

FlexForms Extras for PHP

FlexForms Extras adds the most commonly used best-of-class Javascript components to the already excellent FlexForms. Choose from a MIT or LGPL license.

FlexForms is the culmination of seven years of precision software development boiled down into a little over 1,200 lines of code ready for your next web application. The core functionality is trusted and has been deployed widely throughout the world. FlexForms Extras expands upon FlexForms with the most commonly used Javascript components used to bring administrative interfaces to life such as Admin Pack.

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The following new field types are added:

New string types:

New type-specific options for array fields:

Known Limitations

Font sizes inside an accordion are different from the font sizes outside the accordion.

The multiselect dropdown and multiselect flat widgets have identical Javascript names and are therefore incompatible. As a result, FlexForms Extras does not allow both to be used on the same page. Instead, use the tags mode widget and the flat widget together.

Most of the multiselect widgets have problems with optgroups. Instead of using optgroups, prefix a short string to each string displayed to the user.

The table features won't activate if the "formtables" state is set to false. This makes sense since tables are converted to vertical div-based output.

Sticky Table Headers has known browser lag issues outside of table scrolling when working with thousands of rows of data.