

<h1 align="center">Bootstrap Blazor Component</h1> <div align="center"> <h2>Bootstrap Blazor is an enterprise-level UI component library based on Bootstrap and Blazor.</h2>

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English | <a href="README.zh-CN.md">中文</a>

.NET Foundation

<img align="right" src="https://github.com/dotnet-foundation/swag/blob/main/logo/dotnetfoundation_v4.png?raw=true" width="68px" />

<p>This project is part of the <a href="https://www.dotnetfoundation.org/">.NET Foundation</a> and operates under their <a href="https://www.dotnetfoundation.org/code-of-conduct">code of conduct</a>. </p>


Online Examples

website website

Installation Guide

Create a new project from the dotnet new template

  1. Install the template

dotnet new install Bootstrap.Blazor.Templates::*

  1. Create the Boilerplate project with the template

dotnet new bbapp

Install Bootstrap Blazor Project Template

  1. Download Project Template

Microsoft Market link

  1. Double Click BootstrapBlazor.UITemplate.vsix

Import Bootstrap Blazor into an existing project

  1. Go to the project folder of the application and install the Nuget package reference

dotnet add package BootstrapBlazor

  1. Add the stylesheet javascripts file to your main index file - Pages/_Host.cshtml (Server) or wwwroot/index.html (WebAssembly)


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    . . .
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="_content/BootstrapBlazor/css/bootstrap.blazor.bundle.min.css">
    . . .
    <script src="_framework/blazor.server.js"></script>
    <script src="_content/BootstrapBlazor/js/bootstrap.blazor.bundle.min.js"></script>
  1. Open the ~/Startup.cs file in the and register the Bootstrap Blazor service:


namespace BootstrapBlazorAppName
    public class Startup
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            //more code may be present here

        //more code may be present here

Visual Studio Integration

To create a new Bootstrap Blazor UI for Blazor application, use the Create New Project Wizard. The wizard detects all installed versions of Bootstrap Blazor for Blazor and lists them in the Version combobox—this enables you to start your project with the desired version. You can also get the latest version to make sure you are up to date.

  1. Get the Wizard

To use the Create New Project Wizard, install the Bootstrap Blazor UI for Blazor Visual Studio Extensions. You can get it from the:

  1. Start the Wizard

To start the wizard, use either of the following approaches

Using the Project menu:

Supported browsers

chrome firefox edge ie Safari Andriod oper

Mobile devices

ios Andriod windows

ChromeFirefoxSafariAndroid Browser & WebViewMicrosoft Edge
AndroidSupportedSupportedN/AAndroid v5.0+ supportedSupported
Windows 10 MobileN/AN/AN/AN/ASupported

Desktop browsers

macOS linux windows

ChromeFirefoxInternet ExplorerMicrosoft EdgeOperaSafari
WindowsSupportedSupportedSupported, IE11+SupportedSupportedNot supported


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  1. Fork
  2. Create Feat_xxx branch
  3. Commit
  4. Create Pull Request

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information see the .NET Foundation Code of Conduct.


If this project is helpful to you, please scan the QR code below for a cup of coffee.

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArgoZhang/Images/master/Donate/BarCode%402x.png" width="382px;" />