

Ignore mouse inputs in emacs

It's possible to disable mouse bindings in emacs, either with keymap-set by hand, or just by using a package like disable-mouse. Unfortunately, mouse input events are still sent to emacs, they just aren't bound to anything. As a result, you intend to type C-c C-x j, but you bump your laptop's touchpad and emacs complains that C-c C-x <wheel-down> is not bound.

Instead, we ignore these at the input-decode-map level. This seems to work. However, I've barely tested it, and core emacs maintainers made ominous warnings about "ghost events" and possible undesirable effects on while-no-input. Does this matter? I have no idea! Caveat emptor.


Hopefully this will be on MELPA before anyone finds it.

If you're handsome enough to use Doom Emacs, you can install directly from here with

(package! ignore-mouse
  :recipe (:host github
           :repo "dradetsky/ignore-mouse"))

It's probably also possible to do this with native straight.el (as opposed the Doom wrapper), but I wouldn't know. Good luck with that!

You can also install it manually if you're some kind of psychopath, but I won't be providing instructions since I don't support that kind of degeneracy.


(ignore-mouse-global-mode +1)