</i>)

Creates a 2d camera looking at target from a certain distance.

Returns A new 2d camera object


<a name="camera.view" href="#camera.view">#</a> camera.<b>view</b>

The current view matrix (mat4) of the camera.

<a name="camera.viewCenter" href="#camera.viewCenter">#</a> camera.<b>viewCenter</b>

The current view center.

<a name="camera.translation" href="#camera.translation">#</a> camera.<b>translation</b>

The camera translation needed to look at the target.

<a name="camera.target" href="#camera.target">#</a> camera.<b>target</b>

The camera center in normalized device coordinates. This is a shorthand for inverseOf(camera.view) * [0,0,0,1].

<a name="camera.scaling" href="#camera.scaling">#</a> camera.<b>scaling</b>

The camera scaling. Larger scaling means the camera is closer to the target. This is the inverse of distance, i.e., 1 / distance.

<a name="camera.scaleBounds" href="#camera.scaleBounds">#</a> camera.<b>scaleBounds</b>

The scale limits.

<a name="camera.distance" href="#camera.distance">#</a> camera.<b>distance</b>

Distance of the camera to the target. This is the inverse of scaling, i.e., 1 / scaling.

<a name="camera.rotation" href="#camera.rotation">#</a> camera.<b>rotation</b>

Rotation in radians around the z axis.


<a name="camera.lookAt" href="#camera.lookAt">#</a> camera.<b>lookAt</b>(<i>target = [0,0]</i>, <i>distance = 1</i>, <i>rotation = 0</i>)

Move the camera center to target given the distance and rotation.

<a name="camera.translate" href="#camera.translate">#</a> camera.<b>translate</b>(<i>[x,y]</i>)

Moves the center of the camera by x and y pixel.

<a name="camera.pan" href="#camera.pan">#</a> camera.<b>pan</b>(<i>[x,y]</i>)

Same as camera.translate()

<a name="camera.scale" href="#camera.scale">#</a> camera.<b>scale</b>(<i>delta</i>, <i>scaleCenter</i>)

Zooms in or out by delta with respect to scaleCenter in [x,y]. The new distance will be distance * delta.

For x and y specific scaling, you can specify a tuple as detla ([xDelta, yDelta]).

<a name="camera.zoom" href="#camera.zoom">#</a> camera.<b>zoom</b>(<i>delta</i>, <i>scaleCenter</i>)

Same as camera.scale()

<a name="camera.rotate" href="#camera.rotate">#</a> camera.<b>rotate</b>(<i>angle</i>)

Rotate the camera by angle (in radians) around the z axis with respect to the viewport center.

<a name="camera.setScaleBounds" href="#camera.setScaleBounds">#</a> camera.<b>setScaleBounds</b>(<i>bounds</i>)

Set the scaling limits. Expects a tuple of the min and max allowed scale factors.

For x and y specific scale bound, you can specify a tuple of tuple ([[xScaleMin, xScaleMax], [yScaleMin, yScaleMax]]). Make sure to take special care when using scale() in this scenario as the scale can get out of sync.

<a name="camera.setView" href="#camera.setView">#</a> camera.<b>setView</b>(<i>view</i>)

Set the camera to the view matrix (mat4).

<a name="camera.setViewCenter" href="#camera.setViewCenter">#</a> camera.<b>setViewCenter</b>(<i>viewCenter</i>)

Set viewCenter w.r.t. the canvas.

<a name="camera.reset" href="#camera.reset">#</a> camera.<b>reset</b>()

Reset the camera to the initial target, distance, and rotation.