Separable Convolutions for Optimizing 3D Stereo Networks
This repo contains the code for "Separable Convolutions for Optimizing 3D Stereo Networks" paper (IEEE ICIP 2021) by Rafia Rahim, Faranak Shamsafar and Andreas Zell. [arXiv] [project] [code] [poster]
<div align="center"> <img src="images/fwsc.png" alt="drawing" width="37%"/> <img src="images/fdwsc.png" alt="drawing" width="50%"/> <p> <b> FwSC (left) and FDwSC (right) </b></p> </div>Contents
In this work we empirically show that 3D convolutions in stereo networks act as a major bottleneck. We propose a set of "plug-&-run" separable convolutions to reduce the computational load of 3D convolutions in stereo networks.
How to use: One can simply plugin in our provided convolutions operators as replacements of 3D convolutions. Here we provide examples with detail computational costs.
from conv_libs.separable_convolutions import FwSC, FDwSC
fwsc= FwSC(in_channels=in_channel, out_channels=out_channel, kernel_size=kernel_size)
fdwsc= FDwSC(in_channels=in_channel, out_channels=out_channel, kernel_size=kernel_size)
For the following sample input
input_res=(in_channel, 48, 240, 528)
kernel_size= (3,3,3)
computational complexity
results are:
For 3D convolution: flops=21.02 GMac and params=3.46 k
For Feature-wise separable convolution (FwSC) : flops=6.03 GMac and params=992, flops are 3.49x less than 3D conv
For Feature and Dispisparity-wise separable convolution (FwSC) : flops=3.11 GMac and params=512, flops are 6.76x less than 3D conv
For more details please refer to this file.
Experimentation Setup
1. Conda environment setup:
You can use the yaml files provided in networks sub-folders to setup the corresponding conda environments.
For GANet use this yml file and run following commands
conda env create -f env_separable_convs_GANet.yml
conda activate ganet
To work with PSMNet use this file and setup as follows:
conda env create -f env_separable_convs_PSMNet.yml
conda activate psmnet
2. Dataset Preparation:
Our dataset preparation code has been adapted from the baseline methods including GANet and PSMNet. To best visualize the folder hierarchy of datasets please refer to
3. Train:
Training / fine-tuning scripts for separable convolutions based networks can be found in following files:
For example to train GANet11
model with FwSC
we use following script
model=GANet11 #GANet11 or GANet_deep
cmd=" --data_path=/data2/rahim/data/
python $cmd
4. Evaluate:
cmd=" --crop_height=384
echo $cmd
python -W ignore $cmd >> ./logs/evaluate/${logdirs}.txt
Full scripts for evaluation can be found here:
5. Predict:
Prediction script generates the results to upload on KITTI benchmark for evaluation.
Pre-trained Models
We provide pretrained models with different configurations. Please download pre-trained models and place in the folders ./checkpoint/FwSC/
or ./checkpoint/FDwSC/
<table> <thead> <tr> <th>Convolution Type</th> <th>Sceneflow Models</th> <th>Fintuned Models (kitti2015)</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td rowspan=2>FwSC</td> <td><a href="">FwSC_GANet11_sceneflow</a></td> <td><a href="">FwSC_GANet11_kitti2015</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="">FwSC_GANetdeep_sceneflow</a></td> <td><a href="">FwSC_GANetdeep_kitti2015</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan=2>FDwSC</td> <td><a href=""> FDwSC_GANet11_sceneflow</a> </td> <td><a href="">FDwSC_GANet11_kitti2015</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""> FDwSC_GANetdeep_sceneflow</a></td> <td><a href="">FDwSC_GANetdeep_kitti2015</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!-- |Convolution Type |Sceneflow Models| Fintuned Models (kitti2015)| |---|---|---| |-|[FwSC_GANet11_sceneflow](| [FwSC_GANet11_kitti2015](| |-|[FwSC_GANetdeep_sceneflow](|[FwSC_GANetdeep_kitti2015](| |-|[FDwSC_GANet11_sceneflow](| [FDwSC_GANet11_kitti2015](| |-|[FDwSC_GANetdeep_sceneflow](|[FDwSC_GANetdeep_kitti2015](| -->PSMNet
Convolution Type | Sceneflow Models | Fine-tuned Models (kitti2015) |
FwSC | FwSC_PSMNet_sceneflow | FwSC_PSMNet_kitti2015 |
FDwSC | FDwSC_PSMNet_sceneflow | FDwSC_PSMNet_kitti2015 |
<!-- ![Comparison](images/Comparison_v3.png) --> <p align="center"> <img src="images/Comparison_v3.png" alt="drawing" width="100%"/> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="images/table.png" alt="drawing" width="80%"/> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="images/qualitative-results-v2.png" alt="drawing" width="100%"/> </p> <p align="center"> <b> KITTI2015 results (left) and Sceneflow results (right) </b></p>Credits
This code is implemented based on GANet and PSMNet. Special thanks to authors of DenseMatchingBenchmark for providing evaluation and visualization codes. We also want to thank authors of ptflop counter for computational complexity code.
If you find the code useful, please cite our paper:
title={Separable Convolutions for Optimizing 3D Stereo Networks},
author={Rahim, Rafia and Shamsafar, Faranak and Zell, Andreas},
booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},