

BigDL Tutorials

<img src="images/bigdl-logo-bw.jpg"/>

This repository contains tutorials and examples of Intel BigDL software.


About BigDL

BigDL is a Deep Learning framework.
TODO add more.
You can find more below



We have an easy to use Docker container with BigDL and all dependencies and utilities needed.

Step 1:

Install Docker for your platform

Step 2:

Download this repository to your machine.
You can either use

    $    git clone https://github.com/elephantscale/bigdl-tutorials

or download the repository as a zip file and unzip it.

Step 3:

Go into your directory and launch the following command

    $    ./run-bigdl-docker.sh   bigdl/bigdl
    # $    ./run-bigdl-docker.sh   <image id>

This will launch the Docker container and run Jupyter notebook

Step 4:

Go to Jupyter notebook url displayed on the console, it will look like http://localhost:8888?token=abcdef12345

Step 5:

Navigate to work directory and you will see notebook tutorials.

Note : Please do all the work in the work directory. Any work you do in work directory will be saved automatically on your machine. And the changes will be available even after Docker container has exited.

<img src="images/docker1.png"/>


If you'd like to build your own version of Docker container, please see instructions in docker/README.md