

Added configuration options (this fork by Digital Democracy)

This fork of Mapbox's Storytelling template by Digital Democracy adds a few additional optional configuration options to further customize the template:

These properties are described in the Configuration Options below. They have also been inserted into the config.js.template in the src directory. The relevant code is indicated with comments in the index.html file in the src directory.

There is also some code for displaying popups on hover over a selected layer, for interactive chapters. The functions turnPopupsOn(layer) and turnPopupsOff(layer) can be turned off using chapter callbacks. You can find these functions in src/index.html if you want to change the behavior (like setting them to open on click instead of hover).

Updated to Mapbox GL JS V2.0.0

3D mountains in Colorado

Interactive Storytelling

Some stories are best told with a map. Data journalists covering changing conditions in a population's demographics, the environment, an international conflict, or telling a simple travel story frequently provide geographic context in their graphics.

This template is designed to accelerate building out a "scrollytelling" map story. The primary input is a story broken into sections (chapters), each hooked to a particular view of a map.

Optionally, you can input a custom Mapbox Style with layers styled in Studio and toggle the layer's opacity.

The output is an HTML and JavaScript file. These outputs can be hosted on any web-accessible location, with no extra code or infrastructure required. Note that embedding the output as an iFrame in another page will not work as expected. The scroll-driven interface requires the full page.


This template is for data journalists and digital storytellers of any kind. No coding experience is required. If you are planning to include some custom map layers, you will need some familiarity with Mapbox Studio.

To configure and publish a story, you will need:

The template does not rely on any particular CSS framework, fonts, or images. There are some basic styles in the head of the HTML file that can be changed, so feel free to adapt and add to these to match your site and story brand.

example story screen capture

Getting Started

In your local copy of this repository (the unzipped file you downloaded), navigate to the src/ directory.

Make a copy of config.js.template and name it config.js. Open the new config.js file in your text editor.


  1. Select the map style you want to use (the default is Mapbox Streets, but you can find more here https://docs.mapbox.com/api/maps/#styles, or use one of your custom Studio styles).

  2. Add a Mapbox access token. A good practice is to create a separate token per map to be able to track traffic to your different maps.

  3. Choose whether or not to display a marker at the center of each map location. If you are displaying markers, you can set the color using the markerColor property. The default color is light blue.

  4. Choose a theme for the story text. There are light and dark options.

  5. Choose where your story should be aligned over the map. Options are center, left, right, and full.

    style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11',
    accessToken: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN',
    showMarkers: true,
    markerColor: '#3FB1CE',
    theme: 'light',
    use3dTerrain: false,
    useCustomLayers: true,
    projection: 'equalEarth',
    bookmarks: true,
    title: 'The Title Text of this Story',
    subtitle: 'A descriptive and interesting subtitle to draw in the reader',
    byline: 'By a Digital Storyteller',
    mobileview: '<div id="rotate-mobile"><em>For optimal viewing of this storytelling map on mobile, rotate your device to a horizontal orientation.</em><br><br><img src="images/device.png">',
    footer: 'Source: source citations, etc.',
    chapters: [
  1. Add as many chapters in your template as needed. You'll need a , between each section, but no comma at the end. Here is what a chapter looks like:
            id: 'slug-style-id',
            alignment: 'left',
            hidden: false,
            title: 'Display Title',
            image: './path/to/image/source.png',
            caption: '',
            website: '<a href="https://www.native-land.ca" target="_blank">Native Land website</a>',
            author: 'Rudo Kemper, Digital Democracy',
            legend: '<span style="font-size: 0.85em;"><em>Indigenous community names on the map courtesy of Native Land Digital</em></span>',
            description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.',
            location: {
                center: [-122.418398, 37.759483],
                zoom: 8.5,
                pitch: 60,
                bearing: 0
            mapAnimation: 'flyTo',
            rotateAnimation: false,
            mapInteractive: true,
            callback: '',
            onChapterEnter: [],
            onChapterExit: []
  1. Fill out your sections as needed. Give each section a unique name in the section id property. This will become the HTML div id, so avoid spaces in the name. The title, description properties are optional. The description supports HTML tags. If you have an image that goes with that section of the story, add the path to the image in the image property.

  2. For location, you can use the helper.html file to help you determine the map's position. This tool prints the location settings of the map on the screen in a format ready for copy/paste into the template. Optionally, you can change the style in this file to your custom style.

  3. Repeat until you have the location entered for each of your sections.

  4. Open index.html in a browser, and scroll. Voila!

Generate Map Position Using Helper.html

Using the helper.html file, you can search for places, zoom, pan, tilt, and rotate the map to get the desired map position (Hint: To tilt and rotate the map, right-click and drag the map).

Notice the location parameters are updated in the upper left corner with everytime you move the map. You can copy the location definition from that page into the config.js location property section.

There is also a hosted version of this file at https://demos.mapbox.com/location-helper/

location helper screen capture

Configuration File and Layer Settings

Here is a sample configuration:

var config = {
    style: 'mapbox://styles/branigan/cjz37rcb003ib1cr3s8rnkt2d',
    accessToken: 'pk.eyJ1IjoibWJ4c29sdXRpb25zIiwiYSI6ImNrMm01aG9hdTBlZGwzbXQ1ZXVrNHNmejAifQ.QHQA0N6XPWddCXtvoODHZg',
    showMarkers: false,
    theme: 'dark',
    markerColor: '#3FB1CE',
    projection: 'equirectangular',
    //Read more about available projections here
    inset: true,
    legend: true, // if legend is set to true, inset will be disabled.
    use3dTerrain: true,
    useCustomLayers: true, // for custom sources and layers added to the storymap in sources.js
    projection: 'equirectangular', // to change map projection
    bookmarks: true, // to add bookmarks to header and footer
    chapterReturn: true, // to add a Return to Top link at the bottom of each footer
    title: 'Glaciers of Glacier National Park',
    logo: 'images/Digital Democracy.png', // to add a logo to the header
    subtitle: 'Change in coverage from 1998 to 2015',
    byline: '',
    mobileview: '<div id="rotate-mobile"><em>For optimal viewing of this storytelling map on mobile, rotate your device to a horizontal orientation.</em><br><br><img src="images/device.png">', // to add custom messaging in the header for mobile devices
    footer: 'Source: Story text from Wikipedia, August 2019. Data from <a href="https://www.usgs.gov/centers/norock/science/retreat-glaciers-glacier-national-park">USGS</a>',
    chapters: [
            id: 'glacier-np',
            alignment: 'full',
            title: 'Glacier National Park Glaciers',
            image: 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/2015-06-19_Glacier_National_Park_%28U.S.%29_8633.jpg/800px-2015-06-19_Glacier_National_Park_%28U.S.%29_8633.jpg',
            caption: '',
            website: '<a href="https://www.native-land.ca" target="_blank">Native Land website</a>',
            author: 'Rudo Kemper, Digital Democracy',
            legend: '<span style="font-size: 0.85em;"><em>Indigenous community names on the map courtesy of Native Land Digital</em></span>',
            description: 'Glacier National Park is dominated by mountains which were carved into their present shapes by the huge glaciers of the last ice age...',
            location: {
                center: [-113.91666, 48.66451],
                zoom: 8,
                pitch: 0.00,
                bearing: 0.00
            mapAnimation: 'flyTo',
            rotateAnimation: false,
            spinGlobe: false,
            mapInteractive: true,
            callback: '',
            onChapterEnter: [
                    layer: 'nativeland', // this source and layer is defined in `sources.js`
                    opacity: 1
                    layer: 'gnpglaciers-1998',
                    opacity: 0.25
                    layer: 'glaciernp-boundary',
                    opacity: 0.25
            onChapterExit: [
                    layer: 'glaciernp-boundary',
                    opacity: 0
            id: 'harrison1998',
            alignment: 'left',
            title: 'Harrison Glacier, 1998',
            image: '',
            description: 'Harrison Glacier is located in the US state of Montana in Glacier National Park. Situated on a southeast facing ridge immediately south of Mount Jackson, Harrison Glacier is the largest glacier in Glacier National Park...',
            location: {
                center: [-113.72917, 48.58938],
                zoom: 12.92,
                pitch: 39.50,
                bearing: 36.00
            onChapterEnter: [],
            onChapterExit: [
                // {
                //     layer: 'gnpglaciers-2015',
                //     opacity: 0
                // }

Configuration Options

Note: items in bold are required.

style: This is the Mapbox style url to use for the app. It can be a standard style, or a custom style from your Mapbox account. Use a custom style if you want to include custom data or layers.

accessToken: Your Mapbox access token.

showMarkers: This controls whether markers are shown at the centerpoint of each chapter. If true, the map will display a default blue, inverted-teardrop icon.

markerColor: Accepts hexadecimal, RGB, and color names compatible with CSS standards. If showMarkers is true, this property will override the default light blue marker color.

theme: Two basic themes (light and dark) are available.

use3dTerrain: Enables 3D terrain. (Optional)

(ADDED IN THIS FORK) useCustomLayers: Enables adding custom sources and layers as defined in sources.js. You can then add these to your chapters and set opacity on/off, in the same way as the layers from your Mapbox Studio map. (Optional)

(ADDED IN THIS FORK) bookmarks: Enables adding bookmark links in the header and footer for each chapter. Bookmarks will be added for any chapter that has a title. (Optional)

(ADDED IN THIS FORK) chapterReturn: To enable a "Return to Top" link at the bottom of each chapter. (Optional)

(ADDED IN THIS FORK) legend: Enables an optional legend per each chapter; adds a box with HTML content at the bottom right of the window. (Optional)

(ADDED IN THIS FORK) spinGlobe: Spins the globe for your chapter if your map is set to the 3D globe projection.

inset: Enables inset map. Will be disabled is legend is set to true. (Optional)

projection: Set the Map object's projection parameter to create a map with a non-Mercator projection.. (Optional)

title: The title of the overall story. (Optional)

(ADDED IN THIS FORK) logo: Add a logo image to the header of your story. (Optional)

subtitle: A subtitle for the story. (Optional)

byline: Credit the author of the story. (Optional)

(ADDED IN THIS FORK) mobileview: Displays a helpful note to rotate the device when viewing the story map on a mobile. This is HTML content and can be modified in config.js. (Optional)

footer: Citations, credits, etc. that will be displayed at the bottom of the story.

chapters: This contains all of the story content and map controls for each section of the story. Array of objects

            location: {
                center: [-113.72917, 48.58938],
                zoom: 12.92,
                pitch: 39.50,
                bearing: 36.00,
                speed: 0.2,
                curve: 1

Layer Configuration in your Mapbox Studio Style

Add and style each custom layer in your Studio style. Before the final publish, set any layers's style to be hidden with 0 opacity. Do not hide the layer. For example, if you have a circle layer, makes sure the color-opacity and/or the stroke-opacity is set to 0.

This will ensure that the map appears correctly when the story page loads. To adjust the opacity of the layers as the reader scrolls through the story, use the onChapterEnter or onChapterExit configuration options to set your desired opacity for the layer.

You may also opt to add more sources and layers using the useCustomLayers configuration option above, defined in sources.js.



Host the index.html, config.js, and sources.js files in the same directory in a web-accessible location. If you don't know where to start, look into GitHub Pages or Netlify.

Built With


John Branigan on the Mapbox Solutions Architecture Team


BSD 3-Clause License


Notable Examples
