


LICENSE Python PyTorch

Paper | Supplemental Material | Discussion

Deep Blind Video Super-resolution

By Jinshan Pan, Haoran Bai, Jiangxin Dong, Jiawei Zhang, and Jinhui Tang


[2021-11-25] Metrics(PSNR/SSIM) calculating codes are available [Here]!
[2021-11-25] Inference logs are available!
[2021-11-25] Training code is available!
[2021-11-25] Testing code is available!
[2021-7-3] Supplemental Material is available!
[2021-7-3] Paper is available!


Existing video super-resolution (SR) algorithms usually assume that the blur kernels in the degradation process are known and do not model the blur kernels in the restoration. However, this assumption does not hold for blind video SR and usually leads to over-smoothed super-resolved frames. In this paper, we propose an effective blind video SR algorithm based on deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Our algorithm first estimates blur kernels from low-resolution (LR) input videos. Then, with the estimated blur kernels, we develop an effective image deconvolution method based on the image formation model of blind video SR to generate intermediate latent frames so that sharp image contents can be restored well. To effectively explore the information from adjacent frames, we estimate the motion fields from LR input videos, extract features from LR videos by a feature extraction network, and warp the extracted features from LR inputs based on the motion fields. Moreover, we develop an effective sharp feature exploration method which first extracts sharp features from restored intermediate latent frames and then uses a transformation operation based on the extracted sharp features and warped features from LR inputs to generate better features for HR video restoration. We formulate the proposed algorithm into an end-to-end trainable framework and show that it performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods.


More detailed analysis and experimental results are included in [Paper] and [Supplemental Material].


Get Started


Dataset Organization Form

If you prepare your own dataset, please follow the following form:

        |--video 1
            |--frame 1
            |--frame 2
        |--video 2
        |--video n
        |--video 1
            |--frame 1
            |--frame 2
        |--video 2
        |--video n


cd ./code
python main.py --template KernelPredict
python main.py --template VideoSR


Quick Test

cd ./code
python inference.py --quick_test Gaussian_REDS4
	# --quick_test: the results in Paper you want to reproduce, optional: Gaussian_REDS4, Gaussian_Vid4, Gaussian_SPMCS, NonGaussian_REDS4, NonGaussian_REDS4_L

Test Your Own Dataset

cd ./code
python inference.py --input_path path/to/LR/videos --gt_path path/to/GT/videos --model_path path/to/pretrained/model
	# --input_path: the path of the LR videos in your dataset.
	# --gt_path: the path of the GT videos in your dataset.
	# --model_path: the path of the downloaded pretrained model.


    title = {Deep blind video super-resolution},
    author = {Pan, Jinshan and Bai, Haoran and Dong, Jiangxin and Zhang, Jiawei and Tang, Jinhui},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},
    pages = {4811--4820},
    year = {2021}