

<div align=center>
<img style width=80 height=80 src=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/boss/docs/icon.svg alt='BrowserBox Logo 2023'><h1> <a href=https://browse.cloudtabs.net/signupless_session>BrowserBox</a>  </h1>

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NEWS: Get out to Vote. Trump 2024. MAGA Forever 🇺🇸

NEWS: License Keys will be mandatory from Version 10 onwards.

<a href=https://dosyago.com>BrowserBox</a>

BrowserBox: a browser you run on a server, rather than your local device. The web browser becomes a web app. Abstract your web content. Secure your network. Program across sites. Access the web from anywhere, anywhere!

BrowserBox is a tiny, web-based browser that's embeddable anywhere. It's also multiplayer, allowing many clients to screen share the same browsing session at the same time. It's lightweight and fast, consuming the minimum system resources while adapting its streaming quality to take advantage of as much bandwidth as is available to provide a low-lag, responsive experience.

It's the only remote browser that works seamlessly on mobile devices, because, instead of just using a virtual desktop or VNC layer, we virtualize the browser itself and fully control every part of it, ensuring when you view BrowserBox on a mobile device, you get a mobile browser on the server.

Screenshot of BrowserBox running on the CloudTabs SaaS


Screenshot of BrowserBox embedded, in this case on Puter.com Internet OS Web Desktop

TRY NOW on Puter.com!

<a href="https://www.producthunt.com/posts/cloudtabs-1?utm_source=badge-featured&utm_medium=badge&utm_souce=badge-cloudtabs&#0045;1" target="_blank"><img src="https://api.producthunt.com/widgets/embed-image/v1/featured.svg?post_id=449256&theme=neutral" alt="CloudTabs - A&#0032;browser&#0032;in&#0032;a&#0032;computer&#0032;in&#0032;your&#0032;browser | Product Hunt" style="width: 250px; height: 54px;" width="250" height="54" /></a>

Install and Run Options

We provide a variety of install and run options, with instructions listed in this README. They include:

Getting Started Guide

You may run BrowserBox via a variety of easy to access means. The simplest and most stable is the full manual install. Simple spin up a VPS, VM baremetal server, or even your local device of choice and follow the instructions below and you'll be up and running in two jiffies! :joy_cat:

[!NOTE] In case you're wondering, right now we don't track any telemetry at all. Not even that email address you'll enter. We plan to, in future one day, begin collecting at least your email, for the following purpose only: to very cautiously and tripatiously invite you to join a mailing list to receive updates on BrowserBox. But not today.

Install and Run Via Docker - Easiest and Fastest, but can be less Reliable ✅

To run BrowserBox docker easily you need to use the included run script: ./deploy-scripts/run_docker.sh PORT HOST EMAIL and follow the instructions.

Equivalently, use npm to install the global bbox command which just executes the docker run script:

$ npm i -g @dosyago/browserbox@latest
$ bbox

[!NOTE] We use a run script to avoid you needing to manually bridge a range of ports, run the correct command, and ensure HTTPS certificates are set up across a range of deployment scenarios. Worry not, our intrepid run_docker.sh script will guide you through everything you need.

You can get started right away, just follow the prompts when you run the below to install and run the latest BrowserBox on Docker:

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/boss/deploy-scripts/run_docker.sh) 9999 my-browser.example.com me@example.com

[!TIP] That's all you need! Just ensure you replace the examples values above with the correct PORT, HOST, and EMAIL you wish to use for your deployment. Finally, a head's up: the run script may prompt you to perform some setup steps, especially on macOS. Follow those and you'll be on your way to BrowserBox Land in no time! :joy_cat:

A note on the arguments

[!WARNING] Apple macOS users may find the Docker version to be the least stable. A common problem encountered when running BrowserBox Docker on macOS is tabs inexplicably freeze on occasion. A workaround is to close the problem tab, and resume in a new tab. This issues does not occur in BrowserBox Docker on other systems.

Custom Docker Options

If you want, you can run a specific version manually, even pull it from Docker Hub. Just make sure you tag it as ghcr.io/dosyago/browserbox:latest, so you can run it via the (very much necessary) run_script:

docker pull dosyago/browserbox:v7.1.2
docker tag dosyago/browserbox:v7.1.2 ghcr.io/browserbox/browserbox:latest
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/boss/deploy-scripts/run_docker.sh) $PORT $HOST $EMAIL


Alternately you can clone the repository first and run the script direclty, like so:

git clone https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox
cd BrowserBox
./deploy-scripts/run_docker.sh $PORT $HOST $EMAIL

1-Click Deploy - Deploy BrowserBox to the cloud instantly! ✅ :tada: :cyclone:

By far the easiest and most fun method, 1-Click-Deploy BrowserBox is ready to deploy today on a number of popular cloud providers. See below for details. Just click the links to start your deployment and you'll be up and running in no time!

[!NOTE] There's no licensing fees for personal use so all you pay are your own cloud costs. Just use one of the cloud providers below to start browsing the web from a safe distance!

What are you waiting for? Give it a try now!

<table> <tr> <th></th> <th>Vultr</th> <th>AWS</th> <th>Linode</th> <th> Azure Quickstart <br> <strong>(recommended*)</strong> </th> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Deploy</b></td> <td align=center> <a href="https://my.vultr.com/deploy?marketplace_app=browserbox&marketplace_vendor_username=DOSYAGO&_gl=1*66yk24*_ga*NDY0MTUzODIzLjE2OTM0Nzg4MDA.*_ga_K6536FHN4D*MTcwNTM3NzY0NS40NC4xLjE3MDUzNzgyMzMuMjguMC4w"> <img src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/806c0846-a11d-4b41-bee1-98782b392fcf" alt="Deploy to Vultr!" width=100> <br>Deploy to Vultr </a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home#/stacks/quickcreate?stackName=My-BrowserBox&templateURL=https://dosyago-external.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/cloud-formation-template.yaml"> <img src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/de7f8908-c00e-4cbc-ac73-c6cfc0203ae3" alt="Deploy to AWS!" width=80> <br>Deploy to AWS </a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="https://cloud.linode.com/linodes/create?type=StackScripts&subtype=Community&stackScriptID=1279678"> <img src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/9102f2f8-6eb4-4088-91c6-ae535a42cdf1" alt="Deploy to Linode!" width=80> <br>Deploy to Linode </a> </td> <td align=center valign=bottom> <a href="https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2Fazuredeploy.json/createUIDefinitionUri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2FcreateUiDefinition.json" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE/images/deploytoazure.svg?sanitize=true" alt="Deploy To Azure" style="max-width: 100%;"></a> <br> <a href="https://portal.azure.us/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2Fazuredeploy.json/createUIDefinitionUri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2FcreateUiDefinition.json" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE/images/deploytoazuregov.svg?sanitize=true" alt="Deploy To Azure US Gov" style="max-width: 100%;"></a> <br><a href=https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/application-workloads/dosyago/browserbox>Quickstart Template</a> </td> </tr> </table>

If you have issues with your deployment, it's a good idea check the cloud provider status page:

It's also a great idea to check cloud ping test (internet speed and round-trip time) sites before you create your 1-click deployment to create in the cloud region with the lowest ping for you.

If you encounter any issues at all or wish to discuss licenses or customizations, or anything else, reach out to us at support@dosyago.com.

* Azure is our recommended option because it makes deployment easieset: no need to add a separate DNS record for your instance; and Azure even emails you when the deployment is complete!

Manual Install - Most Flexible, and Most Reliable ✅

Before we show you the step by step instructions, we'll just show you the whole thing, in one block:

git clone https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox.git
cd BrowserBox
./deploy-scripts/wait_for_hostname.sh my.awesome.host.com
./deploy-scripts/global_install.sh my.awesome.host.com my-email@address.com
setup_bbpro --port 8080 > my.login.link.txt
cat my.login.link.txt

You can try this right now if you just want to try it out, and don't care about getting the rights certificates for production or accessing over the public internet.

The above commands will download, install, setup and start BrowserBox, as well as output your login link for you. Open that link (which looks like: https://localhost:8080/login?token=csdkjhvsdfkjhv3498ysdf) in your regular browser.

To stop your instance just issue the stop_bbpro command.

[!TIP] The above simple method uses my.awesome.host.com as the hostname for your BrowserBox instance. You'll need to ensure you've set a DNS A record from my.awesome.host.com or your actual full domain name, to the IP address of the machine you're running BrowserBox on.

Now, let's show you the full manual install.

  1. Download and Clone the Git Repository, and jump into the directory:
git clone https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox.git
cd BrowserBox
  1. Point your DNS to your machine's IP with an A record mapping your chosen domain name to the IPv4 address of your VPS, VM, baremetal or whatever you're setting up on.

Check that your hostname (you were creative so you picked: my.awesome.host.com) resolves by running:

./deploy-scripts/wait_for_hostname.sh my.awesome.host.com
  1. Once DNS is set up Begin the Install:

Run the install script using your instance's full domain name and your email address. Email is for agreeing to our terms and the HTTPS certificate provider's (aka LetsEncrypt's) terms. We don't spam you! We may send you a product announce in future tho, or invite you to join a list, but such a vile transgression of the sanctity of your holy email space would be an exceedingly rare, and cautiously approached, occurrence!

./deploy-scripts/global_install.sh my.awesome.host.name.com my-rockin@email.address.com

this will take you through the attended install where you'll need to follow prompts. To just get the defaults (good idea), you can alter that command slightly to be a yes person for you :joy_cat::

yes | ./deploy-scripts/global_install.sh my.so-awesome.host.name.com my-rockin@email.address.com

The above will run an unattended install, where it does everything for you, and you can go away and fix yourself a delicious beverage, or what not.

[!TIP] The user you install with will need sudo capabilities. But you do not need sudo caps to run BrowserBox once it is already installed.

  1. Once Install Completes, Set Up, and Run! :tada:

As soon as installation completes you'll be ready to run BrowserBox using the following two key commands:

setup_bbpro --port 9999

setup_bbpro will setup BrowserBox to bind to port 9999 (plus two either side for all its services. So ports 9997 through 10001 in this case).And will also return your very valuable, secret and crucial login link. This is your only way to access your BrowserBox. We save it to $HOME/.config/dosyago/bbpro/login.link if you lost it. Treat it like an screen sharing invite link, anyone you share that link with will be able to share, watch and drive your BrowserBox session, just like you. It's a free for all! Some may call it a melee. :joy:

bbpro will start BrowserBox. Give it a couple seconds to start up.

Latest News

v7.1.2 Maintenance Release

Our new maintenance release has just landed and includes a range of minor improvements to stability across the diverse OS platforms supported by BrowserBox, including 1-Click deploy. Of note are the support of unprivileged users, and a drastic speedup of install times for the full (including doc viewer) install. Read more here.

We've also translated a brief README introduction to BrowserBox into a few languages. See the links at the top of the README for a version that might be in your preferred language.


A few tips for development:

Contributors and developers take a look at these source diagrams of BrowserBox.

They contain 3 main parts: Back-end (Zombie Lord), Front-end (Voodoo), User-interface

BrowserBox "Zombie-Lord" Server

<a href="https://dep-tree-explorer.vercel.app/api?repo=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fbrowserbox%2Fbrowserbox.git&entrypoint=src%2Fserver.js"> <img width="1072" alt="Here is a snapshot in 3D of the back-end. Click to play." src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/339c8c1c-c41e-4c10-86a0-3775acbf090f"/> </a>

Zombie-Lord is the back-end. It controls, and senses the browser and all interactions and state related to it.

Click for an Interactive version of the above 3D back-end graph.

BrowserBox "Voodoo" Client

<a href="https://dep-tree-explorer.vercel.app/api?repo=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fbrowserbox%2Fbrowserbox.git&entrypoint=src%2Fpublic%2Fimage-start-app.js"> <img width="958" alt="Here is a snapshot in 3D of the front-end. Click to play." src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/000279c4-f1a2-4d15-8e19-cd107471336c"/> </a>

Voodoo is the client. It contains all client-side logic, interprets human-side user events, and presents notices from the browser-side.

Click for an Interactive version of the above 3D front-end graph.

The UI Framework

And neither of these above creations includes the Good.HTML view framework, which begins at src/public/voodoo/src/components and contains all the UI logic and components to present the UI.

Taken together these 3 parts comprise BrowserBox Remote Browser.

Vultr Marketplace

We just launched on the Vultr Marketplace!

Vultr is a cloud services provider offering a wide range of scalable, high-performance computing resources and solutions for businesses and developers, with affordable prices in over 30 regions around the globe. The Vultr Marketplace is a burgeoning cloud marketplace with around 100 vetted vendors and apps.

Launch BrowserBox on Vultr

One-Click Deploy

Deploy BrowserBox to the cloud instantly!

There's no licensing fees for personal use so all you pay are your own cloud costs. Just use one of the cloud providers below to start browsing the web from a safe distance!

What are you waiting for? Give it a try now!

<table> <tr> <th></th> <th>Vultr</th> <th>AWS</th> <th>Linode</th> <th> Azure Quickstart <br> <strong>(recommended*)</strong> </th> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Deploy</b></td> <td align=center> <a href="https://my.vultr.com/deploy?marketplace_app=browserbox&marketplace_vendor_username=DOSYAGO&_gl=1*66yk24*_ga*NDY0MTUzODIzLjE2OTM0Nzg4MDA.*_ga_K6536FHN4D*MTcwNTM3NzY0NS40NC4xLjE3MDUzNzgyMzMuMjguMC4w"> <img src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/806c0846-a11d-4b41-bee1-98782b392fcf" alt="Deploy to Vultr!" width=100> <br>Deploy to Vultr </a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home#/stacks/quickcreate?stackName=My-BrowserBox&templateURL=https://dosyago-external.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/cloud-formation-template.yaml"> <img src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/de7f8908-c00e-4cbc-ac73-c6cfc0203ae3" alt="Deploy to AWS!" width=80> <br>Deploy to AWS </a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="https://cloud.linode.com/linodes/create?type=StackScripts&subtype=Community&stackScriptID=1279678"> <img src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/9102f2f8-6eb4-4088-91c6-ae535a42cdf1" alt="Deploy to Linode!" width=80> <br>Deploy to Linode </a> </td> <td align=center valign=bottom> <a href="https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2Fazuredeploy.json/createUIDefinitionUri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2FcreateUiDefinition.json" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE/images/deploytoazure.svg?sanitize=true" alt="Deploy To Azure" style="max-width: 100%;"></a> <br> <a href="https://portal.azure.us/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2Fazuredeploy.json/createUIDefinitionUri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2FcreateUiDefinition.json" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE/images/deploytoazuregov.svg?sanitize=true" alt="Deploy To Azure US Gov" style="max-width: 100%;"></a> <br><a href=https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/application-workloads/dosyago/browserbox>Quickstart Template</a> </td> </tr> </table>

If you have issues with your deployment, it's a good idea check the cloud provider status page:

It's also a great idea to check cloud ping test (internet speed and round-trip time) sites before you create your 1-click deployment to create in the cloud region with the lowest ping for you.

* Azure is our recommended option because it makes deployment easieset: no need to add a separate DNS record for your instance; and Azure even emails you when the deployment is complete!

New Docker Release v7.1

The v7.1 release includes all the updates from the latest 7-series major release plus a few more.

Key points on the v7.1 release are below:

Secure Document Viewer enabled by default!

BrowserBox's secure document viewer for content-disarm and reconstruction-based secure viewing of all PDFs, DOCX, XLS, and many other document formats, right in the browser!

[!TIP] Once the document has downloaded, a popup window will open where you can see the conversion status and eventually view the document. If that doesn't happen, look for a warning about "popup blocked", in which case you'll need to "allow popups" on your browser in order to see it. If this happens, click the download link again to give the doc viewer window another chance to reopen.

Due to customer requests, BrowserBox's Secure Document Viewer is now enabled by default! Please note that this will cause installation to take longer as many font packages are installed to ensure the correct display of a variety of document formats including: PDF, DOCX and more!

Windows Support :joy_cat: :tada:

BrowserBox has just landed support for Windows and we're on PowerShell Gallery. Including Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022. Other platforms will be rolled out as they are tested. See the table below:

Windows EditionCompatibility
Windows Server 2022
Windows Server 2019
Windows 11
Windows 10

To install and run on Windows, first do the following in PowerShell as Administrator:

# you may need the following 2 lines to install from PSGallery 
# if your package managers need updating
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Install-PackageProvider Nuget -Force 
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force

Then close and reopen your PowerShell session, and run as regular user:

# the main part to install BrowserBox installer
Install-Module -Name BrowserBox-Installer


Import-Module BrowserBox-Installer

When prompted enter the Domain name that will point to your Windows instance, and your Email address for agreeing to our terms, and LetsEncrypt terms. Then, configure your BrowserBox instance (-Port and optionally -Token for the login link):

Initialize-BrowserBox -Port 8080

[!NOTE] While BrowserBox opens ports on the operating system, if your cloud uses external firewalls, ensure ports Port-2 through Port+2 (8078-8082 in the example above) are opened in your control panel.

After running Initialize-Browserbox you'll have your login link and you'll be ready to start BrowserBox and connect.

Finally, to start 'er up, type:


And open your login-link in any modern browser anywhere. Note that if you're connected over RDP this step will disconnect your RDP session as we perform some voodoo-foo in order to utilize the pre-existing and good RDP Audio Driver in a way that lets us retain an audio stream even when you're not connected to your server.

[!TIP] If you have trouble with the initial install module step (message aboutNuGet versions), this is probably a PS issue, so try (elevated):

Install-PackageProvider Nuget -Force
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force

Then restart (close and reopen) your PowerShell session and try again.

Any other issues with the installation on Windows then please open an issue or reach out to us at anytime at email or Signal

1-Click Deploy!

We're currently increasing our support for marketplaces and one-click-deploy, we've just been included in Azure Quickstart Samples.

Soon, we're also launching on the Vultr Marketplace. So, come one come all and check us out! 🥇😄

Deploy to Azure!

We've just added support for Azure Templates so you can click the Deploy buttons below to immediately create your BrowserBox instance.

Alternately, find us via Microsoft Code Samples search or directly in the Azure Quickstarts portal.

Easy Deployment! :pinata:

<table> <tr> <th>Step</th> <th>Outcome</th> <th>Result</th> </tr> <tr> <td align=center>1</td> <td align=center> <a href="https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FBrowserBox%2FBrowserBox%2Fboss%2Fspread-channels%2Fazure%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2Fazuredeploy.json/createUIDefinitionUri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FBrowserBox%2FBrowserBox%2Fboss%2Fspread-channels%2Fazure%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2FcreateUiDefinition.json"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE/images/deploytoazure.svg?sanitize=true" alt="Deploy To Azure" style="max-width:100%"/> </a> <br>or<br> <a href="https://portal.azure.us/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FBrowserBox%2FBrowserBox%2Fboss%2Fspread-channels%2Fazure%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2Fazuredeploy.json/createUIDefinitionUri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FBrowserBox%2FBrowserBox%2Fboss%2Fspread-channels%2Fazure%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2FcreateUiDefinition.json"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE/images/deploytoazuregov.svg?sanitize=true" alt="Deploy To Azure US Gov" style="max-width: 100%;"/> </a> </td> <td align=center>✅</td> </tr> <tr> <td align=center>2</td><td align=center>then<br>Unlock <b>tremendous</b> value.</td><td align=center>✅</td> </tr> </table>

Supported Server OS Table

macOS 13
Fedora 39
CentOS 9
CentOS 8
Almalinux 9
Almalinux 8
Debian 12
Debian 11
Ubuntu 23
Ubuntu 22
Amazon Linux 2023
Amazon Linux 2

[!WARNING] † FreeBSD support is impossible at this time due this Chrome bug.

Supported Client Browser Table

Safari (LockDown mode)N/A
Tor Browser

:earth_americas: Deploy BrowserBox Easily

We're excited to announce the release of our Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template! We're also excited to announce the release of our AWS CloudFormation template and our Linode StackScript, designed to simplify the deployment of BrowserBox instances on AWS and Linode. Seamlessly launch your BrowserBox in the cloud with these easy-to-use templates.

One-Click Deploy

<table> <tr> <th></th> <th>Vultr</th> <th>AWS</th> <th>Linode</th> <th>Azure Quickstart</th> </tr> <tr> <td><b>Deploy</b></td> <td align=center> <a href="https://my.vultr.com/deploy?marketplace_app=browserbox&marketplace_vendor_username=DOSYAGO&_gl=1*66yk24*_ga*NDY0MTUzODIzLjE2OTM0Nzg4MDA.*_ga_K6536FHN4D*MTcwNTM3NzY0NS40NC4xLjE3MDUzNzgyMzMuMjguMC4w"> <img src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/806c0846-a11d-4b41-bee1-98782b392fcf" alt="Deploy to Vultr!" width=100> <br>Deploy to Vultr </a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home#/stacks/quickcreate?stackName=My-BrowserBox&templateURL=https://dosyago-external.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/cloud-formation-template.yaml"> <img src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/de7f8908-c00e-4cbc-ac73-c6cfc0203ae3" alt="Deploy to AWS!" width=80> <br>Deploy to AWS </a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="https://cloud.linode.com/linodes/create?type=StackScripts&subtype=Community&stackScriptID=1279678"> <img src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/9102f2f8-6eb4-4088-91c6-ae535a42cdf1" alt="Deploy to Linode!" width=80> <br>Deploy to Linode </a> </td> <td align=center valign=bottom> <a href="https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2Fazuredeploy.json/createUIDefinitionUri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2FcreateUiDefinition.json" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE/images/deploytoazure.svg?sanitize=true" alt="Deploy To Azure" style="max-width: 100%;"></a> <br> <a href="https://portal.azure.us/#create/Microsoft.Template/uri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2Fazuredeploy.json/createUIDefinitionUri/https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2FAzure%2Fazure-quickstart-templates%2Fmaster%2Fapplication-workloads%2Fdosyago%2Fbrowserbox%2FcreateUiDefinition.json" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/1-CONTRIBUTION-GUIDE/images/deploytoazuregov.svg?sanitize=true" alt="Deploy To Azure US Gov" style="max-width: 100%;"></a> <br><a href=https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/application-workloads/dosyago/browserbox>Quickstart Template</a> </td> </tr> </table>

:gem: Deploy to Azure

Ready to tap the awesome power of Azure to run your BrowserBox instances?

Now you can, simple and easily.

Use our ARM template to get started quickly.

Deploy To Azure

🚀 Deploy on AWS

Ready to launch BrowserBox on AWS EC2?

Use our CloudFormation template to get started quickly.

AWS CloudFormation Launch BrowserBox Stack SVG Button

Or pick your specific region below:

Get Started on your nearest AWS Region

Click the link below corresponding to your preferred AWS Region. You will be asked a few questions about services like VPC, Hostname, etc; if you have no idea how to answer, reach out at support@dosyago.com and we'll be happy to help.

🌎 North America

RegionLaunch BrowserBox
N. Virginia (us-east-1)Launch BrowserBox
Ohio (us-east-2)Launch BrowserBox
N. California (us-west-1)Launch BrowserBox
Oregon (us-west-2)Launch BrowserBox

🌍 Europe

RegionLaunch BrowserBox
Frankfurt (eu-central-1)Launch BrowserBox
Ireland (eu-west-1)Launch BrowserBox
London (eu-west-2)Launch BrowserBox
Paris (eu-west-3)Launch BrowserBox
Stockholm (eu-north-1)Launch BrowserBox
Milan (eu-south-1)Launch BrowserBox

🌏 Asia Pacific

RegionLaunch BrowserBox
Tokyo (ap-northeast-1)Launch BrowserBox
Seoul (ap-northeast-2)Launch BrowserBox
Osaka (ap-northeast-3)Launch BrowserBox
Singapore (ap-southeast-1)Launch BrowserBox
Sydney (ap-southeast-2)Launch BrowserBox
Hong Kong (ap-east-1)Launch BrowserBox
Mumbai (ap-south-1)Launch BrowserBox

🇧🇷 South America

RegionLaunch BrowserBox
São Paulo (sa-east-1)Launch BrowserBox

🇨🇦 Canada

RegionLaunch BrowserBox
Central (ca-central-1)Launch BrowserBox

We've also got you covered on Linode!

🌐 Linode StackScript: Prefer Linode as your cloud service provider? Deploy a new Linode instance pre-configured with BrowserBox. Deploy your BrowserBox on Linode.

Remember: You'll need to create your DNS hostname record to point to your EC2 or Linode instance's IP, after you set it up. Supply the hostname you will use to these templates. The nascent instance will wait up to 1 hour for the hostname to resolve to its IP.

Please note: we mostly work with Debian 12, CentOS 9, Amazon Linux, Ubuntu and MacOS, so while BrowserBox should work on other compatible distributions, if it doesn't please let us know. If you encounter any issues at all, then open an issue or email support@dosyago.com and we'll do our best to help you out!

🧅 New Feature - Tor Support


<iframe src="https://mybrowserbox.server.com:9999/login?token=cviuygf3498tysifud&ui=false&url=[&quot;https://check.torproject.org&quot;]"
        style="border:none; width:100%; height:100%;"

On server:

$ IFRAME_LINK=$(setup_bbpro -p 9999 --ontor)

You can now browse the web through Tor when using BrowserBox. BrowserBox also supports running itself as a Tor hidden service, so you can access your BrowserBox instances over the Tor network.

<img width="1192" alt="BrowserBox with --ontor on macOS successfully on the Tor network as checked at https://check.torproject.org" src="https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/assets/22254235/5b92a312-4d4e-49e4-bffe-7088f3abe7b1">

Donate to Tor

🌟 What Else is New in BrowserBox

We're thrilled to announce the following major updates to BrowserBox that will enhance your user experience and streamline your workflow!

Table of Contents

:rotating_light: BrowserBox on Tor!

🌍 Enhanced Privacy with Tor Support

We are excited to announce that BrowserBox now supports Tor, providing you with a more private and secure browsing experience. This feature is still in alpha, but we're committed to continuously improving it to match the security level of the Tor Browser over time.

Key Features:

:gear: Using BrowserBox with Tor

Activate Tor in BrowserBox with this command:

$ setup_bbpro <your-normal-args> --ontor
$ bbpro

If you want to switch it off again, shut down as normal (pm2 delete all), and re-run setup_bbpro without the --ontor flag.

Start exploring the web with Tor's added security.

:warning: Important Caveats and Commitment to Security

As this Tor integration is in alpha, there are several important considerations:

:speech_balloon: Your Input is Valuable

Your feedback is crucial for our continuous improvement. Please report any issues or suggestions to enhance the Tor functionality on our GitHub issues page. Contributions, especially those that help achieve parity with Tor Browser's security, are highly appreciated.

Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements in BrowserBox, and as always, enjoy a secure browsing experience!

🚀 Installable PWAs on Desktop

You can now install BrowserBox as a Progressive Web App (PWA) on your desktop! This means smoother performance, offline capabilities, and a more integrated experience with your operating system.

Key Benefits:

🔗 Protocol Links Support

Introducing protocol links support with web+bb://. Now, you can open links directly in BrowserBox by prefacing them with web+bb://. This feature allows for more efficient navigation and a streamlined process to access web content.

How it Works:

This update is part of our ongoing commitment to enhance BrowserBox and make your web experience as efficient and enjoyable as possible. Try out these new features and let us know what you think!

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, happy browsing with BrowserBox!

:rotating_light: Latest News: BrowserBox Hidden Services!

GitHub Actions Method

Before starting, fork or generate this repo to your account.

Then ensure that:

  1. Issues are switched on, and
  2. Actions are enabled.

To begin the action to create your BrowserBox Tor Hidden Service, click Submit New Issue, on this special issue template.

DIY Method with torbb

Please note you need to install from a non-root sudo-capable user. We recommend adding the appropriate NOPASSWD line to your sudoers file. For instructions see below. Also important is, if not using localhost as your hostname, you need to add your DNS A record for <hostname> to point to the IP address of your machine before running your install script.

Alternately, use the new torbb command:

$ git clone https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox.git
$ cd BrowserBox
$ yes | ./deploy-scripts/global_install.sh <hostname|'localhost'> <email>
$ setup_bbpro --port <my_port>
$ torbb

Please note ensure you set export INSTALL_DOC_VIEWER=true before calling the global_install script, if you wish to have the Secure Document Viewer installed. It is off by default because the installation takes significantly longer with it installed.

💎 We're excited to announce that BrowserBox can now run as a hidden service on the Tor network! This significant update brings enhanced privacy and security, allowing you to access BrowserBox with the anonymity of Tor. Check out our Show HN post: torbb - Now with Tor, run BrowserBox as a hidden service.

Getting Started with BrowserBox on Tor

BrowserBox - AWS EC2 Installation

New Video: Installing BrowserBox on Amazon AWS EC2 Amazon Linux

Please note you need to install from a non-root sudo-capable user. We recommend adding the appropriate NOPASSWD line to your sudoers file. For instructions see below. Also important is, if not using localhost as your hostname, you need to add your DNS A record for <hostname> to point to the IP address of your machine before running your install script.

General install instructions:

git clone https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox.git
cd BrowserBox
./deploy-scripts/global_install.sh <hostname> <my_email>
setup_bbpro --port <my_port>

Docker Quick Start :gem: Version 6

November 4 2023: New version released. Docker image v6.

First ensure you have docker installed and running! :) Then run:

PORT=8080 # or your preferred port
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/e300055d5dc3e6c6edc1c89d6221792ab08286de/deploy-scripts/run_docker.sh) $PORT

That's it! Follow the prompts to set up certificates and it will emit a link that you can send open in any web browser.

Update: Docker image now works on macOS!!! 🎉

Special Event! 🤙 Create a private ephemeral Web Proxy hosted on your GitHub Actions minutes by opening an issue on this repo


  1. fork or generate this repo to your own account, come back to these steps in your own repo!
  2. Switch on actions and issues
  3. In your fork, open the Make VPN issue

By default the remain open for 5 minutes, but you can make that longer by editing the workflow YAML file. Each minute used counts against your GitHub actions quota. Also, don't do anything abusive with this, remember you are browsing the web from inside GitHub's infrastructure (actions runners), so treat them with respect!

Limitations: no audio, no DevTools, no docviewer (Because the ports are not accesible, although the services are running)

BrowserBox - General README

BrowserBox is a leading-edge solution in the Zero Trust landscape, enabling embeddable multiplayer browsers in any web page on any device. Our cybersecurity focus is on ensuring that every web interaction is treated as potentially hostile, and isolating it, so that we protect your devices and network from harm.

BrowserBox Availability

Cross-platform status:

CentOS 9
Amazon Linux (AWS EC2).
Windows WSL

Content delivery services status:

ChannelBrowser ServiceAudioSecure Document ViewerRemote DevToolsWebRTC
Installed Web App (PWA)
Tor Hidden Service
SSH Tunnel

*audio, doc viewer, remote devtools not currently configured to work with ngrok, but support will be added in future.

Web application virtualization via Zero Trust Remote Browser Isolation and Secure Document Gateway

By leveraging the principles of Remote Browser Isolation (RBI), real-time streaming and collaborative browserin (co-browsing or "multiplayer browsers"), BrowserBoxPro ensures that no web content directly interacts with the end user's device, while remaining accessible through a shareable, collaborative interface.

This guide will walk you through the seamless integration of BrowserBoxPro into your Zero Trust architecture.

Table of Contents

Embracing Zero Trust with BrowserBox

In the evolving cybersecurity landscape, the Zero Trust model has emerged as a cornerstone. By assuming no trust by default and verifying every access request irrespective of its source, Zero Trust ensures robust security. BrowserBoxPro is at the forefront of this paradigm shift, offering:

For the latest on how BrowserBox is shaping the Zero Trust landscape, visit our Company Blog.

Key Features

Deploying BrowserBoxPro in a Zero Trust Environment with Docker

Before diving in, ensure you have docker installed!

Deploying BrowserBoxPro within a Zero Trust framework is straightforward:

  1. Obtain the latest Docker container for BrowserBoxPro from our packages page on GitHub Container Registry.

  2. Deploy the Docker container using our Zero Trust compliant run script. Choose a primary port number ($PORT) ensuring two extra ports are free both preceding and succeeding $PORT. Deploy by running:

PORT=8080 # or your preferred port
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox/2034ab18fd5410f3cd78b6d1d1ae8d099e8cf9e1/deploy-scripts/run_docker.sh) $PORT

Upon successful deployment, BrowserBoxPro will be operational, reinforcing your Zero Trust strategy. Access the browser using the provided login link: https://<your-host>:$PORT/login?token=<random token>.

For support or to purchase licenses, connect with us at sales@dosyago.com or visit: https://dosyago.com.

Zero Trust Installation Guide

🌟 Video Installation Guide for Pro: https://youtu.be/cGUJCCPDWNE

For detailed information and progress updates, please refer to the official documentation.


Follow these instructions to install BrowserBoxPro on your system.

Initial Machine Setup

Before installing BrowserBox, ensure that your system meets the following minimum requirements:

we assume Debian or Ubuntu in the below but the install process works on CentOS, Fedora, Kali, Ubuntu, RedHat, macOS, Almalinux and Amazon Linux. For supported versions of these operating systems see this table.

First, update your distribution:

apt update && apt -y upgrade

And install a few basic tools:

apt install curl git wget

Now, prepare the machine by following these steps:

  1. Create a new user to operate BrowserBox:

    adduser pro
  2. Disable the password for the newly created user:

    usermod -L pro
  3. Create a new group for sudo privileges:

    addgroup sudoers
  4. Add the following line to the sudoers file to avoid entering a password for sudo operations:

    %sudoers ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

    Use the visudo command to edit the sudoers file.

  5. Grant sudo privileges to the user:

    usermod -aG sudoers pro

Switch to the pro user by executing the following command:

su - pro

Installation Process

Follow these steps to install BrowserBoxPro:

  1. Clone the BrowserBox repository:

    git clone https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository:

    cd BrowserBox
  3. Run the global installation script, replacing <domain_name> with your domain name that points to the machine you're setting up (if you want to use it without a domain name, just use localhost here for the domain name, but you'll still need to copy the correct mkcert localsthost certificates to $HOME/sslcerts later). Use your <email> to agree to our terms and the LetsEncrypt terms:

    ./deploy-scripts/global_install.sh <domain_name> <email>
  4. Start the main service on port 8080 and generate the login link:

    setup_bbpro --port 8080
  5. Launch BrowserBox:


During the installation process, BrowserBox will automatically install the required dependencies and configure the necessary settings.

Applications in a Zero Trust Framework

BrowserBoxPro isn't just a tool; it's a comprehensive solution designed to fit seamlessly into a Zero Trust architecture. Here's how:

Product Space Applications:

Creative Ways that Clients are Using BrowserBox

Internal Tooling Applications:

Tech and Framework Applications:

For a comprehensive list of features and their availability in BrowserBoxPro, refer to the feature table below.

Features of BrowserBox in a Zero Trust Environment

BrowserBox offers an array of advanced features that set it apart from other versions of remote browser isolation. With fully source-available code, non-commercial use for free, frequent updates and cutting-edge technology, BrowserBox provides an enhanced browsing experience with superior rendering, top-tier graphics, and minimal lag. Here are the key features of BrowserBox Pro:

These features make BrowserBox the ideal choice for businesses and organizations looking to enhance their cybersecurity, privacy, and browsing capabilities.

For more information about commercial options and licensing, please refer to the relevant sections below.

Licensing for Zero Trust

BrowserBoxPro is licensed separately under the following licenses:

What does this mean for me?

Are you using BrowserBox as it ships?

You may use BrowserBox under the terms of the Polyform Non-Commercial License 1.0

Are you modifying BrowserBox or developing software that uses BrowserBox and willing to license those changes under the Polyform Non-Commercial License 1.0?

You may use BrowserBox under the terms of the Polyform Non-Commercial License 1.0

Are you using BrowserBox, modifying BrowserBox, or developing software that uses BrowserBox in a non-commercial capacity but do not wish to comply with the license terms of the Polyform Non-Commercial License 1.0?

You may have created a portal through spacetime...just kidding, but you'll need to purchase a commercial license. We offer discounts in this case due to your noncommercial status.

Are you using BrowserBox, modifying BrowserBox, or developing software that uses BrowserBox in a commercial capacity but do not wish to comply with the license terms of the BrowserBox Commercial License?

In order to be compliant, you need to negotiate custom licenses to suit your needs. Reach out to us at licensing@dosyago.com

Are you using BrowserBox, modifying BrowserBox, or developing software that uses BrowserBox in a commercial capacity but think you may open source it in future?

In order to be compliant, you need to purchase licenses. Reach out to us at licensing@dosyago.com or purchase via our website

Purchasing a commercial license

Once purchased, you'll receive a commercial license PDF including your agreement and valid Order receipt and you will be all set to use BrowserBox in your commercial applications. With the purchase of a commercial license:

Please note that we cannot transact with sanctioned countries, entities or individuals.

Commercial Licenses are priced per seat. A seat is someone who uses the BrowserBox system, either in an internal application (like secure email attachment viewing), or an external customer-facing application (such as a customer of your remote browser isolation product). Commercial Licenses come in two flavors:

License Pack Available in multiple sizes, from the small to the truly epic, with commensurately epic discounts at scale. These are purchasable at our main website.

You can purchase either per-named-user or per-concurrent-user. Licenses available on our website are currently for named users. Purchase concurrent user licenses by contacting us at licensing@dosyago.com

By obtaining a commercial license, you gain the freedom to tailor BrowserBox to your specific requirements and integrate it seamlessly into your workflow. This empowers organizations to leverage the advanced features and capabilities of BrowserBox while maintaining full control over its customization and usage.

Support tiers and customization may be separately negotiated and purchased. To discuss your needs, please reach out to our helpful support team here.

Hardware Appliance (OEM) Licensing

Are you an OEM and want to deploy BBPro on a hardware device that you sell to your customers? Contact us for special access to Appliance License pricing with Volume Discounts. This pricing sheet and terms are tailored to suit OEM's delivering security products for business and industry. Please note that if you are supplying government or other non-commercial users you cannot "pass through" DOSYAGO's non-commercial license to your customers without licensing a Commercial license from us.

Sanctions Compliance

Unfotunately if you or your company are an OFAC sanctioned entity or other entity sanctioned by the US Government (e.g. designated on OFAC's SDN List, BIS's DPL or Entity List, DDTC's DPL, or on the FBI's various lists, among others) we are unable to offer you a license of any form. Please note that in some cases we may conduct necessary checks to ensure sanctions compliance.

Licensing Summary

BrowserBox offers flexible licensing options to cater to different usage scenarios. As previously mentioned, BrowserBox software is available for free for non-commercial use under the PolyForm NonCommercial license. This allows individuals and non-profit organizations to enjoy the benefits of BrowserBox without any licensing fees when using the software without any participation in or anticipation of commercial application. The PolyForm NonCommercial license ensures that the software is used strictly for non-commercial purposes, unless purchasing an exemption for commercial use. Commercial use licenses are available for purchase for 1 or more seats at https://dosyago.com or by contacting sales@dosyago.com

Whether it's for non-commercial or commercial purposes, BrowserBox provides a range of licensing options to accommodate different user needs and ensure a secure and powerful browsing experience.


See our website for accurate latest pricing or reach out to us, but here is a summary below:

License TypeQuantityPrice Per Unit/PackIncludes
YearlyUp to 1$84/seat/year<ul><li>Purchase from 1 to 1 million licenses</li><li>Each license is valid for 1 year</li><li>Volume discounts for multiple licenses</li><li>Source code access</li><li>Use in customer-facing products or internally</li><li>Email support</li><li>Additional support tiers purchasable</li><li>Customize yourself or contract us</li></ul>
Yearly2-50$64.92Same as above
Yearly51-500$46.25Same as above
Yearly501-5000$35.58Same as above
Yearly5001-100000$10.67Same as above
Yearly100001+$9.99Same as above
Perpetual10-pack$1,947.60<ul><li>Use forever</li><li>Email support for 1 year</li><li>Optionally buy more support</li><li>Use in customer-facing products or internally</li><li>Customize source code yourself, or contract us</li></ul>
Perpetual100-pack$13,875.00Same as above
Perpetual10,000-pack$320,100.00Same as above


Elevate Your Zero Trust Strategy with BrowserBoxPro

In the modern digital landscape, Zero Trust isn't just a model; it's a necessity. BrowserBoxPro stands as a testament to this, offering an unparalleled browsing experience while ensuring every interaction is verified, validated, and secure.

Our commitment goes beyond just providing a product. We offer a partnership, ensuring that as the cybersecurity landscape evolves, so do our solutions. With BrowserBoxPro, you're not just adopting a tool; you're embracing a future where every interaction is secure.

Join us in navigating the Zero Trust landscape. Secure your commercial license today and fortify your cybersecurity strategy with BrowserBoxPro.


This project is copyright The Dosyago Corporation 2018-2023. All rights reserved.

For detailed information and progress updates, please refer to: https://github.com/BrowserBox/BrowserBox.



  1. DOSYAGO Terms, Privacy Policy and the BrowserBox License

  2. LetsEncrypt is a registered trademark of ISRG and there is no affiliation, or endorsement with BrowserBox or DOSYAGO