

<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dojo/meta/master/images/Dojo-New.png" alt="Dojo Logo" height="128" width="128" /> </p>


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This repository contains information regarding Dojo (versions 2 and newer) that crosses package boundaries.

Visit us at dojo.io for documentation, tutorials, cookbooks, and other materials. This repository contains detailed information on the structure of Dojo, while dojo.io is focused on getting started with and learning Dojo.

Guidelines and Style Guide

There are several documents that are relevant for contributing to Dojo.

Dependent Technologies

While Dojo tries to provide a holistic set of tools to build web applications, there are several key technologies where we feel that Dojo would be better integrating and building upon versus building from the ground up.

In order to ensure that Dojo is a solid set of JavaScript tools and libraries, Dojo is built on TypeScript. This provides us with structural design time typing as well as an effective way to communicate the intent of the Dojo APIs. It also provides us the ability to adopt ES6+ syntax features but make distributables that will be backwards compatible to the target browsers for Dojo.

TypeScript and Dojo Compatibility Matrix

TypeScript and Dojo both iterate rapidly. In general Dojo strives for maximum compatibility, with a plan to periodically increase the minimum TypeScript version so we can begin relying on newer TypeScript features. Please review this list when using Dojo:

Dojo versionTypeScript version (minimum)TypeScript version (maximum)


There are several packages that makeup the Dojo platform:

Less Active Packages

We have some other packages which are not actively used by Dojo or still in their planning stages:

We have some deprecated packages:


We have added a repository of examples which have been built on Dojo. Those examples are available in the dojo/examples repository and are live at dojo.github.io/examples.

Support Packages

There are several packages which are designed to support the Dojo platform. Generally these packages are not directly used by end developers:

There are additional packages which are not actively used:


The following tables contain status information for the packages:

PackageCI StatusCode CoveragenpmStage
dojo/cliBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0
dojo/frameworkBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0
dojo/interopBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0
dojo/themesBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0
dojo/widgetsBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0

CLI Packages

The dojo/cli will provide extensible functionality via a variety of packages that can be plugged into the CLI.

PackageCI StatusCode CoveragenpmStage
dojo/cli-build-appBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0
dojo/cli-build-widgetBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0
dojo/cli-create-appBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0
dojo/cli-create-themeBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0
dojo/cli-create-widgetBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0
dojo/cli-export-projectBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm versionAlpha
dojo/cli-test-internBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0

Enhancements and Extensions

These are packages which provide extended functionality, usually to other tools, which are used by Dojo. For those using the out of the box tooling, there is little value in these packages, but for those having to integrate Dojo into an existing development pipeline, these packages are likely to be of use.

PackageCI StatusCode CoveragenpmStage
dojo/devtoolBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm versionAlpha
dojo/diagnosticsBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm versionAlpha

Internal and Support Packages

In addition to dojo/cli there are some packages which are designed to be used both by the Dojo team internally, but also others who are developing Dojo applications:

PackageCI StatusCode CoveragenpmStage
dojo/grunt-dojo2Build Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0
dojo/grunt-dojo2-extrasBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0
dojo/scriptsBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version3.1
dojo/webpack-contribBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version4.0

Example app packages

PackageCI StatusCode Coverage
dojo/examplesBuild Statuscodecov.io

Inactive or Deprecated packages

PackageCI StatusCode Coveragenpm
dojo/actionsBuild Statuscodecov.io
dojo/appBuild Statuscodecov.io
dojo/cli-build-webpackBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version
dojo/composeBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version
dojo/datavizBuild Status
dojo/dgridBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version
dojo/domBuild Statuscodecov.io
dojo/interfacesBuild Statusnpm version
dojo/loaderBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version
dojo/streamsBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version
dojo/test-extrasBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version
dojo/web-editorBuild Statuscodecov.ionpm version

Licensing information

© 2019 JS Foundation & contributors. New BSD license.