header-fuzz allows you to fuzz any HTTP header with a wordlist and evaluate success or failure based on the returning HTTP status code.
:tada: Install
sudo make install
:no_entry_sign: Uninstall
sudo make uninstall
:computer: Usage
$ header-fuzz -h
Usage: header-fuzz [-H <header>] [-i <code>] [-p <proxy>] [-f <FUZZ>] -w </path/wordlist> -u <url>
header-fuzz -h
header-fuzz -v
header-fuzz allows you to fuzz any HTTP header with a wordlist and evaluate
success or failure based on the returning HTTP status code.
Required arguments::
-w Path to wordlist
-u URL to test against.
Optional arguments:
-f Fuzz string. Insert, prepend or apped %FUZZ% into your string.
Default: %FUZZ%
-H Header name to fuzz.
Default: Host
-i Comma separated string HTTP status codes to ignore.
Default: 403
-p Use proxy for all requests.
Misc arguments:
-h Print this help.
-v Print version.
:bulb: Examples
Find virtual hosts
The following examples are trying to find various domains and subdomains based on a HTTP status different than 403:
# Try to guess the domain
header-fuzz -H Host -f '%FUZZ%.tld' -w /path/to/domains.txt -u ''
# Try to guess a subdomain
header-fuzz -H Host -f '%FUZZ%.domain.tld' -w /path/to/domains.txt -u ''
# Try to guess part of a subdomain
header-fuzz -H Host -f 'pre-%FUZZ%.domain.tld' -w /path/to/domains.txt -u ''
header-fuzz -H Host -f '%FUZZ%-suf.domain.tld' -w /path/to/domains.txt -u ''
Find protected robots.txt
or sitemap.xml
Some sites only server the robots.txt
or sitemap.xml
if requested by specifc bot useragent,
such as google bot and others. If none of these files exist, you can try to check them with
different user agents.
header-fuzz -H User-Agent -w /path/to/useragents.txt -u ''
header-fuzz -H User-Agent -w /path/to/useragents.txt -u ''
IP blacklisting
Sometimes IP blacklisting is poorly implemented base on the X-FOrwarded-For
Try to fuzz this.
header-fuzz -H X-Forwarded-For -w /path/to/ip-addresses.txt -u ''
Proxy through Burpsuite
Send all your requests through Burp to later also quickly check the returned file sizes or status codes and triage further based on this
header-fuzz -p http://localhost:8080 -w /path/to/wordlist.txt -u ''
:lock: cytopia sec tools
Below is a list of sec tools and docs I am maintaining.
Name | Category | Language | Description |
offsec | Documentation | Markdown | Offsec checklist, tools and examples |
header-fuzz | Enumeration | Bash | Fuzz HTTP headers |
smtp-user-enum | Enumeration | Python 2+3 | SMTP users enumerator |
urlbuster | Enumeration | Python 2+3 | Mutable web directory fuzzer |
netcat | Pivoting | Python 2+3 | Cross-platform netcat |
badchars | Reverse Engineering | Python 2+3 | Badchar generator |
fuzza | Reverse Engineering | Python 2+3 | TCP fuzzing tool |
:octocat: Contributing
See Contributing guidelines to help to improve this project.
:exclamation: Disclaimer
This tool may be used for legal purposes only. Users take full responsibility for any actions performed using this tool. The author accepts no liability for damage caused by this tool. If these terms are not acceptable to you, then do not use this tool.
:page_facing_up: License
Copyright (c) 2020 cytopia