

<h1 align="center">Uptime Card</h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/custom-components/hacs"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/HACS-Default-orange.svg" /> </a> <a href="https://github.com/dylandoamaral/uptime-card"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/dylandoamaral/uptime-card" /> </a> <a href="https://github.com/dylandoamaral/uptime-card"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/m/dylandoamaral/uptime-card" /> </a> <a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dylandoamaral"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/buy%20me%20a%20coffee-donate-yellow" /> </a> </p> <p align="center">A minimalist card inspired by the <a href="https://www.redditstatus.com">reddit status</a> UI to display binary sensors in a nice way.</p> <p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylandoamaral/uptime-card/main/images/showcase.png" /> </p>

Install 🏠

:warning: Versions 0.x.x are not very stable and still have many bugs, please create an issue if you encounter a bug or have a feature request.

HACS (recommended)

This card is available in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store).

Manual install

  1. Download and copy uptime-card.js from the latest release into your config/www directory.
  2. Add the resource reference inside your configuration.yaml with URL /local/uptime-card.js and type module.
  3. Add the custom card to your panel and 🚀.

Configuration ⚙ī¸

Uptime card is highly customizable.

Global config

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
entity (required)stringv0.0.1Specify entity ID of the sensor
attributestringv0.5.0Set the attribute name if the state to monitor isn't the default one.
okstring or string[]v0.0.1Specify the on state(s) for the entity, either ok or ko should be set if entity isn't a binary sensor. More info.
kostring or string[]v0.0.1Specify the off state(s) for the entity, either ok or ko should be set if entity isn't a binary sensor. More info.
nonestring or string[]v0.14.0Specify the none state(s) for the entity. More info.
iconstringicon attribute || mdi:heartv0.0.1Specify a custom icon from mdi icons or an image from /local path (since v0.4.0), e.g. mdi:home
ko_iconstringicon option || icon attribute || mdi:heartv0.2.0Specify a custom icon for ko status, e.g. mdi:home
none_iconstringicon option || icon attribute || mdi:heartv0.14.0Specify a custom icon for none status, e.g. mdi:home
hours_to_shownumber24v0.0.1Set the number of hours to show, you can go to the minute, you can go up to the minute (1 minute == 0.0167 hours_to_show). :warning: It is deprecated and should be replaced by duration.
update_intervalnumber30v0.0.1Set the minimum update interval for the card in seconds.
title_templatestring[[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name; ]]]v0.8.0Set the template for the title. More info.
average_templatestring%v0.5.0Set the template for the average. More info.
severitynumber100v0.0.1Set a threshold in percentage to specify when a bar both ok and ko is red instead of yellow.
status_templatestring[[[ return variables.current ]]]v0.1.0Set the template for the status. More info.
title_adaptive_colortrue/falsefalsev0.0.2Make the title color adapt with the entity color.
status_adaptive_colortrue/falsefalsev0.0.2Make the name color adapt with the entity color.
icon_adaptive_colortrue/falsefalsev0.0.2Make the name color adapt with the entity color.
tooltip_adaptive_colortrue/falsefalsev0.1.0Make the name color adapt with the entity color.
color_thresholdslist of thresholdsv0.4.0Set the color thesholds.

Bar config

Parent key: bar

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
heightnumber46v0.0.1Set the height of the bars.
roundnumber1v0.0.1Set the round radius for the bars.
spacingnumber4v0.0.1Set the spacing between the bars.
amountnumber36v0.0.1Set the number of bars.

Color config

Parent key: color

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
okcolor #45C669v0.0.1Set the ok color.
kocolor #C66445v0.0.1Set the ko color.
halfcolor #C6B145v0.0.1Set the half color.
nonecolor #C9C9C9v0.0.1Set the none color.
titlecolor greyv0.0.2Set the title text color, title_adaptive_color must be false.
statuscolor greyv0.0.2Set the status text color, status_adaptive_color must be false.
iconcolor var(--state-icon-color)v0.0.2Set the icon text color, icon_adaptive_color must be set to false.
ko_iconcolorsame as iconv0.15.0Set the ko icon text color, same as icon if not set, icon_adaptive_color must be set to false.
tooltipcolor greyv0.1.0Set the tooltip text color, tooltip_adaptive_color must be false.
footercolor #AAAAAAv0.15.0Set the footer text color.

Show config

Parent key: show

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
headertrue/falsetruev0.0.1Show/hide the header.
titletrue/falsetruev0.1.0Show/hide the title.
icontrue/falsetruev0.0.1Show/hide the icon.
statustrue/falsetruev0.0.1Show/hide the status.
timelinetrue/falsetruev0.0.1Show/hide the timeline.
averagetrue/falsetruev0.0.2Show/hide the average.
footertrue/falsetruev0.0.1Show/hide the footer.

Alias config

Parent key: alias

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
okstringv0.0.1Set a friendly name for ok state.
kostringv0.0.1Set a friendly name for ko state.

Tooltip config

Parent key: tooltip

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
hour24true/falsefalsev0.1.0Set to true to display time in 24-hour format.
templatestring[[[ return variables.from_date ]]] - [[[ return variables.to_date ]]] | [[[ return variables.average ]]]%v0.1.0Set a template for the tooltip More info.
animationtrue/falsetruev0.1.0Set to true to show bar animation on hover.

Action config

Parent key: tap_action

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
actionmore-info/url/navigate/toggle/call-service/fire-dom-eventmore-infov0.2.0 (more-info/url) v0.3.0 (navigate/toggle/call-service/fire-dom-event)Action to perform.
entitystringv0.3.0(Only for more-info) Override the entity for more information.
navigation_pathstringv0.3.0(Only for navigate) Path to navigate to (e.g. /lovelace/0/).
url url_pathstringv0.2.0 v0.3.0(Only for url) URL to open.
servicestringv0.3.0(Only for call-service) Service to call.
service-datastringv0.3.0(Only for call-service) Service data to include.
hapticsuccess/warning/failure/light/medium/heavy/selectionv0.3.0Haptic feedback for the [Beta IOS App].(https://www.home-assistant.io/ios/beta)
confirmationobjectv0.3.0Display a confirmation popup.

Parent key: tap_action.confirmation

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
textstringv0.3.0This text will be displayed in the popup.
exemptionsarrayv0.3.0Any user declared in this list will not see the confirmation dialog.

Alignment config

Parent key: alignment

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
headerleft/right/center/spacedspacedv0.2.0Select the spacing strategy between title and icon.
icon_firsttrue/falsefalsev0.2.0Set the icon before the title.
statusleft/right/center/spacedspacedv0.2.0Select the spacing strategy between state and tooltip.
tooltip_firsttrue/falsefalsev0.2.0Set the tooltip before the status.

Blink config

Parent key: blink

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
effectfade/shadowv0.4.0The blink effect (shadow only works with card target).
targetcard/status/title/iconv0.4.0Set the component to blink.
speednumberv0.4.0The animation speed.

Initialisation config

Parent key: init

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
animationnone/raise/slide/revealraisev0.9.0The initialization animation More info.
durationnumber0.5v0.9.0The initialization animation duration.

Clipping config

Parent key: clip

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
titlenumber25v0.11.0The max length of the title before clipping.
statusnumber25v0.11.0The max length of the status before clipping.

Duration config

Parent key: duration

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
quantitynumber24v0.16.0The quantity of the total duration of the card.
unitminute/hour/day/week/month/yearhourv0.16.0The unit of the total duration of the card.

Examples 📊

Example 1

<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylandoamaral/uptime-card/main/images/example_1.png" /> </p>
type: 'custom:uptime-card'
entity: binary_sensor.updater
icon: 'mdi:raspberry-pi'
title_template: HA update
status_adaptive_color: true
  ok: Update available !
  ko: No update for the moment...
  icon: grey
  footer: false
  quantity: 1
  unit: week

Example 2

<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylandoamaral/uptime-card/main/images/example_2.png" /> </p>
type: 'custom:uptime-card'
entity: sun.sun
title_template: Sun
icon: 'mdi:weather-sunny'
ko_icon: 'mdi:weather-sunny-off'
ko: below_horizon
icon_adaptive_color: true
title_adaptive_color: true
  ok: '#F9d71C'
  ko: '#053752'
  half: '#EF810E'
  spacing: 4
  height: 10
  round: 4
  average: false
  status: false
  status: spaced
  header: left
  icon_first: true
  action: more-info
  quantity: 1
  unit: day

Example 3

<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylandoamaral/uptime-card/main/images/example_3.png" /> </p>
type: 'custom:uptime-card'
entity: binary_sensor.ping_google
# Home Assistant ping integration - https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/ping
title_template: 'https://www.google.com/'
icon: 'mdi:heart'
title_adaptive_color: true
average_template: '[[[ return variables.uptime.toFixed(2); ]]]% uptime'
  height: 46
  round: 0
  spacing: 10
  amount: 6
  status: false
  icon: false
  action: url
  url_path: 'https://www.google.com/'
  status: spaced
  header: center
  quantity: 3
  unit: day

Additional information ℹī¸

ok and ko options

For non binary sensors, the uptime card will be in unknown state because the card cannot ascertain whether it's state corresponds to ok or ko.

These can be indiviually specified with either ok or ko.

The none state mapping could be used if you need to consider some states as unknown. For example, if your sensor has on, off, unknown and unavailable state values, you can pass [unknown, unavailable] to none and those states will be visible as unknonw.

These options follow these rules:

Color thresholds

You can specify the color of the bars using color.ok, color.ko, color.half and the severity, however you can have only three colors for your bars and you can't control them as much as you may want. That's the reason why color_thresholds exists.

You can specify color_thresholds to erase the color.ok, color.ko, color.half behaviour by specifing a list of thresholds with the following data structure:

NameType / OptionsDefaultSinceDescription
valuenumberv0.4.0Threshold value.
colorstringv0.4.0CSS color which will be used for levels below or equal the value field.


  - value: 20
    color: red
  - value: 40
    color: blue
  - value: 60
    color: orange
  - value: 100
    color: green

With the above configuration, if the uptime of the current bar is less or equal than 20 then the bar will be red or else if it is less or equal than 40 then the bar will be blue and so on. The repartition looks like:

0        20       40       60      100
    red     blue    orange    green


Since v0.9.0 you can customize the initialization animation.

You have three choices:


<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylandoamaral/uptime-card/main/images/animation_raise.gif" /> </p>


<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylandoamaral/uptime-card/main/images/animation_reveal.gif" /> </p>


<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dylandoamaral/uptime-card/main/images/animation_slide.gif" /> </p>


Custom templates can be used to customize the displayed text of status, average and tooltip.

Generally speaking, templates allows the ability to print either current values from the sensor or special variables, available either for the status or the tooltip.

Either generic or specific interpolations exist using [[[ my.function ]]] structure.

Under the hood, since v0.5.0, it uses the javascript Function. It allows you to freely customize the fields using javascripts.

Generic interpolations

By default, for both all templates you can print sensor data using the variable entity.

For example, using sensor sun.sun has the following attributes:

next_dawn: 2021-04-03T04:35:43+00:00
next_dusk: 2021-04-02T18:49:59+00:00
next_midnight: 2021-04-02T23:43:38+00:00
next_noon: 2021-04-02T11:44:03+00:00
next_rising: 2021-04-03T05:10:32+00:00
next_setting: 2021-04-02T18:15:16+00:00
elevation: 38.83
azimuth: 148.33
rising: true
friendly_name: Sun

The attribute friendly_name can be used using template, [[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name ]]].

Since v0.7.0, you can get the yaml card configuration inside the template using the variable configuration.

As an example, you can print the average uptime as HH:MM:SS instead of the average pourcentage using the following code in average_template:

let date = new Date(0);
seconds = Math.trunc((configuration.duration.quantity * 3600) * variables.uptime / 100);
return date.toISOString().substr(11, 8)

Specific interpolations

By default some templates has their own interpolations using the variable variables.


status has the following interpolations:


tooltip has the following interpolations:


These can be combined to create a sentence.

As an example, to retrieve the status of a sun.sun entity, template [[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name ]]] is [[[ return variables.current ]]] can be specified.

Which will print Sun is Above Horizon (if the sensor is in ok state and if alias is Above Horizon.)


Don't hesitate to ask for features or to contribute by yourself ⭐.

For developers 👨‍đŸ’ģ

If you want to add a feature or fix a bug by yourself, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the project inside a devcontainer.
  2. Run npm start.
  3. Open the browser and go to http://localhost:8123/.
  4. Make changes and see the changes into the home assistant instance.


This repository is inspired by two other cards, mini-graph-card and boilerplate-card.