

<br> <div align="center"> <img src="docs/assets/Lard_grey_transp.png" width="50%" alt="LARD dataset" align="center" /> </div> <!-- Badge section --> <!--<div align="center"> <a href="#"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Python-3.6, 3.7, 3.8-efefef"> </a> <a href="#"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-efefef"> </a> </div>--> <br>

Landing Approach Runway Detection (LARD) is a dataset of aerial front view images of runways designed for aircraft landing phase. It contains over 17K synthetic images of various runways, enriched with more than 1800 annotated pictures from real landing footages for comparison.

We also provide a synthetic image generator based on Google Earth Studio if you want to enrich your dataset, or fatten your LARD. Starting from a database of runway positions, our generator produces high quality synthetic pictures of airport runways with their metadata. Through geometric transformations, these pictures can then be automatically annotated with the position of the runway or any targeted element in the aerial picture.

Synthetic and real runwaysSynthetic landing sequence

πŸš€ Quickstart

πŸ“š Table of contents

✈️ LARD Dataset

The LARD Dataset is declared and stored at data.gouv.fr under the DOI https://doi.org/10.57745/MZSH2Y. It is available to download directly on this page, or on a secondary mirror.

[New 08/2023] Over 1700 images were annotated and added to the test set of real images

This dataset is dedicated to the detection of a runway from an aircraft during approach and landing phases. Therefore the majority of images in this dataset were generated using conventional landing trajectories: the set of possible positions and orientation of the aircraft during landing was defined as a generic landing approach cone which corresponds to the following ranges of parameters:

Parameter namevalue ranges
Distance[0.08, 3] NM
Vertical deviation[2.2Β°, 3.8]Β°
Lateral deviation[-4, 4]Β°

The first 3 parameters correspond to the position of the aircraft relative to the runway, while the last 3 parameters correspond to its orientation.

πŸ“ Dataset structure

As of today, the dataset contains around 17K images in total, divided into the following main folders:


πŸ’‘ Note that this dataset may be updated in the future, with more images for new runways and a greater variety of sources, for both the train set and the test set (and possibly other sets)

🏷️ Metadata

The images of the dataset are provided in a images/ folder together with a .csv file which contains all the metadata. Some metadata are not always available for both real and synthetic images, but the following columns are common:

Due to limitations, the remaining columns are specific to only one source of data, but could also be used jointly by a new source of data such as a flight simulator supporting live weather.

For real images, three additional metadata are provided:

For synthetic images, weather is not provided, and the night view is simulated with a simple reduction of ambient brightness, which produces far from realistic images since the runway lights stay unlit. The time to landing is also unknown, however in contrast to real images, the position of the camera relative to the runway is defined in the initial scenario and can be used to compute relevant data about the aircraft position, namely the slant distance, the along track distance, the height above runway, the lateral path angle and the vertical path angle. These values represent the relative position of the aircraft with respect to specific points on the runway.

Please refer to the infos.md file for a detailed description of each metadata.

<!--- Quelques stats? + aeroports du dataset - Distrib ratios taille des boites - Echelle de distance 3eme dim (couleur) - Positions des centres - - (video cone) -->

πŸŽ₯ Real footage

<div align="right"> <picture> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17MUtbOfdNQ?t=500s"><img alt="Landing at PALERMO, by GreatFlyer" src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/17MUtbOfdNQ/0.jpg" width="30%" align="right"></a> </picture> </div>

The following channels were used to build the set of real images of LARD. These content creators provided the rights to use their footage videos for research and for the sole purpose of building this open-source dataset, and their videos can be used to obtain more images of runways, which must then be manually annotated:

<!-- [![IMAGE ALT TEXT](http://img.youtube.com/vi/17MUtbOfdNQ/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17MUtbOfdNQ?t=500s "Landing at PALERMO, by GreatFlyer")-->

βš™οΈ Synthetic Generator

The simplified internal working of the generator is as follows:

<div align="center"> <img src="docs/assets/generator_pipeline.png" width="70%" alt="Generator Pipeline" align="center" /> </div> <br>

⚑️ In short:

  1. πŸ”₯ Update runways database (notebook): You can enrich the runway database used as input with new airports and runways.
  2. πŸ”₯ Generate scenarios (notebook): We offer the capability to generate highly configurable landing scenarios
  3. πŸ”₯ Label automatically (notebook): We provide the tool to automatically annotate the resulting images

πŸ”Œ Setup

pip install -r requirements.txt

1. Enrich the runway database

    "AIRPORT": {
      "RUNWAY": {
        "A": {
            "position": {
                "x": -2183272.4689240726,
                "y": 4357496.814901311,
                "z": 4103132.159236785
            "coordinate": {
                "latitude": 40.09288445386455,
                "longitude": 116.61262013286958,
                "altitude": 30.0

Note that only the WGS84 coordinates (lat/lon/alt) are needed, as the ECEF coordinates are automatically computed by the script.

2. Generate a scenario

python src/scenario/write_scenario.py params/example_generation.yml

The correspondance between parameter names and names used in the code are as follows:

Usual nameparameter name
Distancemin_distance_m, max_distance_m
Vertical deviation / Glide slope anglealpha_v_deg, std_alpha_v_deg
Lateral deviationalpha_h_deg, std_alpha_h_deg
Yawyaw_deg, std_yaw_deg
Pitchpitch_deg, std_pitch_deg
Rollroll_deg, std_roll_deg

However all these parameters except the distance are not defined as ranges, but rather with gaussian noise around a fixed center and a standard deviation (std_***).

This scenario generation will produce both a .esp file and a .yaml file. The first one is needed for Google Earth Studio, while the second one is needed for the labeling process.

2-bis Google Earth generation recommendations

The .esp file produced at step #2 can be directly loaded into Google Earth Studio. User can then verify the image sequence, especially to treat any problem relative to time of day in case of night images, which may require a new scenario generation, or potential occlusions. Then the sequence of images can be rendered by the tool, with the following recommendations:

<div align="right"> <img src="data/folder_example.png" width="100px" alt="folder example from docs/assets/" align="right" /> </div> <br>

❗️ Important: This generation will create a folder, in which the .yaml file produced at step #2 must be copied or moved, to obtain a directory organized like the example on the right.

3. Automatic labeling

python src/labeling/generate_dataset.py params/export_train_dataset.yml

πŸ› οΈ Dataset Exploitation

    | metadata.csv
    | images/
    | | nameimage1.jpeg
    | | nameimage2.jpeg
    | | ...
python src/dataset/lard_export.py --train data/multiple_train --test data/test_dataset -o data/converted_coco -b "xywh" -n -lf "multiple" -c -s " "

Please refer to the provided notebook (export tool) for comprehensive details about the possible export options and the folder structures.


Technical Documentation The technical documentation of the different python modules and python methods implemented can be found in "./doc/build". You can open "./doc/build/index.html" in a web browser to navigate through it.

πŸ‘€ See Also

More from the DEEL project:

πŸŽ“ Authors

<div align="center"> <a href="#"> <img src="docs/assets/logo-ONERA.png" height="50px" alt="logo-ONERA"> </a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#"> <img src="docs/assets/logo-ANITI.jpg" height="50px" alt="logo-ANITI"> </a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#"> <img src="docs/assets/logo-IRT-StEx.png" height="50px" alt="logo-IRT-StEx"> </a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#"> <img src="docs/assets/logo-DEEL.png" height="50px" alt="logo-DEEL"> </a> <a href="#"> <img src="docs/assets/logo-AIRBUS_.png" height="50px" alt="logo-AIRBUS"> </a> </div> This project is a joint research work from ONERA, IRT Saint ExupΓ©ry and AIRBUS. It received funding from the French ”Investing for the Future – PIA3” program within the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI).

πŸ—žοΈ Citation

You can read our paper at https://hal.science/hal-04056760.

If you use LARD as part of your workflow in a scientific publication, please consider citing the following paper:

  TITLE = {{LARD - Landing Approach Runway Detection - Dataset for Vision Based Landing}},
  AUTHOR = {Ducoffe, M{\'e}lanie and Carrere, Maxime and F{\'e}liers, L{\'e}o and Gauffriau, Adrien and Mussot, Vincent and Pagetti, Claire and Sammour, Thierry},
  URL = {https://hal.science/hal-04056760},
  NOTE = {working paper or preprint},
  YEAR = {2023},
  MONTH = Apr,
  KEYWORDS = {open-source dataset ; vision based landing ; ML},
  PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-04056760/file/main.pdf},
  HAL_ID = {hal-04056760},
  HAL_VERSION = {v1},

πŸ“ License

The package is released under MIT license.