

Button Card by @RomRider <!-- omit in toc -->

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Lovelace Button card for your entities.


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Main Options

NameTypeDefaultSupported optionsDescription
typestringRequiredcustom:button-cardType of the card
templatestringoptionalany valid template from button_card_templatesSee configuration template
triggers_updatestring or arrayoptionalswitch.acentity_id list that would trigger a card update, see triggers_update
group_expandbooleanfalsetrue | falseWhen true, if any of the entities triggering a card update is a group, it will auto-expand the group and the card will update on any child entity state change. This works with nested groups too. See triggers_update
iconstringoptionalmdi:air-conditionerIcon to display. Will be overridden by the icon defined in a state (if present). Defaults to the entity icon. Hide with show_icon: false. Supports templates, see templates
color_typestringiconicon | card | blank-card | label-cardColor either the background of the card or the icon inside the card. Setting this to card enable automatic font and icon color. This allows the text/icon to be readable even if the background color is bright/dark. Additional color-type options blank-card and label-card can be used for organisation (see examples).
colorstringoptionalauto | auto-no-temperature | rgb(28, 128, 199)Color of the icon/card. auto sets the color based on the color of a light including the temperature of the light. Setting this to auto-no-temperature will behave like home-assistant's default, ignoring the temperature of the light. By default, if the entity state is off, the color will be var(--paper-item-icon-color), for on it will be var(--paper-item-icon-active-color) and for any other state it will be var(--primary-text-color). You can redefine each colors using state
sizestring40%20pxSize of the icon. Can be percentage or pixel
aspect_ratiostringoptional1/1, 2/1, 1/1.5, ...See here for an example. Aspect ratio of the card. 1/1 being a square. This will auto adapt to your screen size
tap_actionobjectoptionalSee ActionDefine the type of action on click, if undefined, toggle will be used.
hold_actionobjectoptionalSee ActionDefine the type of action on hold, if undefined, nothing happens.
double_tap_actionobjectoptionalSee ActionDefine the type of action on double click, if undefined, nothing happens.
namestringoptionalAir conditionerDefine an optional text to show below the icon. Supports templates, see templates
state_displaystringoptionalOnOverride the way the state is displayed. Supports templates, see templates
labelstringoptionalAny string that you wantDisplay a label below the card. See Layouts for more information. Supports templates, see templates
show_namebooleantruetrue | falseWether to show the name or not. Will pick entity_id's name by default, unless redefined in the name property or in any state name property
show_statebooleanfalsetrue | falseShow the state on the card. defaults to false if not set
numeric_precisionnumbernoneany numberForce the display precision of the state to be with numeric_precision decimals
show_iconbooleantruetrue | falseWether to show the icon or not. Unless redefined in icon, uses the default entity icon from hass
show_unitsbooleantruetrue | falseDisplay or hide the units of a sensor, if any.
show_labelbooleanfalsetrue | falseDisplay or hide the label
show_last_changedbooleanfalsetrue | falseReplace the label altogether and display the the last_changed attribute in a nice way (eg: 12 minutes ago)
show_entity_picturebooleanfalsetrue | falseReplace the icon by the entity picture (if any) or the custom picture (if any). Falls back to using the icon if both are undefined
show_live_streambooleanfalsetrue | falseDisplay the camera stream (if the entity is a camera). Requires the stream: component to be enabled in home-assistant's config
entity_picturestringoptionalCan be any of /local/* file or a URLWill override the icon/the default entity_picture with your own image. Best is to use a square image. You can also define one per state. Supports templates, see templates
unitsstringoptionalKb/s, lux, ...Override or define the units to display after the state of the entity. If omitted, it's using the entity's units
stylesobject listoptionalSee styles
extra_stylesstringoptionalSee styles
stateobject listoptionalSee StateState to use for the color, icon and style of the button. Multiple states can be defined
confirmationobjectoptionalSee confirmationDisplay a confirmation popup
lockobjectoptionalSee Lock ObjectDisplays a lock on the button
layoutstringoptionalSee LayoutThe layout of the button can be modified using this option
custom_fieldsobjectoptionalSee Custom Fields
variablesobjectoptionalSee Variables
card_sizenumber3Any numberConfigure the card size seen by the auto layout feature of lovelace (lovelace will multiply the value by about 50px)
tooltipstringoptionalAny string(Not supported on touchscreens) You can configure the tooltip displayed after hovering the card for 1.5 seconds . Supports templates, see templates


All the fields support templates, see templates.

NameTypeDefaultSupported optionsDescription
actionstringtogglemore-info, toggle, call-service, none, navigate, url, assistAction to perform
entitystringnoneAny entity idOnly valid for action: more-info to override the entity on which you want to call more-info
targetobjectnoneOnly works with call-service. Follows the home-assistant syntax
navigation_pathstringnoneEg: /lovelace/0/Path to navigate to (e.g. /lovelace/0/) when action defined as navigate
url_pathstringnoneEg: https://www.google.frURL to open on click when action is url. The URL will open in a new tab
servicestringnoneAny serviceService to call (e.g. media_player.media_play_pause) when action defined as call-service
data or service_dataobjectnoneAny service dataService data to include (e.g. entity_id: media_player.bedroom) when action defined as call-service. If your data requires an entity_id, you can use the keywork entity, this will actually call the service on the entity defined in the main configuration of this card. Useful for configuration templates
hapticstringnonesuccess, warning, failure, light, medium, heavy, selectionHaptic feedback for the Beta IOS App
repeatnumbernoneeg: 500For a hold_action, you can optionally configure the action to repeat while the button is being held down (for example, to repeatedly increase the volume of a media player). Define the number of milliseconds between repeat actions here.
repeat_limitnumbernoneeg: 5For Hold action and if repeat if defined, it will stop calling the action after the repeat_limit has been reached.
confirmationobjectnoneSee confirmationDisplay a confirmation popup, overrides the default confirmation object


This will popup a dialog box before running the action.

NameTypeDefaultSupported optionsDescription
textstringnoneAny textThis text will be displayed in the popup. Supports templates, see templates
exemptionsarray of usersnoneuser: USER_IDAny user declared in this list will not see the confirmation dialog


  text: '[[[ return `Are you sure you want to toggle ${entity.attributes.friendly_name}?` ]]]'
    - user: befc8496799848bda1824f2a8111e30a

Lock Object

This will display a normal button with a lock symbol in the corner. Clicking the button will make the lock go away and enable the button to be manoeuvred for delay seconds (5 by default).

NameTypeDefaultSupported optionsDescription
enabledbooleanfalsetrue | falseEnables or disables the lock. Supports templates, see templates
durationnumber5any numberDuration of the unlocked state in seconds
exemptionsarray of user id or usernamenoneuser: USER_ID | username: testAny user declared in this list will not see the confirmation dialog. It can be a user id (user) or a username (username)
unlockstringtaptap | hold | double_tapThe type of click which will unlock the button


  enabled: '[[[ return entity.state === "on"; ]]]'
  duration: 10
  unlock: hold
    - username: test
    - user: befc8496799848bda1824f2a8111e30a

If you want to lock the button for everyone and disable the unlocking possibility, set the exemptions object to []:

  enabled: true
  exemptions: []

By default the lock is visible in the upper-right corner. If you want to move the position of the lock to for example the bottom-right corner you can use this code:

    - justify-content: flex-end
    - align-items: flex-end


NameTypeDefaultSupported optionsDescription
operatorstring==See Available OperatorsThe operator used to compare the current state against the value
valuestring/numberrequired (unless operator is default)If your entity is a sensor with numbers, use a number directly, else use a stringThe value which will be compared against the current state of the entity
namestringoptionalAny string, 'Alert', 'My little switch is on', ...if show_name is true, the name to display for this state. If defined uses the general config name and if undefined uses the entity name. Supports templates, see templates
iconstringoptionalmdi:batteryThe icon to display for this state - Defaults to the entity icon. Hide with show_icon: false. Supports templates, see templates
colorstringvar(--primary-text-color)Any color, eg: rgb(28, 128, 199) or blueThe color of the icon (if color_type: icon) or the background (if color_type: card)
stylesstringoptionalSee styles
spinbooleanfalsetrue | falseShould the icon spin for this state?
entity_picturestringoptionalCan be any of /local/* file or a URLWill override the icon/the default entity_picture with your own image for this state. Best is to use a square image. Supports templates, see templates
labelstringoptionalAny string that you wantDisplay a label below the card. See Layouts for more information. Supports templates, see templates
state_displaystringoptionalOnIf defined, override the way the state is displayed. Supports templates, see templates

Available operators

The order of your elements in the state object matters. The first one which is true will match. The value field for all operators except regex support templating, see templates

Operatorvalue exampleDescription
<5Current state is inferior to value
<=4Current state is inferior or equal to value
==42 or 'on'This is the default if no operator is specified. Current state is equal (== javascript) to value
>=32Current state is superior or equal to value
>12Current state is superior to value
!='normal'Current state is not equal (!= javascript) to value
regex'^norm.*$'value regex applied to current state does match
templateSee templates for examples. value needs to be a javascript expression which returns a boolean. If the boolean is true, it will match this state
defaultN/AIf nothing matches, this is used


This option enables you to modify the layout of the card.

It is fully compatible with every show_* option. Make sure you set show_state: true if you want to show the state

Multiple values are possible, see the image below for examples:



This field defines which entities should trigger an update of the card itself (this rule doesn't apply for nested cards in custom_fields as they are always updated with the latest state. This is expected and fast!). This was introduced in 3.3.0 to reduce the load on the frontend.

If you don't have javascript [[[ ]]] templates in your config, you don't need to do anything, else read further.

By default, the card will update itself when the main entity in the configuration is updated. In any case, the card will parse your code and look for entities that it can match (it only matches states['ENTITY_ID']) so:

return states['switch.myswitch'].state // will match switch.myswitch
 // but
 const test = switch.myswitch
 return states[test].state // will not match anything

In this second case, you have 2 options:

If your entity, any entity in the triggers_update field or any entity matched from your templates are a group and you want to update the card if any of the nested entity in that group update its state, then you can set group_expand to true. It will do the work for you and you won't have to specify manually the full list of entities in triggers_update.

Javascript Templates

The template rendering uses a special format. All the fields where template is supported also support plain text. To activate the templating feature for such a field, you'll need to enclose the javascript function inside 3 square brackets: [[[ javascript function here ]]]

Don't forget to quote if it's on one line:

name: '[[[ if (entity.state > 42) return "Above 42"; else return "Below 42" ]]]'
name: >
    if (entity.state > 42)
      return "Above 42";
      return "Below 42";

Those are the configuration fields which support templating:

Special fields which do support templating but are only evaluated once, when the configuration is loaded. Error in those templates will only be visible in the javascript console and the card will not display in that case:

Inside the javascript code, you'll have access to those variables:

See here for some examples or here for some crazy advanced stuff using templates!


All the styles entries, support Templating, see here for some examples.

Easy styling options

For each element in the card, styles can be defined in 2 places:

Styles defined in each state are additive with the ones defined in the main part of the config. In the state part, just define the ones specific to your current state and keep the common ones in the main part of the config.

The style object members are:

- type: custom:button-card
      - xxxx: value
      - xxxx: value
      - xxxx: value
      - xxxx: value
      - xxxx: value
      - xxxx: value
    - value: 'on'
          - yyyy: value
          - yyyy: value
          - yyyy: value
          - yyyy: value
          - yyyy: value
          - yyyy: value

This will render:

See styling for a complete example.

Light entity color variable

If a light entity is assigned to the button, then:

You can use them both in other parts of the button. When off, it will be set to var(--paper-item-icon-color)


    - color: var(--button-card-light-color)
    - -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 9px 3px var(--button-card-light-color)
    - box-shadow: 0px 0px 9px 3px var(--button-card-light-color)

ADVANCED styling options

For advanced styling, there are 2 other options in the styles config object:

This is how the button is constructed (HTML elements):

elements in the button

The grid element uses CSS grids to design the layout of the card:

You can see how the default layouts are constructed here and inspire yourself with it. We'll not support advanced layout questions here, please use Home Assistant's community forum for that.

To learn more, please use Google and this excellent guide about CSS Grids :)

For a quick overview on the grid-template-areas attribute, the following example should get you started:

- grid-template-areas: '"i n s" "i n s" "i n l"'

If we take the value and orient it into rows and columns, you begin to see the end result.

"i n s"
"i n s"
"i n l"

The end product will results in the following grid layout

button card grid layout example with callouts

Some examples:

Injecting CSS with extra_styles

Note: extra_styles MUST NOT be used on the first button-card of the current view, else it will be applied to all the cards in all Lovelace. It is not possible to fix this behaviour.

You can inject any CSS style you want using this config option. It is useful if you want to inject CSS animations for example. This field supports templates.

An example is better than words:


- type: custom:button-card
  name: Change Background
  aspect_ratio: 2/1
  extra_styles: |
    @keyframes bgswap1 {
      0% {
        background-image: url("/local/background1.jpg");
      25% {
        background-image: url("/local/background1.jpg");
      50% {
        background-image: url("/local/background2.jpg");
      75% {
        background-image: url("/local/background2.jpg");
      100% {
        background-image: url("/local/background1.jpg");
      - animation: bgswap1 10s linear infinite
      - background-size: cover
      - color: white

Custom Fields

Custom fields support, using the custom_fields object, enables you to create your own fields on top of the pre-defined ones (name, state, label and icon). This is an advanced feature which leverages (if you require it) the CSS Grid.

Custom fields also support embeded cards, see example below.

Each custom field supports its own styling config, the name needs to match between both objects needs to match:

- type: custom:button-card
    test_element: My test element
        - color: red
        - font-size: 13px

Examples are better than a long text, so here you go:

To skip evaluating the templates in a custom_field (eg. you embed a custom:button-card inside a Custom Field), then you have to set do_not_eval to true.

type: custom:button-card
    - grid-template-areas: "'test1' 'test2'"
  b: 42
      type: custom:button-card
        c: 42
      ## This will return: B: 42 / C: undefined
      ## as it is evaluated in the context of the
      ## main card (which doesn't know about c)
      name: '[[[ return `B: ${variables.b} / C: ${variables.c}` ]]]'
    ## This stops the evaluation of js templates
    ## for the card object in this custom field
    do_not_eval: true
      type: custom:button-card
        c: 42
      ## This will return: B: undefined / C: 42
      ## as it is evaluated in the context of the local button-card
      ## inside the custom_field (which doesn't know about b)
      name: '[[[ return `B: ${variables.b} / C: ${variables.c}` ]]]'

Configuration Templates


Make sure which type of lovelace dashboard you are using before changing the main lovelace configuration:

        - padding: 5px 15px
        - background-color: var(--paper-item-icon-active-color)
        - text-transform: uppercase
        - color: var(--primary-background-color)
        - justify-self: start
        - font-weight: bold
        - text-transform: uppercase
        - color: var(--primary-background-color)
        - justify-self: start
        - font-weight: bold

    template: header
        - background-color: '#FF0000'

  my_little_template: [...]

And then where you use button-card, you can apply this template, and/or overload it:

- type: custom:button-card
  template: header_red
  name: My Test Header

Merging state by id

Example to merge state by id:

        - font-size: 16px
        - width: 75px
      action: more-info
      - color: orange
        value: 75
        id: my_id

    template: sensor
    icon: 'mdi:weather-rainy'
      - color: 'rgb(255,0,0)'
        operator: '>'
        value: 50
      - color: 'rgb(0,0,255)'
        operator: '<'
        value: 25

    template: sensor_humidity
      - color: pink
        id: my_id
        operator: '>'
        value: 75
            - color: '#ff0000'
############### Used like this ##############
  - type: custom:button-card
    template: sensor_test
    entity: input_number.test
    show_entity_picture: true

Will result in this state object for your button (styles, operator and color are overridden for the id: my_id as you can see):

  - color: pink
    operator: '>'
    value: 75
        - color: '#ff0000'
  - color: 'rgb(255,0,0)'
    operator: '>'
    value: 50
  - color: 'rgb(0,0,255)'
    operator: '<'
    value: 25


You can add variables to your templates and overload them in the instance of your button card. This lets you easily work with templates without the need to redefine everything for a small change.

An example below:

      var_name: "var_value"
      var_name2: "var_value2"
    name: '[[[ return variables.var_name ]]]'


- type: custom:button-card
  template: variable_test
  entity: sensor.test
  # name will be "var_value"

- type: custom:button-card
  template: variable_test
  entity: sensor.test
    var_name: "My local Value"
 # name will be "My local Value"

Variables are evaluated in their alphabetical order based on their name. That means a variable named b can depend on a variable named a, but variable named a can't depend on a variable named b.

### This works
  index: 2
  value: '[[[ return variables.index + 2; ]]]'
name: '[[[ return variable.value; ]]]' # would return 4

### This doesn't work
  z_index: 2
  value: '[[[ return variables.z_index + 2; ]]]' # This would fail because z comes after v in the alphabet.
name: '[[[ return variable.value; ]]]'


Manual Installation

  1. Download the button-card

  2. Place the file in your config/www folder

  3. Include the card code in your ui-lovelace-card.yaml

    title: Home
      - url: /local/button-card.js
        type: module
  4. Write configuration for the card in your ui-lovelace.yaml

Installation and tracking with hacs

  1. Make sure the HACS component is installed and working.

  2. Search for button-card and add it through HACS

  3. Add the configuration to your ui-lovelace.yaml

      - url: /hacsfiles/button-card/button-card.js
        type: module
  4. Refresh home-assistant.


Show a button for the air conditioner (blue when on, var(--disabled-text-color) when off):


- type: 'custom:button-card'
  entity: switch.ac
  icon: mdi:air-conditioner
  color: rgb(28, 128, 199)

Redefine the color when the state if off to red:

- type: 'custom:button-card'
  entity: switch.ac
  icon: mdi:air-conditioner
  color: rgb(28, 128, 199)
    - value: 'off'
      color: rgb(255, 0, 0)

Show an ON/OFF button for the home_lights group:


- type: 'custom:button-card'
  entity: group.home_lights
  show_icon: false
  show_state: true

Light entity with custom icon and "more info" pop-in:


- type: 'custom:button-card'
  entity: light.living_room_lights
  icon: mdi:sofa
  color: auto
    action: more-info

Light card with card color type, name, and automatic color:


- type: 'custom:button-card'
  entity: light._
  icon: mdi:home
  color: auto
  color_type: card
    action: more-info
  name: Home
      - font-size: 12px
      - font-weight: bold

Horizontal stack with :


- type: horizontal-stack
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      color_type: blank-card
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      color_type: blank-card
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      color_type: card
      color: rgb(223, 255, 97)
      icon: mdi:volume-plus
        action: call-service
        service: media_player.volume_up
          entity_id: media_player.living_room_speaker
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      color_type: card
      color: rgb(223, 255, 97)
      icon: mdi:volume-minus
        action: call-service
        service: media_player.volume_down
          entity_id: media_player.living_room_speaker
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      color_type: blank-card
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      color_type: blank-card

Vertical Stack with :


- type: vertical-stack
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      color_type: label-card
      color: rgb(44, 109, 214)
      name: Kitchen
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: 'custom:button-card'
          entity: switch.kitchen_scene_1
          color_type: card
          color: rgb(66, 134, 244)
          icon: mdi:numeric-1-box-outline
        - type: 'custom:button-card'
          entity: switch.kitchen_scene_2
          color_type: card
          color: rgb(66, 134, 244)
          icon: mdi:numeric-2-box-outline
        - type: 'custom:button-card'
          entity: switch.kitchen_scene_3
          color_type: card
          color: rgb(66, 134, 244)
          icon: mdi:numeric-3-box-outline
        - type: 'custom:button-card'
          entity: switch.kitchen_scene_4
          color_type: card
          color: rgb(66, 134, 244)
          icon: mdi:numeric-4-box-outline
        - type: 'custom:button-card'
          entity: switch.kitchen_off
          color_type: card
          color: rgb(66, 134, 244)
          icon: mdi:eye-off-outline

Configuration with states

Input select card with select next service and custom color and icon for states. In the example below the icon mdi:cube-outline will be used when value is sleeping and mdi:cube in other cases.


Default behavior

If you don't specify any operator, == will be used to match the current state against the value

- type: 'custom:button-card'
  entity: input_select.cube_mode
  icon: mdi:cube
    action: call-service
    service: input_select.select_next
      entity_id: input_select.cube_mode
  show_state: true
    - value: 'sleeping'
      color: var(--disabled-text-color)
      icon: mdi:cube-outline
    - value: 'media'
      color: rgb(5, 147, 255)
    - value: 'light'
      color: rgb(189, 255, 5)

With Operator on state

The definition order matters, the first item to match will be the one selected.

- type: "custom:button-card"
  entity: sensor.temperature
  show_state: true
    - value: 15
      operator: '<='
      color: blue
      icon: mdi:thermometer-minus
    - value: 25
      operator: '>='
      color: red
      icon: mdi:thermometer-plus
    - operator: 'default' # used if nothing matches
      color: yellow
      icon: mdi: thermometer
          - opacity: 0.5

tap_action Navigate

Buttons can link to different views using the navigate action:

- type: 'custom:button-card'
  color_type: label-card
  icon: mdi:home
  name: Go To Home
    action: navigate
    navigation_path: /lovelace/0

The navigation_path also accepts any Home Assistant internal URL such as /dev-info or /hassio/dashboard for example.


You can make the whole button blink:


- type: 'custom:button-card'
  color_type: card
  entity: binary_sensor.intruder
  name: Intruder Alert
    - value: 'on'
      color: red
      icon: mdi:alert
          - animation: blink 2s ease infinite
    - operator: default
      color: green
      icon: mdi:shield-check

Play with width, height and icon size

Through the styles you can specify the width and height of the card, and also the icon size through the main size option. Playing with icon size will growth the card unless a height is specified.

If you specify a width for the card, it has to be in px. All the cards without a width defined will use the remaining space on the line.


- type: horizontal-stack
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      entity: light.test_light
      color: auto
      name: s:default h:200px
          - height: 200px
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      entity: light.test_light
      color_type: card
      color: auto
      name: s:100% h:200px
      size: 100%
          - height: 200px
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      entity: light.test_light
      color_type: card
      color: auto
      size: 10%
      name: s:10% h:200px
          - height: 200px
- type: horizontal-stack
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      entity: light.test_light
      color: auto
      name: 60px
          - height: 60px
          - width: 60px
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      entity: light.test_light
      color_type: card
      color: auto
      name: 80px
          - height: 80px
          - width: 30px
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      entity: light.test_light
      color_type: card
      color: auto
      name: 300px
          - height: 300px

Templates Support

Playing with label templates


- type: 'custom:button-card'
  color_type: icon
  entity: light.test_light
  label: >
      var bri = states['light.test_light'].attributes.brightness;
      return 'Brightness: ' + (bri ? bri : '0') + '%';

  show_label: true
  size: 15%
      - height: 100px
- type: 'custom:button-card'
  color_type: icon
  entity: light.test_light
  layout: icon_label
  label: >
      return 'Other State: ' + states['switch.skylight'].state;

  show_label: true
  show_name: false
      - height: 100px

State Templates

The javascript code inside value needs to return true of false.

Example with template:

- type: 'custom:button-card'
  color_type: icon
  entity: switch.skylight
  show_state: true
  show_label: true
    - operator: template
      value: >
          return states['light.test_light'].attributes
          && (states['light.test_light'].attributes.brightness <= 100)

      icon: mdi:alert
    - operator: default
      icon: mdi:lightbulb
- type: 'custom:button-card'
  color_type: icon
  entity: light.test_light
  show_label: true
    - operator: template
      value: >
        [[[ return states['input_select.light_mode'].state === 'night_mode' ]]]

      icon: mdi:weather-night
      label: Night Mode
    - operator: default
      icon: mdi:white-balance-sunny
      label: Day Mode



- type: 'custom:button-card'
  color_type: icon
  entity: light.test_light
  label: >
      var bri = states['light.test_light'].attributes.brightness;
      return 'Brightness: ' + (bri ? bri : '0') + '%';

  show_label: true
  show_state: true
  size: 10%
      - height: 100px
      - color: gray
      - font-size: 9px
      - justify-self: start
      - padding: 0px 5px
      - text-transform: uppercase
      - letter-spacing: 0.5em
      - font-familly: cursive
      - justify-self: start
      - padding: 0px 5px
      - justify-self: start
      - font-size: 10px
      - padding: 0px 5px
    - value: 'on'
          - color: green
    - value: 'off'
          - color: red
          - filter: brightness(40%)
- type: 'custom:button-card'
  color_type: icon
  entity: light.test_light
  layout: icon_label
  label: >
    [[[ return 'Other State: ' + states['switch.skylight'].state; ]]]

  show_label: true
  show_name: false
  size: 100%
      - height: 200px
      - font-weight: bold
      - writing-mode: vertical-rl
      - text-orientation: mixed
    - value: 'on'
          - color: red
    - value: 'off'
          - color: green



- type: horizontal-stack
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      entity: switch.test
        enabled: true
    - type: 'custom:button-card'
      color_type: card
        enabled: true
      color: black
      entity: switch.test

Aspect Ratio


- type: vertical-stack
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: custom:button-card
          name: 1/1
          icon: mdi:lightbulb
          aspect_ratio: 1/1
        - type: custom:button-card
          name: 2/1
          icon: mdi:lightbulb
          aspect_ratio: 2/1
        - type: custom:button-card
          name: 3/1
          icon: mdi:lightbulb
          aspect_ratio: 3/1
        - type: custom:button-card
          name: 4/1
          icon: mdi:lightbulb
          aspect_ratio: 4/1
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: custom:button-card
          name: 1/1.2
          icon: mdi:lightbulb
          aspect_ratio: 1/1.2
        - type: custom:button-card
          name: 1/1.3
          icon: mdi:lightbulb
          aspect_ratio: 1/1.3
        - type: custom:button-card
          name: 1/1.4
          icon: mdi:lightbulb
          aspect_ratio: 1/1.4
        - type: custom:button-card
          name: 1/1.5
          icon: mdi:lightbulb
          aspect_ratio: 1/1.5

Changing the feedback color during a click

For dark cards, it can be usefull to change the feedback color when clicking the button. The ripple effect uses a mwc-ripple element so you can style it with the CSS variables it supports.

For example:

    - --mdc-ripple-color: blue
    - --mdc-ripple-press-opacity: 0.5

Community guides
