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ECX is Entity Component System framework for Haxe



var config = new WorldConfig([...]);
var world = Engine.createWorld(config, ?capacity);


Entity is just integer id value. 0 is reserved as invalid id.


All services are known at world creation. World provides possibility to resolve services. World::resolve use constant Class<Service> for resolving. At compile-time these expressions will be translated to lookup array access by constant index with unsafe cast (pseudo example: cast _services[8]). For hxcpp poiter trick is used to avoid generating dynamic_cast.


Each service could have dependencies on different services. With Wire<T:Service> you could inject your dependencies to instance fields.

For example we need to inject TimeSystem system to our MovementSystem

class MovementSystem extends System {
    var _time:Wire<TimeSystem>;
    override function update() {
        var dt = _time.dt;


For all System For example we need to track all active(live) entities with components: Transform, Node and Renderable

class MovementSystem extends System {
    var _entities:Family<Transform, Node, Renderable>;
    override function update() {
        // Note: typeof _entities is Array<Entity>
        for(entity in _entities) {
            // only entities with required component will be displayed

System Flags


Component is a way to associate [data] per Entity. You could just use component-builders to define your own components.

class Position extends AutoComp<Point> {}

/// later just use it like Point class per entity
_position.get(entity).x = 10;

Or you could create any custom crazy ComponentStorage / ComponentManager.

class Color extends Service implements Component {
    // BitmapData is used just to demonstrate that you are not limited to anything to store <component data> per <entity>
    // Each pixel is color for entity
    var _colors:BitmapData;


    inline public function get(entity:Entity):Int {
        _colors.getPixel32(entity.id % _stride, Std.int(entity.id / _stride));


Injection: World Component is Service, so you are able to invoke all messages directly to other services. Implementation: Component is just interface, you could iterate all registered components and access their base API per entity. It's handy for automatically cloning or serialization.


ServiceType, ServiceSpec, ComponentType, ClassMacroTools


TypeManager (WIP)


Use -D ecx_debug for debugging Use -D ecx_macro_debug for macro debugging