


WARNING This package is deprecated in favor of functionality found elsewhere in Dojo 2. This package is not being further developed at this time as its feature set is redundant with other capabilities.

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The @dojo/dom package provides utilities for DOM manipulation and event handling/delegation in browser runtimes. It encourages (and shims) standard DOM methods where possible, but also provides utilities to make common and recommended use cases easy and obvious, and harder use cases less painful.


DOM Manipulation

CSS Class Manipulation

The class manipulation APIs provide analogues to the DOMTokenList API. They will delegate to classList when available, adding logic when necessary to comply with the more recent parts of the standard (e.g. multiple add/remove arguments, optional force parameter for toggle).

CSS Style Manipulation

The dom package provides the addCssRule function for adding styles in a stylesheet, rather than inline. This allows styles to be added programmatically on a per-selector basis, which is often more flexible and efficient than setting styles directly inline on one element. When used, addCssRule returns a handle that allows the rules for the provided selector to be manipulated.

The dom package does not provide helpers for setting inline styles, as element.style generally accomplishes that, but moreover, inline styles should be discouraged as they override stylesheets and can be difficult to maintain.

Form Manipulation

These APIs are implemented in a separate dom/form module.

DOM Events

The @dojo/core/on module already contains basic support for registering and removing DOM event handlers. The dom package adds APIs for event delegation in the delegate module. The delegate function allows an event handler to be attached to an element in order to respond to events raised by contained elements that match the provided selector.

NOTE: delegate will only respond to events raised by contained elements. It will not respond to events raised by the container itself.

Batch Operations

There are many times when a large number of operations need to be applied to the DOM at one time. In order to enable this to be done as efficiently as possible, the schedule module provides functionality to group the operations together.

NOTE: In order to be as flexible as possible, the read and write functions define very generic interfaces. In order to ensure that the operations are executed efficiently, it is important to use these functions only for their intended purpose.

How do I use this package?

Users will need to download and compile directly from this repository and dojo/core for the time being. Precompiled AMD/CommonJS modules will be provided in the near future as our release tools are improved.

Once you've downloaded @dojo/core and @dojo/dom, perform the following steps:

cd @dojo/core
grunt dist
cd dist
npm link
cd ../../@dojo/dom
npm install # (if you haven't already done this)
npm link @dojo/core

How do I contribute?

We appreciate your interest! Please see the Guidelines Repository for the Contributing Guidelines and Style Guide.


Test cases MUST be written using Intern using the Object test interface and Assert assertion interface.

90% branch coverage MUST be provided for all code submitted to this repository, as reported by istanbul’s combined coverage results for all supported platforms.

Licensing information

© 2004–2017 JS Foundation & contributors. New BSD license.