

Antelope BP Information Standard

JSON Standard for Block Producer Information on Antelope (former EOSIO) Blockchains

This is a proposed standard for Block Producer candidates to publish as the URL field of the regproducer action on the eosio.system contract.

The current revision v1.0.5 is compliant with the JSON schema Draft 2019-09

How to use it if you are Block Producer Candidate

Create a file named bp.json in the root of your domain. For instance https://yourwebsite.com/bp.json When you register your producer using the system.regproducer action, the url field should be filled with https://yourwebsite.com. Do not put the bp.json file in the url.

Overriding data for specific chains

The recommended way to specify multiple bp.json files under the same domain is to use the a chains.json file pointing to each <chain>.json file according to the chain_id, for example:

  "chains": {
    "aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906": "/bp.json",
    "1064487b3cd1a897ce03ae5b6a865651747e2e152090f99c1d19d44e01aea5a4": "/wax.json",
    "4667b205c6838ef70ff7988f6e8257e8be0e1284a2f59699054a018f743b1d11": "/telos.json",
    "21dcae42c0182200e93f954a074011f9048a7624c6fe81d3c9541a614a88bd1c": "/fio.json",
    "38b1d7815474d0c60683ecbea321d723e83f5da6ae5f1c1f9fecc69d9ba96465": "/libre.json",
    "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000123": "/other_chain.json"

It's posible to not include the slash on the sub-url value, as it is implied we are building an url.

You can also override properties of the base bp.json file by creating a chain specific json file next to your base.


The bp.json and bp.${chain_id}.json will be merged and any property inside of the chain specific json file will override the base properties.

API Features

For query type nodes one or more features from the list below must be added:

Useful Links

One can check for data validity using: https://www.jsonschemavalidator.net/