

Dbias - Detecting Bias and ensuring Fairness in AI solutions

This package is used to detect and mitigate biases in NLP tasks. The model is an end-to-end framework that takes data into a raw form, preprocess it, detect the various types of biases and mitigate them. The output is the text that is free from bias.

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For more details, we would suggest reading the paper

Text DebiasingReturns debiased news recommendations with bias probability
Bias ClassificationClassifies whether a news article is biased or not with probability
Bias Words/Phrases RecognitionExtract Biased words or phrases from the news fragment
Bias maskingReturns the news fragment with biased words masked out


Use the package manager pip to install Dbias.

pip install Dbias
pip install https://huggingface.co/d4data/en_pipeline/resolve/main/en_pipeline-any-py3-none-any.whl


To de-bias a news article

from Dbias.text_debiasing import * 

# returns unbiased recommendations for a given sentence fragment.
run("Billie Eilish issues apology for mouthing an anti-Asian derogatory term in a resurfaced video.", show_plot = True)
<img src="plots/bias probability plot.png" alt="drawing" />

To Classify a news article whether it's biased or not

from Dbias.bias_classification import *

# returns classification label for a given sentence fragment.
classifier("Nevertheless, Trump and other Republicans have tarred the protests as havens for terrorists intent on destroying property.")

To Recognize the biased words/phrases

from Dbias.bias_recognition import *

# returns extracted biased entities from a given sentence fragment
recognizer("Christians should make clear that the perpetuation of objectionable vaccines and the lack of alternatives is a kind of coercion.")

To Mask out the biased portions of a given sentence fragment

from Dbias.bias_masking import *

# returns extracted biased entities from a given sentence fragment
masking("The fact that the abortion rate among American blacks is far higher than the rate for whites is routinely chronicled and mourned.")

Please find more examples in the notebook section.


This is a collective pipeline comprises of 3 Transformer models to de-bias/reduce amount of bias in news articles. The three models are:


This model is part of the Research topic "Bias and Fairness in AI" conducted by Deepak John Reji, Shaina Raza, Chen Ding If you use this work (code, model or data),

Please cite our Research Paper

and please star at: Bias & Fairness in AI, (2022), GitHub repository, https://github.com/dreji18/Fairness-in-AI


MIT License