

Dense caption generation using SwinBERT

The code provided here was used in the TEVAD paper to generate text features. Please note that these codes are not actively maintained and should be used at your own risk. For instructions on setting up the environment, please refer to the README_orig.md file.



sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev
pip install -r requirements.txt

To install apex:

git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir ./


Refer to the Download section in the original README_orig.md. For pretrained model, I am currently using VATEX only.

Dense caption generation

Take the ucf-crime dataset as an example, set the paths in the below command and run accordingly

python ./src/tasks/dense_caption_mass.py \
--resume_checkpoint path/to/SwinBERT/models/table1/vatex/best-checkpoint/model.bin \
--eval_model_dir path/to/SwinBERT/models/table1/vatex/best-checkpoint/ \
--dataset_path path/to/SwinBERT/datasets/Crime/data/ \
--caption_file path/to/SwinBERT/datasets/Crime/RTFM_train_caption/vatex_all_captions.txt \
--file_type video \
--file_format mp4 \
--do_lower_case \
--dense_caption \

Generate sentence embeddings based on captions


python src/tasks/generate_caption_se.py --dataset ucf \
--caption_path path/to/SwinBERT/datasets/Crime/RTFM_train_caption/vatex_all_captions.txt \
--output_path path/to/SwinBERT/datasets/Crime/RTFM_train_caption/sent_emb_n/