

Community Signup Serverless Service with Lambda, Python, StepFunction and DynamoDB

Build Status Python 2.7

Blog post: Exploring Serverless with Python, StepFunctions, and Web Front-end Serverless

This time, with Serverless framework

This is a 'take two' on Slack Signup with AWS Lambda. It was simple and functional, but working with AWS raw is such a pain in the butt...

Here, I use 1) serverless.com to make working with lambda enjoyable and 2) AWS step-functions for multi-step sign-up workflow that touches multiple services. In this particular example, the workflow does what StackStorm signtup needs:

It is easy to modify to add your custom steps, have fun!

Serverless application diagram

Install, configure, deploy, test

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Install serverless framework, and the required plugins:

    npm install -g serverless
    npm install

    I use serverless-stepfunction plugin to write stepfunction as YAML in serverless.yaml and expose it as an API endpoint, and serverless-apig-s3 for convenient front-end deployment to the same URI (no CORS messing).

  3. Configure credentials

    1. For AWS credentials, follow setup docs. I prefer using [AWS CLI with named profiles](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/ cli-multiple-profiles.html). To use an AWS profile, export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE="profileName". Test AWS CLI settings: aws lambda list-functions.

      To use an AWS profile in Serverless, export AWS_PROFILE=$AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE, to match aws CLI profile and avoid confusion. You MUST also specify the AWS region in AWS_REGION for serverless, as it won't take it from AWS profile. So, three env vars in total:

      export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE="profileName"
      export AWS_REGION=us-west-2

      NOTE: Till the bug #3947 fixed,the way to set a region is by --region in sls CLI.

      Or use --aws-profile profileName when invoking sls CLI. Unfortunately there's no way to test it before you try to deploy.

      Create ./private.yml file and set up the accountID and region there, see private.yml.example. Note that region must match

    2. Slack and ActiveCampaign: place your credentials and config in ./env.yml, use env.yml.example. To find your Slack credentials for production or testing, use this hint from Stackstorm-Exchange.

  4. Deploy

    1. Install Python dependencies:

    2. Deploy serverless stack

      sls deploy -v
    3. Deploy web client

      sls client deploy
  5. Run, with curl:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email":"your@email.com", "first_name":"Donald", "last_name":"Trump"}'  https://wqftmz3m97.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/signup

    Or, with serverless, for convenience:

    sls invoke stepf --name signup --data '{"email":"your@email.com", "first_name":"Donald", "last_name":"Trump"}' 

Unit testing and local development

  1. Run tox (dah, tox and all your Python stack needs to be installed)

    virtualenv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r tests/test_requirements.txt
  2. To run unit tests for local testing/development:

    # Activate virtualenv from tox
    source ./tox/py27/bin/activate
    # Run all tests
    python -m pytest
    # Run a single test and print the output ( -s flag ) 
    python -m pytest -s tests/invite_slack_test.py::InviteSlackTest::test_handler_ok 

Tips and tricks