

Keycloak OpenFGA Event Publisher

This is a Keycloak extension that implements an Event Listener Provider to detect Identity events and publish them to the OpenFGA server over HTTP, thanks to the OpenFGA Java SDK.
This extension allows for direct integration between Keycloak and OpenFGA. OpenFGA is an open source solution for Fine-Grained Authorization that applies the concept of ReBAC (created by the Auth0 inspired by Zanzibar). The extension follows these steps:

  1. Listens to the following Keycloak events based on his own Identity, Role and Group model (e.g., User Role Assignment, Role to Role Assignment, etc)

  2. Converts these event into an OpenFGA Tuple key based on the OpenFGA Authorization Schema:

<p align="center"> <img width="70%" height="70%" src="images/openfga-authz-model.png"> </p>
  1. Publishes the Tuple keys to the OpenFGA solution using the OpenFGA Java SDK. Apps and APIs can then use OpenFGA as a PDP (Policy Decision Endpoint) to enforce the authorization policies.

Solution Architecture Overview (New)

This extension improves the Authorization Architecture described in the article Keycloak integration with OpenFGA (based on Zanzibar) for Fine-Grained Authorization at Scale (ReBAC) by enabling direct event synchronization between the Access Manager Platform and the OpenFGA Server.

A brief introduction of the new simplified Authorization Architecture is as follows:

<p align="center"> <img width="70%" height="70%" src="images/solution-architecture.png"> </p>

How does it work?

The main purpose of this SPI is to listen to the Keycloak events and publish these events to an OpenFGA solution.

Here is a high level overview of the extension:

<p align="center"> <img width="40%" height="40%" src="images/listener.png"> </p>

In this case, the extension listens to the Admin Events related to operation in Keycloak Identity, Role and Group model. So far, the extension proceeds with the following steps:

  1. Parses and enriches the default Keycloak events in the following cases:
Keycloak Event (Friendly Name)Description
User Role AssignmentUser is assigned to a Keycloak Role
Role To Role AssignmentRole is assigned to a parent Keycloak Role
Group To Role AssignmentGroup is assigned to a Keycloak Role
User Group MembershipUser is assigned to a Group
  1. Transforms the Keycloak event into an OpenFGA ClientWriteRequest object, thanks to the OpenFGA Java SDK.
Keycloak Event (Friendly Name)OpenFGA (Tuple Key)
User Role AssignmentUser related to the object Role as assignee
Role To Role AssignmentRole related to the object Role as parent
Group To Role AssignmentGroup related to the object Role as parent group
User Group MembershipUser related to a Group as assignee

These are all the OpenFGA events handled by the provided keycloak-openfga-authorization-model. You can edit the authorization model to handle the desired events.

  1. Publishes the event to OpenFGA solution

Publishes the ClientWriteRequest object to the OpenFGA server over an HTTP request fgaClient.write(request) with the OpenFGA SDK client.

How to install?

Download a release (*.jar file) that works with your Keycloak version from the list of releases. Or you can build with bash mvn clean package

Follow the below instructions depending on your distribution and runtime environment.

Quarkus-based distro (Keycloak.X)

Copy the jar to the providers folder and execute the following command:

${kc.home.dir}/bin/kc.sh build

Container image (Docker)

For Docker-based setups mount or copy the jar to


With the release of Keycloak 17 the Quarkus-based distribution is now fully supported by the Keycloak team. Therefore, <b>I have not tested this extension in Wildfly-based distro </b> :exclamation: ️

Module Configuration

The following properties can be set via environment variables following the Keycloak specs, thus each variable MUST use the prefix KC_SPI_EVENTS_LISTENER_OPENFGA_EVENTS_PUBLISHER.

You may want to check docker-compose.yml as an example.

Keycloak Configuration

Enable OpenFGA Event Publisher extension in Keycloak

Enable the Keycloak OpenFGA Event Listener extension in Keycloak:

<img src="./images/kc-admin-events.png" width="80%" height="80%">

Test Cases

The test cases are available in the workshop: