



There are some useful tools for low-level vision tasks.


Easy to use

Here are some simple demos. If you want to learn more about the usage of these tools, you can refer to the source code for more optional parameters.

<a name="chapter-calculating-metrics"></a>

1. Calculating Metrics ( PSNR, SSIM, etc.)

# Images
from utils.image_metric_utils import batch_calc_image_PSNR_SSIM
root_list = [
        'output': '/path/to/output images 1',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt images 1'
        'output': '/path/to/output images 2',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt images 2'

# Videos
from utils.video_metric_utils import batch_calc_video_PSNR_SSIM
root_list = [
        'output': '/path/to/output videos 1',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt videos 1'
        'output': '/path/to/output videos 2',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt videos 2'
# Images
from utils.image_metric_utils import batch_calc_image_LPIPS
root_list = [
        'output': '/path/to/output images 1',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt images 1'
        'output': '/path/to/output images 2',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt images 2'

# Videos
from utils.video_metric_utils import batch_calc_video_LPIPS
root_list = [
        'output': '/path/to/output videos 1',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt videos 1'
        'output': '/path/to/output videos 2',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt videos 2'
1.3 NIQE
# Images
from utils.image_metric_utils import batch_calc_image_NIQE
root_list = [
        'output': '/path/to/output images 1',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt images 1'
        'output': '/path/to/output images 2',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt images 2'

# Videos
from utils.video_metric_utils import batch_calc_video_NIQE
root_list = [
        'output': '/path/to/output videos 1',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt videos 1'
        'output': '/path/to/output videos 2',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt videos 2'
1.4 Kernel Gradient Similarity
# Images: video_type=False
# Videos: video_type=True
from utils.kernel_metric_utils import batch_calc_kernel_metric
root_list = [
        'output': '/path/to/output kernel 1',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt kernel 1'
        'output': '/path/to/output kernel 2',
        'gt': '/path/to/gt kernel 2'
batch_calc_kernel_metric(root_list, video_type=False)

<a name="chapter-image-video-processing"></a>

2. Image / Video Processing ( resize, crop, shift, etc.)

2.1 Image/Video Resize
# Images
from utils.image_utils import matlab_resize_images

ori_root = '/path/to/ori images'
dest_root = '/path/to/dest images'
matlab_resize_images(ori_root, dest_root, scale=2.0)

# Videos
from utils.video_utils import matlab_resize_videos

ori_root = '/path/to/ori videos'
dest_root = '/path/to/dest videos'
matlab_resize_videos(ori_root, dest_root, scale=2.0)
from utils.image_utils import cv2_resize_images

ori_root = '/path/to/ori images'
dest_root = '/path/to/dest images'
cv2_resize_images(ori_root, dest_root, scale=2.0)

# Videos
from utils.video_utils import cv2_resize_videos

ori_root = '/path/to/ori videos'
dest_root = '/path/to/dest videos'
cv2_resize_videos(ori_root, dest_root, scale=2.0)
2.2 Crop and combine images
# Notice: 
#   filenames should not contain the character "-"
#   the crop flag "x-x-x-x" will be at the end of filename when cropping
#   the combine operation will use the crop flag "x-x-x-x"
from utils.image_crop_combine_utils import *
ori_root = '/path/to/ori images'
dest_root = '/path/to/dest images'
batch_crop_img_with_padding(ori_root, dest_root, min_size=(800, 800), padding=100)
# Notice: 
#   filenames should not contain the character "-" except for the crop flag
#   the crop flag "x-x-x-x" should be at the end of filename when combining
from utils.image_crop_combine_utils import *
ori_root = '/path/to/ori images'
dest_root = '/path/to/dest images'
batch_combine_img(ori_root, dest_root, padding=100)
from utils.image_crop_combine_utils import *
ori_root = '/path/to/ori images'
dest_root = '/path/to/dest images'
batch_traverse_crop_img(ori_root, dest_root, dsize=(800, 800), interval=400)
from utils.image_crop_combine_utils import *
ori_root = '/path/to/ori images'
dest_root = '/path/to/dest images'
batch_select_valid_patch(ori_root, dest_root)
2.3 Image/Video Shift
# Images
from utils.image_utils import shift_images

ori_root = '/path/to/ori images'
dest_root = '/path/to/dest images'
shift_images(ori_root, dest_root, offset_x=0.5, offset_y=0.5)

# Videos
from utils.video_utils import shift_videos

ori_root = '/path/to/ori videos'
dest_root = '/path/to/dest videos'
shift_videos(ori_root, dest_root, offset_x=0.5, offset_y=0.5)

<a name="chapter-model-properties"></a>

3. Deep Model Properties ( Params, Flops, etc. )

from utils.dnn_utils import cal_parmeters
network = None  # Please define the model
cd ./utils/torchstat
python3 setup.py install
pip install torchstat  # pytorch >= 1.0.0
pip install torchstat==0.0.6  # pytorch = 0.4.1
from torchstat import stat
network = None  # Please define the model
input_size = (3, 80, 80)  # the size of input (channel, height, width)
stat(network, input_size)

<a name="chapter-file-processing"></a>

4. File Processing ( csv, etc. )

4.1 csv file
from base import file_io_base
data, col_names, row_names = file_io_base.read_csv('filename.csv', col_name_ind=0, row_name_ind=0)
from base import file_io_base
import numpy as np
row_names = ['r1', 'r2', 'r3']
col_names = ['c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4']
data_array = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
                       [2, 3, 4, 5],
                       [3, 4, 5, 6]])
file_io_base.write_csv('filename.csv', data_array, col_names, row_names)

<a name="chapter-visualize-tools"></a>

5. Visualize Tools ( plot, optical-flow, etc. )

5.1 Plot multiple curves in one figure
import numpy as np
from utils import plot_utils
array_list = [
    np.array([1, 4, 5, 3, 6]),
    np.array([2, 3, 7, 4, 5]),
label_list = ['curve-1', 'curve-2']
plot_utils.plot_multi_curve(array_list, label_list)
5.2 Visualize optical flow
from utils import flow_utils
flow = None  # this is flow, shape=(h, w, 2)
rgb_image = flow_utils.visual_flow(flow)