

Slack Signup with AWS Lambda

Serverless slack sign-up with AWS Lambda, in Python. Inspired by Serverless Slack Invite Service.

Consider doing it with serverless framework, see https://github.com/dzimine/slack-signup-serverless/

This creates a serverless service for users to sign up for invitations to your Slack. Similar to slackin, but serverless, that is, no need to run (and pay for) a [virtual] server. The invitation function will run on demand and you only pay per use.

As a learning exercise for AWS Lambda and serverless, this project is a take one: it uses AWS "raw", with AWS all configurations done with aws CLI and some console, to understanding the fundamentals of Lambda and API Gateway, and to appreciate the need for a good framework, like serverless.com.

Disclaimer: The README.md are not (yet) full blown instructions but more "the notes to myself", PG rated, read on your risk.


AWS Lambda cheat sheet:

API Gateway

Follow the step by step instructions in the Step-by-step guide. At this point I said Fuck it I go serverless.com and re-implemented it, see https://github.com/dzimine/slack-signup-serverless/

The notes on this section are ways too long to post here and generally repeat the Step-by-step guide. There are few traps I got into, so I may still post it later.

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