

Representational Continuity </br> for Unsupervised Continual Learning

This is the Pytorch Implementation for the paper Representational Continuity for Unsupervised Continual Learning

Authors: Divyam Madaan, Jaehong Yoon, Yuanchun Li, Yunxin Liu, Sung Ju Hwang


<img align="middle" width="700" src="https://github.com/divyam3897/UCL/blob/main/concept.png">

Continual learning (CL) aims to learn a sequence of tasks without forgetting the previously acquired knowledge. However, recent advances in continual learning are restricted to supervised continual learning (SCL) scenarios. Consequently, they are not scalable to real-world applications where the data distribution is often biased and unannotated. In this work, we focus on unsupervised continual learning (UCL), where we learn the feature representations on an unlabelled sequence of tasks and show that the reliance on annotated data is not necessary for continual learning. We conduct a systematic study analyzing the learned feature representations and show that unsupervised visual representations are surprisingly more robust to catastrophic forgetting, consistently achieve better performance, and generalize better to out-of-distribution tasks than SCL. Furthermore, we find that UCL achieves a smoother loss landscape through qualitative analysis of the learned representations and learns meaningful feature representations. Additionally, we propose Lifelong Unsupervised Mixup (Lump), a simple yet effective technique that leverages the interpolation between the current task and previous tasks' instances to alleviate catastrophic forgetting for unsupervised representations.

Contribution of this work


$ pip install -r requirements.txt


$ python main.py --data_dir ../Data/ --log_dir ../logs/ -c configs/simsiam_c10.yaml --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/cifar10_results/ --hide_progress
$ python main.py --data_dir ../Data/ --log_dir ../logs/ -c configs/simsiam_c100.yaml --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/cifar100_results/ --hide_progress
$ python main.py --data_dir ../Data/ --log_dir ../logs/ -c configs/simsiam_tinyimagenet.yaml --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/tinyimagenet_results/ --hide_progress
$ python main.py --data_dir ../Data/ --log_dir ../logs/ -c configs/barlow_c10.yaml --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/cifar10_results/ --hide_progress
$ python main.py --data_dir ../Data/ --log_dir ../logs/ -c configs/barlow_c100.yaml --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/cifar100_results/ --hide_progress
$ python main.py --data_dir ../Data/ --log_dir ../logs/ -c configs/barlow_tinyimagenet.yaml --ckpt_dir ./checkpoints/tinyimagenet_results/ --hide_progress


We'd love to accept your contributions to this project. Please feel free to open an issue, or submit a pull request as necessary. If you have implementations of this repository in other ML frameworks, please reach out so we may highlight them here.


The code is build upon aimagelab/mammoth and PatrickHua/SimSiam


If you found the provided code useful, please cite our work.

  title={Representational Continuity for Unsupervised Continual Learning},
  author={Divyam Madaan and Jaehong Yoon and Yuanchun Li and Yunxin Liu and Sung Ju Hwang},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},