<h1 align="center">Gameframe.Packages 👋</h1> <p> <img alt="Version" src="" /> <a href=" Leach"> <img alt="Twitter: coryleach" src="" target="_blank" /> </a> </p>Package for creating Unity packages just like this one!
Quick Package Install
Using UnityPackageManager (for Unity 2019.3 or later)
Open the package manager window (menu: Window > Package Manager)<br/> Select "Add package from git URL...", fill in the pop-up with the following link:<br/><br/>
Using UnityPackageManager (for Unity 2019.1 or later)
Find the manifest.json file in the Packages folder of your project and edit it to look like this:
"dependencies": {
"com.gameframe.packages": "",
<!-- DOC-START -->
Changes between 'DOC START' and 'DOC END' will not be lost on package update
Open the window using the gameframe menu.
Gameframe->Packages->Maintain The maintain tab displays and allows you to edit package manifest details It also has a button for updating the README file.
Gameframe->Packages->Create The create tab is used for creating new packages. You can create packages either embeded in the Unity project or in the chosen source directory.
Gameframe->Packages->Embed The embed tap will scan the source directory for packages. Clicking the 'embed' button on a package will create a softlink to the package in the project's Packages folder.
<!-- DOC-END -->Author
👤 Cory Leach
- Twitter: @coryleach
- Github: @coryleach
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This README was generated with ❤️ by Gameframe.Packages