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<p align="center"> <img style='height: auto; width: 80%; object-fit: contain' src="./img/EAF_Banner_Transparent.png"> <br>A free/libre and open-source extensible framework that revolutionizes the graphical capabilities of Emacs. <br>The key to ultimately <i>Live in Emacs</i> </p>


<img src="./framework.png">

Emacs, the extensible text editor, is more than 45 years old. It is older than virtually all operating systems people use today, almost as old as the first UNIX system. During the decades of development, the world's brightest hackers have contributed their intelligence and creativity. Together they've constructed the most comprehensive and richest ecosystem that you can find in any software to date.

If you are a hacker who works with numerous languages and text, who's keyboard-driven and desires maximum freedom, extensibility, and introspectivity over your tool, maybe to the extent of living in it, Emacs will be your best bet.

Unfortunately, this 45 years of age is also one of the greatest disadvantages of Emacs. Comparing with modern software, Emacs lacks performance. Specifically Emacs Lisp lacks performance. It doesn't have proper multithreading and its graphical capabilities are seriously limited. It is far from what you'd expect from any GUI application today (such as IDEA or VSCode). You may think that Emacs, as a text-centric editor, doesn't need them, but have you ever run into a situation that, you sit comfortably typing commands and doing your Emacs sorcery, but can't help but ponder:

What if Emacs had a real browser?
What if this PDF or video file could be viewed efficiently without leaving Emacs?

Emacs, although infinitely extensible in text, is very limited in graphics. It shouldn't have to be this way. However, Emacs Lisp is the integral part of the Emacs culture, it carries decades of history with itself, it is what makes Emacs special. It is irreplaceable.

The vision of the Emacs Application Framework (EAF) project is, while fully retaining the rich history, culture, and ecosystem of Emacs and Emacs Lisp, to open up completely new doors to the ecosystems of Python, Qt6, and even JavaScript. EAF extends Emacs to the world of modern graphics, but still preserving the extensibility and customizability of Emacs. It will be the key to ultimately Live in Emacs.


EAF is very extensible. We ship a lot of applications, feel free to choose anything you find interesting to install:

BrowserPDF Viewer
<img src="./img/browser.png" width="400"><img src="./img/pdf-viewer.png" width="400">
Music PlayerFile Manager
<img src="./img/music-player.png" width="400"><img src="./img/file-manager.png" width="400">

... plus many more!

EAF in EmacsConf

EmacsConf 2020: <a href="https://emacsconf.org/2020/talks/34/">Extend Emacs with EAF</a>EmacsConf 2021: <a href="https://emacsconf.org/2021/talks/eaf/">EAF: A 2021 Update</a>
<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/HK_f8KTuR0s/0.jpg" width=400><img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/bh37zbefZk4/0.jpg" width=400>


EAF supports Linux (X11 and Wayland), Windows, macOS and FreeBSD. The installation method is very simple.

1. Download EAF

git clone --depth=1 -b master https://github.com/emacs-eaf/emacs-application-framework.git ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/emacs-application-framework/

2. Install/Update EAF applications and dependencies

You can use M-x eaf-install-and-update or manually run the install-eaf.py script in the EAF directory:

cd emacs-application-framework
chmod +x ./install-eaf.py

There are many useful flags available for install-eaf.py, check it yourself using --help.

There are four types of support for the Wayland environment:

Unity environment support: requires xdotool to be installed.

3. Load EAF Core

From here on, you can add the full path to the EAF installation directory to your Emacs load-path, then add the following to init.el:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/emacs-application-framework/")
(require 'eaf)

4. Load EAF Apps

You can use below code to load applications browser and pdf-viewer that you installed. Please check Applications for the full list:

(require 'eaf-browser)
(require 'eaf-pdf-viewer)

5. Hooray!

Congratulations, you just installed EAF! You can try M-x eaf-open-demo (that is if you have demo installed, of course) to see if everything works properly, and enjoy the new possibilities of Emacs.

Below are launch commands of EAF Applications:

Application NameLaunch
BrowserM-x eaf-open-browser Search or Goto URL
M-x eaf-open-browser-with-history Search or Goto URL or Goto History
HTML Email RendererM-x eaf-open-mail-as-html in gnus, mu4e, notmuch HTMl Mail
PDF ViewerM-x eaf-open PDF File
Video PlayerM-x eaf-open Video File
Image ViewerM-x eaf-open Image File
Markdown PreviewerM-x eaf-open Markdown File, select markdown-previewer
Org PreviewerM-x eaf-open Org File, select org-previewer
CameraM-x eaf-open-camera
TerminalM-x eaf-open-pyqterminal
File ManagerM-x eaf-open-in-file-manager
RSS ReaderM-x eaf-open-rss-reader
Git ClientM-x eaf-open-git
Map Route PlanningM-x eaf-open-map
File SenderM-x eaf-file-sender-qrcode or eaf-file-sender-qrcode-in-dired
File BrowserM-x eaf-file-browser-qrcode
AirshareM-x eaf-open-airshare
MarkmapM-x eaf-open Markdown or Org file, select markmap
MindmapM-x eaf-create-mindmap or M-x eaf-open-mindmap
MS Office ViewerM-x eaf-open-office
JupyterM-x eaf-open-jupyter
Music PlayerM-x eaf-open-music-player
System MonitorM-x eaf-open-system-monitor
DemoM-x eaf-open-demo to verify basic functionality
Vue DemoM-x eaf-open-vue-demo to verify vue.js functionality


Also, you should regularly git pull and run install-eaf.py (M-x eaf-install-and-update) to update EAF, its applications, and relating dependencies.

Report bug

For any installation and configuration assistance, please read the Wiki and FAQ.

If you encounter a problem with EAF, and it occurred after pulling the latest commit, please check the Mandatory Procedures to Keep Your EAF Up-To-Date page first.

For any other problems, please use emacs -q and load a minimal setup with only EAF to verify that the bug is reproducible. If emacs -q works fine, probably something is wrong with your Emacs config.

If the problem persists, please report it here with the *eaf* buffer content. It contains many clues that can help us locate the problem faster.

If you get a segfault error, please use the following way to collect crash information:

  1. Install gdb and turn on option (setq eaf-enable-debug t)
  2. Use the command eaf-stop-process to stop the current process
  3. Restart eaf, send issue with *eaf* buffer content when next crash

EAF in the community

A list of other community packages that use EAF to enhance their graphical experiences!

If we missed your package, please make a PR to add it to the list.


<a href = "https://github.com/emacs-eaf/emacs-application-framework/graphs/contributors"> <img src = "https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=emacs-eaf/emacs-application-framework"/> </a>

Join Us

Do you want to make Emacs a real "operating system"?

Do you want to live in Emacs more comfortably?

Do you want to revolutionize the capabilities of Emacs?

Let's hack together!