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Simple Elixir wrapper for the Pivotal Tracker API.

Based heavily on the Tentacat and ExTwiter libraries.


Documentation can be found here


  1. Add extracker to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:extracker, "~> 0.1"}]
  1. Ensure extracker is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:extracker]]


# Create a client.
iex> client = ExTracker.Client.new(%{access_token: "d55c3bc1f74346b843ca84ba340b29bf"})
%ExTracker.Client{auth: %{access_token: "d55c3bc1f74346b843ca84ba340b29bf"},
 endpoint: "https://www.pivotaltracker.com/services/v5/"}

# Get project including epics and the epic's label.
iex>   %ExTracker.Record.Project{name: name, epics: epics} =
...>       ExTracker.Projects.find(1027488,
...>                               client,
...>                               fields: ":default,epics(:default,label(name))")
%ExTracker.Record.Project{number_of_done_iterations_to_show: 12,
 point_scale: "0,1,2,3", week_start_day: "Monday",
 iteration_override_numbers: nil, enable_tasks: true, story_ids: nil,
 membership_ids: nil, created_at: "2014-03-02T07:11:04Z", integration_ids: nil,
 start_time: "2014-02-10T08:00:00Z", has_google_domain: false,
 current_iteration_number: 104, label_ids: nil,
 time_zone: %ExTracker.Record.TimeZone{kind: "time_zone", offset: "-08:00",
  olson_name: "America/Los_Angeles"}, labels: nil, current_volatility: nil,
 bugs_and_chores_are_estimatable: false, iteration_length: 1,
 name: "My Sample Project", epic_ids: nil,
 profile_content: "This is a demo project, created by Tracker, with example stories for a simple shopping web site.",
 description: nil, account: nil, start_date: nil,
 updated_at: "2014-03-02T07:11:04Z", initial_velocity: 10,
 velocity_averaged_over: 3, automatic_planning: true, id: 1027488,
 atom_enabled: false, project_type: "demo", account_id: 621384,
 epics: [%ExTracker.Record.Epic{description: "Get the Admin users working on the site",
   id: 1087314, kind: "epic",
   label: %ExTracker.Record.Label{counts: nil, id: 7849080, kind: nil,
    name: "admin", project_id: nil}, label_id: nil, name: "Admin Users",
   project_id: 1027488,
   url: "https://www.pivotaltracker.com/epic/show/1087314"},
  %ExTracker.Record.Epic{description: "Allow shoppers to use the site",
   id: 1087316, kind: "epic",
   label: %ExTracker.Record.Label{counts: nil, id: 7849082, kind: nil,
    name: "shopping", project_id: nil}, label_id: nil, name: "Shoppers",
   project_id: 1027488,
   url: "https://www.pivotaltracker.com/epic/show/1087316"}], public: false,
 current_velocity: nil, kind: "project", version: 80,
 shown_iterations_start_time: nil, enable_incoming_emails: true,
 point_scale_is_custom: false}

 iex> name
 "My Sample Project"

 iex> [%ExTracker.Record.Epic{name: epic_name, label: %ExTracker.Record.Label{name: label_name}} | _] = epics
 iex> epic_name
 "Admin Users"
 iex> label_name