


a playwright custom selector engine for xpath 3.1 using fontoxpath


npm install playwright-xpath


import { selectors } from 'playwright'
import xpath3 from 'playwright-xpath'

selectors.register('xpath3', xpath3)
;(async () => {
    await page.setContent('<button>Click me</button>')

    // (the starts-with function is only available in xpath 2 and above)
    await page.click("xpath3=//button[starts-with(., 'Click')]")


xpath 3.1

currently, all browsers (and playwright) only support xpath 1.0. however there are many useful features that were added in xpath 2 and above which are now supported thanks to fontoxpath

svg support

due to how xml namespaces work, svg elements do not work when using xpath on html. to work around this, the playwright-xpath selector engine allows you to specify the svg prefix:

await page.setContent('<svg><text>asdf</text></svg>')
await page.waitForSelector('xpath=//svg/text') // doesn't work
await page.waitForSelector('xpath3=//svg/text') // doesn't work
await page.waitForSelector('xpath=//svg:svg/svg:text') // doesn't work
await page.waitForSelector('xpath3=//svg:svg/svg:text') // works

for more information, see this thread