


Extra validation rules for dealing with images in Laravel 5.

NOTE: As of Laravel version 5.2, there are now built-in validation rules for image dimensions and aspect ratios. This package is not required and will no longer be maintained.

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NOTE: Depending on your version of Laravel, you should install a different version of the package:

Laravel VersionPackage Version
5.5not supported†

† Laravel 5.2 and later have built-in validation rules for image dimensions.

Install the package through Composer.

composer require "cviebrock/image-validator"

Add the following to your providers array in app/config/app.php:

'providers' => [


Use it like any Validator rule. The package offers two rules for image validation:


$rules = [
    'my_image_field' => 'image_size:<width>[,<height>]',

The values for width and _height can be integers, or integers with a modifier prefix:

If you only pass one value, it's assumed to apply to both dimensions (i.e. a square image with the given dimensions).


$rules = [
    'my_image_field' => 'image_aspect:<ratio>',

The value for ratio represents width ÷ height and be either a decimal or two values (width, height; both integers):

The value (or first value, if providing height and width) can also be prefixed with a tilde ~ character, in which case the orientation does not matter:

Note that you may run into issues with floating point rounding.


// logo must be 300px wide by 400px tall
$rules = [
    'logo' => 'required|image|image_size:300,400',

// logo must be less than or equal to 300x300px.
$rules = [
    'logo' => 'required|image|image_size:<=300',

// logo must be 300px wide but can be any height
$rules = [
    'logo' => 'required|image|image_size:300,*',

// logo must be at least 100px tall and 200-300 pixels wide (inclusive)
$rules = [
    'logo' => 'required|image|image_size:>=100,200-300',

// logo must be square
$rules = [
    'logo' => 'required|image|image_aspect:1',

// logo must be ready for the big screen TV :)
$rules = [
    'logo' => 'required|image|image_aspect:16,9',

Bugs, Suggestions and Contributions

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project!

Please use Github for reporting bugs, and making comments or suggestions.

See CONTRIBUTING.md for how to contribute changes.

Copyright and License

image-validator was written by Colin Viebrock and is released under the MIT License.

Copyright 2013 Colin Viebrock


Lots of thanks to https://bitbucket.org/hampel/validate-laravel for the structure of creating a package to add validator rules to Laravel, and setting up useful unit tests.