


A generic pluggable query-engine system (that supports indexes) for levelup/leveldb databases.

Using this architecture you can query your levelup database using your own query langauge with full index support.

Query languages currently supported

Here is a list of the query plugins that are currently written and work with level-queryengine:

Write YOUR own query language plugins to run on top of levelup, and get the full benefit if indexing for highly-performant lookups!

Why is this needed?

Because while it is relatively easy to programatically write your own stream filters to query levelup, making efficient use of indexes (particularly when multiple indexes may be available) is painful.

This module allows you to write your own index implementations and query languages and have the query engines work out what the best indexes are to use.

Query languages will generally have a declarative syntax that specifies what fields are to be retrieved, and this can be used to identify indexes, and then most efficiently retrieve your data.


Install via npm:

$ npm install level-queryengine


Example Usage with the jsonquery-engine:

var levelQuery = require('level-queryengine'),
    jsonqqueryEngine = require('jsonquery-engine'),
    pairs = require('pairs'),
    levelup = require('levelup'),
    db = levelQuery(levelup('my-db'));


// index all the properties in pairs
db.ensureIndex('*', 'pairs', pairs.index);

// alternatively you could just index the properties you want:
// db.ensureIndex('num');
// db.ensureIndex('tags');

db.batch(makeSomeData(), function (err) {
  // compound mongodb / jsonquery query syntax
  db.query({ $and: [ { tags: 'tag1' }, { num: { $lt: 100 } } ] })
    .on('data', console.log)
    .on('stats', function (stats) {
      // stats contains the query statistics in the format
      //  { indexHits: 1, dataHits: 1, matchHits: 1 });

Example Usage with the fulltext-engine:

var levelQuery = require('level-queryengine'),
    fulltextEngine = require('fulltext-engine'),
    levelup = require('levelup'),
    db = levelQuery(levelup('my-db'));


// index the properties you want (the 'doc' property on objects in this case):
db.ensureIndex('doc', 'fulltext', fulltextEngine.index());

db.batch(makeSomeData(), function (err) {
  // will find all objects where 'my' and 'query' are present
  db.query('doc', 'my query')
    .on('data', console.log)
    .on('stats', function (stats) {
      // stats contains the query statistics in the format
      //  { indexHits: 1, dataHits: 1, matchHits: 1 });

  // will find all objects where 'my' OR 'query' are present
  db.query('doc', 'my query', 'or')
    .on('data', console.log)
    .on('stats', function (stats) {
      // stats contains the query statistics in the format
      //  { indexHits: 1, dataHits: 1, matchHits: 1 });

Example Usage with the path-engine:

var levelQuery = require('level-queryengine'),
    pathEngine = require('path-engine'),
    levelup = require('levelup'),
    db = levelQuery(levelup('my-db'));


// index the properties you want:

db.batch(makeSomeData(), function (err) {
  // will find all objects with the num field set to 42
  db.query(['num', 42])
    .on('data', console.log)
    .on('stats', function (stats) {
      // stats contains the query statistics in the format
      //  { indexHits: 1, dataHits: 1, matchHits: 1 });



Returns a function which you call on your levelup instance to add query and indexing capabilities. Eg:

var levelQuery = require('level-queryengine'),
    levelup = require('levelup'),
    db = levelQuery(levelup('my-db'));


Sets the query engine to use for subsequent #query calls.

A queryEngine plugin is simply an object that returns the following functions:

// example
  query: query,
  match: matchfn,
  plans: {
    'property': propertyPlanFn,
    'pairs': pairsPlanFn


Executes query using the current query engine, and returns a stream of values.


This project is under active development. Here's a list of things I'm planning to add: