


Your code usually has less than ten milliseconds to run before it causes a frame drop.<sup>1</sup>

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Visualize Bad Drawings On The Fly

Injects 4 classes:

Monitors 6 time sensitive API calls:

Visualizes bad drawing code in 2 ways:


Step 1: Drop DWURecyclingAlert.m into your project, Swift or ObjC.

Step 2: There's no step 2.

(Optionally) Using CocoaPods and manually start the injection:

pod 'DWURecyclingAlert'

Then manually start injection by running the following function anywhere in your project:

void Inject_DWURecyclingAlert();

UI Configuration

It's likely that your project happens to use lots of [UIColor redColor] here and there. Or, maybe you want to localize the millisecond warning string with your team's first language. Take a look at the UI Configuration section and customize them the way you like.

How It Works

Method swizzling and associated objects. You could always read the source.

Disabled in Release By Default

DWURecyclingAlert.m requires the DEBUG macro to compile and run. As a result, it's disabled in Release by default. If you also want to disable it in debug builds, comment out the DWURecyclingAlertEnabled macro at the top of the file.


Example Project

Inside this repo you can find the RecyclingAlert example project.


DWURecyclingAlert is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

<a name="myfootnote1">1</a>: Facebook AsyncDisplayKit Guide. (http://asyncdisplaykit.org/guide)