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Observable-based virtual scroll implementation in Angular.


npm i -S od-virtualscroll


Let's you scroll efficiently through a humongous list/grid of items (with single predefined height) by recycling components and minimizing component updates.


All examples are written in Angular 4 and provided in separate repositories to keep this repository simple.

od-vsstatic / DemoStatic example with 100k cells. Ideal for performance analysis and GC testing
od-vsdynamic / DemoScroll through GIFs, without the risk of a CPU meltdown (GIPHY API)
od-vslist / DemoRender only 1 cell per row with dynamic width (randomuser API)
od-vsadvanced / DemoShows more advanced API features and utilizes the auxiliary debug module
od-vscolors / DemoJust for fun

However, this repository also holds a minimalistic demo, to allow local development and AoT compilation.


Import the module and specify the cell and container styling (traditional layout or flexbox/... your choice).

// app.module.ts
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {VirtualScrollModule} from 'od-virtualscroll';
import {AppComponent} from './app.component';

  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
export class AppModule {}

// app.component.ts
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
importĀ {IVirtualScrollOptions} from 'od-virtualscroll';

  selector: 'app-shell',
  styles: [`...`],                      // <-- Style your cell and container
  template: `
    <od-virtualscroll [vsData]="data$" [vsOptions]="options$">
      <ng-template let-item let-row="row" let-column="column">
        <span>Row: {{row}}</span><br>
        <span>Column: {{column}}</span>
export class AppComponent {
  data$: Observable<any[]> = ... ;                      // <-- Define data
  options$: Observable<IVirtualScrollOptions> = ... ;   // <-- Define options

If you want to apply a traditional layout and wonder about the space between inline block elements - read this.


vsDataObservable<any[]>Stream of data
vsOptionsObservable<IVirtualScrollOptions>Stream of options
vsResizeObservable<any>Stream of resize commands (optional, default: -\->)
vsUserCmdObservable<IUserCmd>Stream of user specific commands (optional, default: -\->)
vsDebounceTimenumberDebounce scroll and resize events [ms] (optional, default: 0)
vsEqualsFunc(prevIndex: number, curIndex:number) => booleanFunction to determine equality, given two indicies in the array (optional, default: (p,c) => p === c))


export interface IVirtualScrollOptions {
  itemWidth?: number;
  itemHeight: number;
  numAdditionalRows?: number;
  numLimitColumns?: number;

The component requires either fixed-size cells (itemWidth, itemHeight) or a fixed number of cells per row (itemHeight, numLimitColumns).

Further, to improve scrolling, additional rows may be requested.


Currently, the supported user specific commands are:

E.g. Focus row index 42.

data$ = // Data...;
userCmd$ = of(new FocusRowCmd(42)).pipe(delay(2000));
<od-virtualscroll [vsData]="data$" [vsUserCmd]="userCmd$">
  <!-- Your template -->



Inject the ScrollObservableService to subscribe to key component observables.

scrollWin$[IVirtualScrollWindow]Stream of the most important inner data structure
createRow$[CreateRowCmd, ComponentRef<VirtualRowComponent>]Create row command and ComponentRef
removeRow$[RemoveRowCmd, ComponentRef<VirtualRowComponent>]Remove row command and ComponentRef
shiftRow$[ShiftRowCmd, ComponentRef<VirtualRowComponent>]Shift row command and ComponentRef
createItem$[CreateItemCmd, ScrollItem, EmbeddedViewRef<ScrollItem>]Create item command, scroll item and EmbeddedViewRef
updateItem$[UpdateItemCmd, ScrollItem, EmbeddedViewRef<ScrollItem>]Update item command, scroll item and EmbeddedViewRef
removeItem$[RemoveItemCmd]Remove item command

The od-vsdynamic and od-vsadvanced examples show how the API may be used.


This interface provides pretty much all needed information.

export interface IVirtualScrollWindow {
  dataTimestamp: number;
  containerWidth: number;
  containerHeight: number;
  itemWidth?: number;
  itemHeight: number;
  numVirtualItems: number;
  numVirtualRows: number;
  virtualHeight: number;
  numAdditionalRows: number;
  scrollTop: number;
  scrollPercentage: number;
  numActualRows: number;
  numActualColumns: number;
  actualHeight: number;
  numActualItems: number;
  visibleStartRow: number;
  visibleEndRow: number;

It is used internally and may also be useful in consuming application components.

E.g.: The od-vsdynamic example.

Multiple Instances

The ScrollObservableService is registered on the VirtualScrollModule by default, so it is available on the root injector. However, if you have multiple instances of the scroll component, a singleton instance of the ScrollObservableService is not enough. Register the service on the wrapping component, via the providers property in the @Component decorator, so that the injector bubbling will stop on the Component level and will serve the right instance of the ScrollObservableService.

Check the feature/testMultiInstances branch for a simple example.

Further information

api.ts reveals the current API surface.

Module Format

The lib is AoT compatible and ships with FESM5 and FESM15 exports.

See Angular Package Format v4.0 for more info.

ES5/UMD, ES5/ES2015 and ES2015/ES2015 exports are also provided.


1.0.x -> 1.1.x

1.1.x uses Angular6/RxJS6.

0.2.x -> 1.x

Rename component input vsScrollTop to vsUserCmd.

NPM Scripts

npm run {{scriptName}}
buildAllBuild lib and demo
cleanAllRemove generated directories
buildDemoBuild demo bundle with AoT compilation
tslintLint lib and demo
serveStarts browser-sync for local development
exploreSource map explorer of AoT compiled demo

Contribution & Contact

Contribution and feedback is highly appreciated.


