

card-mod 3

Allows you to apply CSS styles to various elements of the Home Assistant frontend.



Install using HACS or see this guide.

Performance improvements

While card-mod can be installed as a lovelace resource, some functionality will benefit greatly from it being installed as a frontend module instead.

To do that, add the following to your configuration.yaml file and restart Home Assistant:

    - /local/card-mod.js

You'll need to adjust that path according to where you have installed card-mod.js. If you installed through HACS, this is probably /hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js.

Any resource definitions automatically added by HACS can be kept as is even after adding extra_module_url.

Quick start

  style: |
    ha-card {
      color: red;

You should see the text of the card turn red as you type.
You should also see a little brush icon popping up near the "SHOW VISUAL EDITOR" button. This indicates that this card has card-mod code which will not be shown in the visual editor.



Styling cards

Cards are styled by adding the following to the card configuration:

  style: <STYLES>

If the simplest form, <STYLES> is a string of CSS which will be injected into the <ha-card> element of the card.

NOTE: card-mod only works on cards that contain a ha-card element. This includes almost every card which can be seen, but not e.g. conditional, entity_filter, vertical-stack, horizontal-stack, grid.

Note, though that those cards often include other cards, which card-mod can work on.
See the manual for each card to see how to specify parameters for the included card(s).

The bottommost element that can be styled is the <ha-card>.

<details><summary>Screenshot of the ha-card element in the Chrome DOM inspector</summary>



TIP: Home Assistant themes makes use of CSS variables. Those can both be set and used in card-mod - prepended by two dashes:

  style: |
    ha-card {
      --ha-card-background: teal;
      color: var(--primary-color);

Styling entities, badges and elements

In entities and glance cards, each entity can have options. Those elements can be styled individually by adding a card_mod parameter to the entity configuration.

For those cases, the styles are injected into a shadowRoot, and the bottommost element is thus accessed through :host.

This also applies to view badges and elements in picture-elements cards.

type: entities
  - entity: light.bed_light
      style: |
        :host {
          color: red;
  - entity: light.ceiling_lights
      style: |
        :host {
          color: green;
  - entity: light.kitchen_lights
      style: |
        :host {
          color: blue;

Changing icons

With card-mod installed, the <ha-icon> element - used e.g. by entities, glance and many more cards - will set it's icon to the value found in the CSS variable --card-mod-icon (if present).

It will also set the icon color to the value found in the CSS variable --card-mod-icon-color if present. This ignores entity state, but will still dim unless you also set --card-mod-icon-dim to none.

- entity: light.bed_light
    style: |
      :host {
        --card-mod-icon: mdi:bed;


All styles may contain jinja2 templates that will be processed by the Home Assistant backend.

card-mod also makes the following variables available for templates:

DOM navigation

Home Assistant makes extensive use of something called shadow DOM. This allows for easy reuse of components (such as ha-card or ha-icon) but causes some problems when trying to apply CSS styles to things.

When exploring the cards in your browsers element inspector you may have come across a line that says something like "#shadow-root (open)" (exactly what it says depends on your browser) and have noticed that elements inside that does not inherit the styles from outside.

In order to style elements inside a shadow-root, you will need to make your style: a dictionary rather than a string.

For each dictionary entry the key will be used to select one or several elements through a modified querySelector() function. The value of the entry will then be injected into those elements.

NOTE: The modified querySelector() function will replace a dollar sign ($) with a #shadow-root in the selector.

The process is recursive, so the value may also be a dictionary. A key of "." (a period) will select the current element.


Let's change the color of all third level titles (### like this) in a markdown card, and also change it's background.

If we look at the card in the element inspector of chrome, it looks like this:


The <ha-card> element is the base, and from there we see that we need to go through one #shadow-root to reach the <h3>. That #shadow-root is inside an <ha-markdown> element, so our selector will be:


which will find the first <ha-markdown> element and then all #shadow-roots inside that.

To add the background to the <ha-card>, we want to apply the styles to the base element directly, which has the key


This gives the final style:

    ha-markdown$: |
      h3 {
        color: purple;
    .: |
      ha-card {
        background: teal;



NOTE: The selector chain of the queue will look for one element at a time separated by spaces or "$".
For each step, only the first match will be selected.
But for the final selector of the chain (i.e. in a given dictionary key) all matching elements will be selected. Chains ending with $ is a special case for convenience, selecting the shadowroots of all elements.

E.g. the following will select the div elements in the first marker on a map card:

"ha-map $ ha-entity-marker $ div": |

But the following will select the div elements in all map markers on a map card (because we end the first key on the ha-entity-marker $ selector and start a new search within each result for div):

"ha-map $ ha-entity-marker $":
  "div": |

NOTE 2: Following on the note above; due to the high level of load order optimization used in Home Assistant, it is not guaranteed that the ha-entity-marker elements exist at the time when card-mod is looking for them. If you break the chain once more:

"ha-map $":
  "ha-entity-marker $":
    "div": |

then card-mod will be able to retry looking from the ha-map $ point at a later time, which may lead to more stable results.

In short; if things seem to be working intermittently - try splitting up the chain into several steps.

<details><summary>Debugging tips</summary>

The DOM navigation can be tricky to get right the first few times, but you'll eventually get the hang of it.

To help you, you can use your browsers Element inspector to see which steps card-mod takes.

For a bit more information, you can use the following in the configuration of the card you're having problems with. It may or may not help you.

  debug: true

Styling cards without an <ha-card> element

Cards that don't have a <ha-element> can still be styled by using the supplied custom:mod-card card.

This is only necessary in very few instances, and likely to bring more problems than it solves.

Most likely your card contains another card, in which case that is the one you should apply the styles to.

Enough warnings.

<details><summary>I know what I'm doing</summary>
type: custom:mod-card
  type: vertical-stack # for example
  style: |
    ha-card {

The mod-card will create a <ha-card> element - with removed background and border - and put your card inside that.


More examples

All my test cases are available in the test/views directory.

You can a demo in docker by going to the test directory and running:

docker-compose up

Then going to http://localhost:8125 and logging in with username dev and password dev.

Or you could use the vscode devcontainer and run the task "Run hass".


For instructions on how to develop a card-mod theme, see README-themes.md.


For adding card-mods styling powers to your custom card, see README-developers.md.

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