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<b>Oodeel</b> is a library that performs post-hoc deep OOD (Out-of-Distribution) detection on already trained neural network image classifiers. The philosophy of the library is to favor quality over quantity and to foster easy adoption. As a result, we provide a simple, compact and easily customizable API and carefully integrate and test each proposed baseline into a coherent framework that is designed to enable their use in tensorflow and pytorch. You can find the documentation here.

from oodeel.methods import MLS

mls = MLS()
mls.fit(model) # A tensorflow or torch model
scores, info = mls.score(ds) # ds is a tf.data.Dataset or a torch.DataLoader

Table of contents


Installation can be done using:

pip install oodeel

oodeel requires either tensorflow or pytorch to be already installed (it will not install them automatically not to mess-up with existing installations). It is regularly tested with:

Python versionPytorch versionTensorflow version

Quick Start

Now that oodeel is installed, here are some basic examples of what you can do with the available modules. See also the notebooks directory for more advanced examples.

For benchmarking with one dataset as in-distribution and another as out-of-distribution

Load in-distribution and out-of-distribution datasets.

from oodeel.datasets import OODDataset

ds_in = OODDataset(
  'mnist', load_kwargs={"split":"test"},
  backend="tensorflow").prepare(batch_size) # use backend="torch" if you prefer torch.DataLoader
ds_out = OODDataset(
  'fashion_mnist', load_kwargs={"split":"test"},

For benchmarking with a classes subset as in-distribution and another classes subset as out-of-distribution

Load a dataset and split it into an in-distribution dataset and ou-of-distribution dataset depending on its label values (a common practice of anomaly detection and open set recognition).

from oodeel.datasets import OODDataset

in_labels = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
oods_in, oods_out = oods_test.split_by_class(in_labels=in_labels)
ds_in = oods_in.prepare(batch_size=batch_size)
ds_out = oods_out.prepare(batch_size=batch_size)

Run an OOD method

Load an OOD method and use it on an already-trained model

from oodeel.methods import MLS

mls = MLS()
# info contains model predictions and labels if avail
scores_in, info_in = mls.score(ds_in)
scores_out, info_out = mls.score(ds_out)

Evaluate the method

from oodeel.eval.metrics import bench_metrics

metrics = bench_metrics(
    (scores_in, scores_out),
    metrics = ["auroc", "fpr95tpr"],

And visualize the results!

2D t-SNE (3D is also available).

<p align="center"> <img src="docs/assets/tsne.png" alt="TSNE" /> </p>

Classical histograms and AUROC curve.

plot_ood_scores(scores_in, scores_out, log_scale=False)
plot_roc_curve(scores_in, scores_out)
<p align="center"> <img src="docs/assets/auroc.png" alt="AUROC" /> </p>


We propose some tutorials to get familiar with the library and its API. See the Tutorial section of the doc

What's Included

The library is based on a class, OODBaseDetector, that fits a model and then scores new samples. Some baselines use extra data, so OODBaseDetector can also fit additional data if needed. The library uses OODDataset to properly load data from different sources and prepare it for OOD detection. It can perform OOD-specific operations like adding extra OOD data for tuning with Outlier Exposure or filters according to label values for anomaly detection or open set recognition benchmarks.

Currently, oodeel includes the following baselines:

MLSOpen-Set Recognition: a Good Closed-Set Classifier is All You Need?ICLR 2022avail tensorflow & torch
MSPA Baseline for Detecting Misclassified and Out-of-Distribution Examples in Neural NetworksICLR 2017avail tensorflow & torch
MahalanobisA Simple Unified Framework for Detecting Out-of-Distribution Samples and Adversarial AttacksNeurIPS 2018avail tensorflow or torch
EnergyEnergy-based Out-of-distribution DetectionNeurIPS 2020avail tensorflow or torch
OdinEnhancing The Reliability of Out-of-distribution Image Detection in Neural NetworksICLR 2018avail tensorflow or torch
DKNNOut-of-Distribution Detection with Deep Nearest NeighborsICML 2022avail tensorflow or torch
VIMViM: Out-Of-Distribution with Virtual-logit MatchingCVPR 2022avail tensorflow or torch
EntropyLikelihood Ratios for Out-of-Distribution DetectionNeurIPS 2019avail tensorflow or torch
GODINGeneralized ODIN: Detecting Out-of-Distribution Image Without Learning From Out-of-Distribution DataCVPR 2020planned
ReActReAct: Out-of-distribution Detection With Rectified ActivationsNeurIPS 2021avail tensorflow or torch
NMDNeural Mean Discrepancy for Efficient Out-of-Distribution DetectionCVPR 2022planned
GramDetecting Out-of-Distribution Examples with Gram MatricesICML 2020avail tensorflow or torch
GENGEN: Pushing the Limits of Softmax-Based Out-of-Distribution DetectionCVPR 2023avail tensorflow or torch
RMDSA Simple Fix to Mahalanobis Distance for Improving Near-OOD Detectionpreprintavail tensorflow or torch
SHEOut-of-Distribution Detection based on In-Distribution Data Patterns Memorization with Modern Hopfield EnergyICLR 2023avail tensorflow or torch

Oodeel also includes standard training functions with data augmentation and learning rate scheduler for toy convnet models or models from keras.applications in tf_training_tools.py and torchvision.models in torch_training_tools.py files. These functions come in handy for benchmarks like leave-k-classes-out that requires retraining models on a subset of dataset classes.

Development Roadmap


Feel free to propose your ideas or come and contribute with us on the oodeel toolbox! We have a specific document where we describe in a simple way how to make your first pull request: just here.

See Also

Other great tools in the field of OOD:

More from the DEEL project:


<div align="right"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="docs/assets/deel_dark.png" width="25%" align="right"> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="docs/assets/deel_light.png" width="25%" align="right"> <img src="docs/assets/deel_dark.png" alt="DEEL Logo" width="25%" align="right"> </picture> </div> This project received funding from the French ”Investing for the Future – PIA3” program within the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (ANITI). The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the <a href="https://www.deel.ai/"> DEEL </a>, a research project jointly conducted in France and Quebec.


The library was created by Paul Novello to streamline DEEL research on post-hoc deep OOD methods and foster their adoption by DEEL industrial partners. He was soon joined by Yann Pequignot, Yannick Prudent, Corentin Friedrich and Matthieu Le Goff.


If you use OODEEL for your research project, please consider citing:

  author = {Novello, Paul and Prudent, Yannick and Friedrich, Corentin and Pequignot, Yann and Le Goff, Matthieu},
  title = {OODEEL, a simple, compact, and hackable post-hoc deep OOD detection for already trained tensorflow or pytorch image classifiers.},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/deel-ai/oodeel}},


The package is released under MIT license.