

Nexus Uplink Client (Isomorphic)

Nexus Uplink is an dead-simple, lightweight protocol on top of which Flux over the Wire can be implemented.

On the client side, a Nexus Uplink Client can react to stores updates, and dispatch actions. On the server side, a Nexus Uplink Server can react to actions dispatchs, and update stores.


This package is an isomorphic (which means it can run on either Node.js or in the browser via browserify/webpack) implementation of the Nexus Uplink client-side protocol. Also see the simple server implementation of the Nexus Uplink server-side protocol.


On the server:

var server = new UplinkSimpleServer({
  pid: _.guid('pid'),
  // stores, rooms and actions are url patterns whitelists
  stores: ['/ping'],
  rooms: [],
  actions: ['/ping'],
  // pass an express or express-like app
  app: express().use(cors())

var pingCounter = 0;

// setup action handlers
server.actions.on('/ping', function(payload) {
  // guid is a cryptosecure unique user id, automatically maintained
  var guid = payload.guid;
  var remoteDate = payload.localDate;
  var localDate = Date.now();
  console.log('client ' + guid + ' pinged.');
  console.log('latency is ' + (localDate - remoteDate) + '.');
  server.update({ path: '/ping', value: { counter: pingCounter }});

On the client:

var client = new Uplink({ url: 'http://localhost' });

// subscribe to remote updates
client.subscribeTo('/ping', function(ping) {
  console.log('ping updated', ping.counter);

// fire-and-forget dispatch actions
setInterval(function() {
  client.dispatch('/ping', { localDate: Date.now() });
}, 1000);


npm install nexus-uplink-simple-server --save