

This is the official implementation of paper TEVAD: Improved video anomaly detection with captions.

The paper is accepted by O-DRUM workshop @ CVPR 2023.


File structure

|-- README.md
|-- ckpt  # save checkpoints
|   |-- my_best
|   |   |-- ped2-both-text_agg-add-1-1-extra_loss-755-4869-i3d.pkl
|   |   |-- shanghai_v2-both-text_agg-add-1-1-extra_loss-595-i3d-best.pkl
|   |   |-- ucf-both-text_agg-concat-0.0001-extra_loss-620-4869-.pkl
|   |   `-- violence-both-text_agg-add-1-1-extra_loss-445-4869-BEST.pkl
|-- config.py
|-- dataset.py
|-- list  # ground truth and list files for training and testing
|    |-- gt-ped2.npy
|    |-- gt-sh2.npy
|    |-- gt-ucf.npy
|    |-- gt-violence.npy
|    |-- ped2-i3d-test.list
|    |-- ped2-i3d.list
|    |-- shanghai-i3d-test-10crop.list
|    |-- shanghai-i3d-train-10crop.list
|    |-- ucf-i3d-test.list
|    |-- ucf-i3d.list
|    |-- violence-i3d-test.list
|    `-- violence-i3d.list
|-- main.py  # main file, train and test
|-- main_test.py 
|-- model.py  
|-- option.py  
|-- requirement.txt
|-- results
|-- save  # save features
|   |-- Crime
|   |   |-- UCF_ten_crop_i3d_v1  # I3D features
|   |   `-- sent_emb_n  # sentence embedding features
|   |-- Shanghai
|   |   |-- SH_ten_crop_i3d_v2
|   |   `-- sent_emb_n
|   |-- UCSDped2
|   |   |-- ped2_ten_crop_i3d
|   |   `-- sent_emb_n
|   `-- Violence
|       |-- Violence_five_crop_i3d_v1
|       `-- sent_emb_n
|-- test_10crop.py
|-- train.py
`-- utils.py

To run the code, take UCF-Crime dataset as an example.

Text features

Download from LINK (the file structure is the same as the tree map shown above) and put under /save/Crime/snet_emb_n/ folder or generate the text features using this repo

Visual features

  1. You can download from here or generate the visual features using this repo.
  2. For UCF-Crime dataset, put the generated/downloaded features under ./save/Crime/UCF_ten_crop_i3d_v1 folder. Other datasets follow the same structure.
  3. For UCF-Crime dataset, change the path of visual features in ./list/ucf-i3d-test.list and list/ucf-i3d.list. Other datasets follow the same structure.

Install requirements

Run pip install -r requirement.txt to install the requirements.

Run visdom


Open a separate terminal and run visdom after installing the requirements before running the following commands.

Training + Testing

Meanings of the arguments can be seen in option.py. To train the best model presented in the paper, use the following settings:

UCF-Crime dataset

python main.py --dataset ucf --feature-group both --fusion concat --aggregate_text --extra_loss

ShanghaiTech dataset

python main.py --dataset shanghai_v2 --feature-group both --fusion add --aggregate_text --extra_loss

XD-Violence dataset

python main.py --dataset violence --feature-group both --fusion add --aggregate_text --extra_loss --feature-size 1024

UCSD-Ped2 dataset

python main.py --dataset ped2 --feature-group both --fusion add --aggregate_text --max-epoch 10000 --extra_loss --batch-size 2

Testing only (optional)

UCF-Crime dataset

python main_test.py --dataset ucf --pretrained-ckpt ./ckpt/my_best/ucf-both-text_agg-concat-0.0001-extra_loss-620-4869-.pkl --feature-group both --fusion concat --aggregate_text --save_test_results

ShanghaiTech dataset

python main_test.py --dataset shanghai_v2 --feature-group both --fusion add --aggregate_text --pretrained-ckpt ./ckpt/my_best/shanghai_v2-both-text_agg-add-1-1-extra_loss-595-i3d-best.pkl --save_test_results

XD-Violence dataset

python main_test.py --dataset violence --feature-group both --fusion add --aggregate_text --feature-size 1024 --pretrained-ckpt ./ckpt/my_best/violence-both-text_agg-add-1-1-extra_loss-445-4869-BEST.pkl --save_test_results

UCSDped2 dataset

python main_test.py --dataset ped2 --feature-group both --fusion add --aggregate_text --pretrained-ckpt ./ckpt/my_best/ped2-both-text_agg-add-1-1-extra_loss-755-4869-i3d.pkl --save_test_results


If you find this code useful for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={TEVAD: Improved video anomaly detection with captions},
  author={Chen, Weiling and Ma, Keng Teck and Yew, Zi Jian and Hur, Minhoe and Khoo, David},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


This code is based on RTFM. We thank the authors for their great work.