

C++ Insights for Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

<!-- ## Introduction --> <!-- ## Features For example if there is an image subfolder under your extension project workspace: \!\[feature X\]\(images/feature-x.png\) > Tip: Many popular extensions utilize animations. This is an excellent way to show off your extension! We recommend short, focused animations that are easy to follow. -->


This extension allows you to view C++ Insights inside of vscode:

<p> <img src="image/show.png" alt="Show C++ insights" /> </p>

or diff the Insights with your original source:

<p> <img src="image/diff.png" alt="Diff source with C++ insights" /> </p>

The extension can utilize a compilation database/compile commands for easy use in existing environments. You can specify a directory containing the compilation database, aka the build directory, with vscode-cppinsights.buildDirectory. If the active file is part of a workspace, and vscode-cppinsights.buildDirectoryPrioritizeCMake is set, the cmake.buildDirectory is used to determine the build directory.


This extension requires @andreasfertig's C++ Insights. C++ Insights can be found here: https://github.com/andreasfertig/cppinsights. Build or download the latest release and specify the path to the cppinsights binary in vscode-cppinsights.path.


Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings: (You can find descriptions in the settings UI)


If you want to contribute, have an idea for a feature, or want to report an issue, please visit the GitHub repository.

Known Issues

Compiler Error on Windows

Formatting (vscode-cppinsights.format)