

jQuery Responsive Table Cards

This jQuery plugin generates cards to convert wide tables into one or two column tables on smaller screen sizes by injecting a new column into each row of the table and using CSS to switch between table and card modes.

When generating cards, each row (including thead and tfoot) is processed using a string-based template. This makes for highly efficient delivery of naturally tabular data to all devices but only generate the extra column on smaller displays.

Combined with TableBodyScroll, traditional tables can be displayed on all devices in a neat, compact format.

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<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.tablecards.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.tablecards.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
	var options = {
		width: 800,
		extracols: [1],
		head: "Info/Options",
		body: "<b>#%2 - %3</b><br>%5<br>%6"


	// Some optional custom event handlers.
	$('#mytable').on('tablecards:mode', function() {
	}).on('table:datachanged', function() {
	}).on('table:resized', function() {

	// A custom resize/visibility event handler ('child:visibility' is a custom FlexForms Extras handler emitted by an Accordion callback).
	var resizefunc = function() {
		var obj = $('#mytable');

		if (!obj.length)  $(window).off('resize', resizefunc).off('child:visibility', resizefunc);
		else  obj.trigger('tablecards:resize');

	$(window).resize(resizefunc).on('child:visibility', resizefunc);

There are several live examples under "Add Entry" in the Admin Pack Demo.


Due to the way Responsive Table Cards works, the 'id' attribute may not be used in any part of the table's contents. Use 'class' and 'data-' instead. Doing so can be more semantic that way anyway.

Attached events on elements are also lost during card creation. This is unavoidable. Listen for the 'tablecards:mode' event on the table to trigger the first time this plugin switches to card mode.


The following options may be passed to TableCards:

To destroy the instance and restore the table to its initial state, simply call: $('#mytable').TableCards('destroy');


The following custom events may be listened for:

The following custom events may be manually triggered: