


Generate the ERD-as-a-code (DBML, Mermaid, PlantUML, GraphViz, D2, DrawDB) from dbt artifact files (dbt Core) or from dbt metadata (dbt Cloud)

Entity Relationships are configurably detected by (docs):

PyPI version python-cli License: MIT python codecov

pip install dbterd --upgrade

Verify installation:

dbterd --version

[!TIP] For dbt-core Users, it's highly recommended to upgrade dbt-artifacts-parser to the latest version in order to support the newer dbt-core version which would cause to have the new manifest / catalog json schema:</br> πŸ‘‰ pip install dbt-artifacts-parser --upgrade

Quick examine with existing samples


πŸƒCheck out the Quick Demo with DBML!

Contributing ✨

If you've ever wanted to contribute to this tool, and a great cause, now is your chance!

See the contributing docs CONTRIBUTING for more information.

If you've found this tool to be very helpful, please consider giving the repository a star, sharing it on social media, or even writing a blog post about it πŸ’Œ

dbterd stars buy me a coffee

Finally, super thanks to our Contributors:

<a href="https://github.com/datnguye/dbterd/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=datnguye/dbterd" /> </a> </br>