

Robust Equivariant Imaging (REI) in PyTorch

arXiv GitHub Stars

Robust Equivariant Imaging: a fully unsupervised framework for learning to image from noisy and partial measurements

Dongdong Chen, Julián Tachella, Mike E. Davies.

The University of Edinburgh, UK

In CVPR 2022 (oral)


Deep networks provide state-of-the-art performance in multiple imaging inverse problems ranging from medical imaging to computational photography. However, most existing networks are trained with clean signals which are often hard or impossible to obtain. This work aims to solve the challenge: learn the reconstruction function from noisy and partial measurements alone. Please find our presentation video for a quick introduction.

Background: Equivariant Imaging (EI)

<div align=center><img width="650" src="https://github.com/edongdongchen/REI/blob/main/images/schematic_equivariance.png"></div>

Figure 1: Equivariant imaging systems. If the set of signals is invariant to a certain set of transformations, the composition of imaging operator (<img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=A">) with the reconstruction function (<img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=f_\theta">) should be equivariant to these transformations.

Robust Equivariant Imaging (REI)

<div align=center><img width="650" src="https://github.com/edongdongchen/REI/blob/main/images/fig_cvpr_rei.png"></div>

Figure 2: REI training strategy. <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=x^{(1)}"> represents the estimated image, <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=T_g"> is the transformation, while <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=x^{(2)}"> and <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=x^{(3)}"> represent <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=T_gx^{(1)}"> and the estimate of <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=x^{(2)}"> from the (noisy) measurements <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=\tilde{y} = A (x^{(2)})"> respectively. The SURE loss aims to estimate the measurement consistency of clean measurement, REQ (robust equivariance) loss is the error (e.g. MSE) between <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=x^{(2)}"> and <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=x^{(3)}">.

<div align=center><img width="600" src="https://github.com/edongdongchen/REI/blob/main/images/fig1_mri.png"></div>

Figure 3: Motivation. The performance of EI degrades with increasing noise. From top to bottom: reconstructions of EI, supervised (Sup) baseline, and the proposed REI on 4× accelerated MRI with Gaussian noise level <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=\sigma"> = 0.01, 0.1, 0.2. PSNR values are shown in the top right corner of the images

flexible flexible Figure 4: More results. From top to bottom: reconstruction of <img src="https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=A^{\dagger}y">, EI, REI, Sup and the groundtruth on the non-linear CT (with MPG noise) and Inpainting (with Poisson noise) tasks, respectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

We collected some Frequently Asked Questions, please find the above Q & A.

Run the code

  1. Requirements: configure the environment by following: environment.yml to run Inpainting and CT experiments. To run MRI experiments, please install the 'fastmri' package by pip install fastmri.

  2. Find the implementation of Robust Equivariant Imaging (REI):

    • REI for the accelerated MRI task and the Inpainting task: rei_end2end.py
    • REI for the low-dose and sparse-view CT task: rei_end2end_ct.py
    • Find our implementation of SURE for Gaussian and Poisson noise models at: rei_end2end.py
    • Find our implementation of SURE for Mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise model at: rei_end2end_ct.py
  3. Download datasets from the below source and move them under the folders: ./dataset/mri, ./dataset/Urban100, and ./dataset/CT, repectively:

  4. Train: run the below scripts to train REI models:

    • run ./demo_scripts/demo_mri.py, ./demo_scripts/demo_inpainting.py, ./demo_scripts/demo_ct.py to train REI for MRI, Inpainting, and CT tasks, respectively.
    • or run train_bash.sh to train REI models on all tasks.
    bash train_bash.sh
  5. Test: run 'demo_test.py' to test the performance (PSNR) of a trained model on a specific task.

    python3 demo_test.py

    We also provide the trained models used in the paper which can be downloaded at Google Drive. Please put the downloaded folder 'ckp' in the root path.

  6. To solve a new inverse problem, one only needs to

    • step 1: implement their own forward model (physics of sensing model)
    • step 2: determine the transformation group
    • step 3: specify the path of new dataset


If you use this code for your research, please cite our papers.

      title     = {Equivariant Imaging: Learning Beyond the Range Space},
      author    = {Chen, Dongdong and Tachella, Juli{\'a}n and Davies, Mike E},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
      month     = {October},
      year      = {2021},
      pages     = {4379-4388}}

      title     = {Robust Equivariant Imaging: a fully unsupervised framework for learning to image from noisy and partial measurements},
      author    = {Chen, Dongdong and Tachella, Juli{\'a}n and Davies, Mike E},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
      year      = {2022}}